Load order of plugins?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by hyperch, Jan 29, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Hi there

    Is it somehow possible to have plugins loaded in a specific order? I just noticed that WorldEdit gets loaded before Permissions plugin and because of that WorldEdit falls back to it's own permission scheme instead of using the Permissions one.
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    that only lets you specify the plugin folder but not load order of individual plugins...
  4. Offline


    I noticed this, and actually wrote up a post under WorldEdit's thread, but then I realized shortly thereafter that WorldEdit does, eventually, recognize Permissions and initialize itself with that plugin running, so I deleted my post. But yeah, look a ways down from where it says that Permissions was not detected, it should eventually say that it was later detected and is working with WorldEdit.
  5. Offline


    Ahh yes, thought you could specify each plugin.

    Post the problem to the plugin authors in question. They can probably come up with a fix.
  6. Offline


    Seems you're right....

    The authors can't do much with load order. I think it should be implemented in bukkit that you can specify a load order if you wish... especially when there will be some auto-updater for plugins the load order would matter (I think)
  7. Offline


    Additionally, for a quick fix, it might work if you type "/reload WorldEdit" in chat to reload it. This may reload it using permissions.
  8. Offline


    as said, WorldEdit seems to reload itself after it detects the Permissions plugin but thanks for the tip with the /reload
  9. Offline


    I guess the authors of said plugins came up with a fix for it.
  10. Offline


    This has become a problem again with Minecart and the multiple "extensions" of it. First the minecard plugin has to be loaded before the others can.
  11. Offline


    Hm is there any way to reload your plugin after some other plugins are loaded. My plugin is checking for multiple worlds but if it's get loaded before the plugin that loads the other worlds it will not work.
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