What listener for votifer do you guys use? Bump EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Isint it called GAListener and second is there a way to disable the /vote command because I already have a plugin for that.
Don't use that one. Use WerrisExecuteCommandListener it works very well and you can allow any command to be ran.
Liven! You told me that on votifier page and i looked into it. But there is one thing is it possible for it to run more than 1 command? also on their page to download it the download dosent work do u know another place i can get it from?
How can u make it run more than more? do u add a comma? Like will this work? /broadcast <name> has just voted for the server!, /give <name> 284 2, /xp add <name> 10? Or how would i make that work?
I'll show you an example one second. ###ExampleCommands### broadcast <NAME> has recieved 2 Diamonds, $100, and 10 exp lvls for voting! give <NAME> 264 2 eco give <NAME> 100 exp give <NAME> 170 And just keep adding commands as you want them and add the text above if you want it to say info about it. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.