NOW ON BUKKIT DEV Linux Server Startscript (Menu) Thread (Move your mouse to reveal the content) Thread (open) Thread (close) Here i have made a Startscript for Minecraft-Server on Linux, its Bukkit Ready it can work with the CraftBukkitUpToDate or only hold your Bukkit up to date. Für die Deutschsprachigen, ihr findet in meinem Forum auch eine Deutsche Anleitung. Download Wiki Features: Start Server Stop Server Restart Server Update Server CraftBukkitUpToDate support Update Bukkit also without CraftBukkitUpToDate Highly configurable Cron available Send Commands to the Server use the "Say" command Planned Features: Nothing atm Known Issue: Nothing atm FAQ (Move your mouse to reveal the content) FAQ (open) FAQ (close) How i set up a cron? run: crontab -e add: 0 * * * * bash PATH-TO/startserver cron Setup CraftBukkitUpToDate: automaticUpdatePlugins=false Changelog (Move your mouse to reveal the content) Changelog (open) Changelog (close) 5.0.1 Litte bugfixes on second server 5.0 Add a Menu 4.9 Bugfixes 4.8.2 cron delite old Backups (cfg) 4.8.1 Bugfix 4.8 dosnt run 4.8 Netherbackup Cron Edited Backups function better 4.7 Worldbackup added 4.6 edited stop-time to make sure the server stops safely 4.5 Added Fast Stop 4.4 Refactoring Small Bugfixes 4.3 Ready for CBupD 2.4.9 4.2 Change Update Command like CraftBukkitUpToDate 4.1 add "command" command 4.0 Complete revision of the code Improvement of the commands shortening the code 3.9 Bugs Fixed Restart last Warning "say" command added log file will be saved Refactoring 3.8.2 server.log get Backup Small fixes 3.8.2 Small fixes 3.8.1 Fixed command restarb 3.8 Cron added 3.7 Improved cooperation with CraftbukkitUpToDate Refactoring 3.6 Improvements on the update function Delete function added for backups 3.5 Plugin and update Bukkit extra set Bukkit update can also be used without CraftbukkitUpToDate 3.4 Command restarb "added to both servers to reboot Smaller code works 3.3 CraftbukkitUpToDate added Script Tidy 3.2 Minor bugfixes Restart message added 3.1 Improving the management Clearer management 3.0 Bukkit Ready Update function 2 servers can be managed 2.0 Save function added Server is closed in the Screen 1.1 Edit the Script User Friendly 1.0 Release For Lizens info see my Homepage. MFG Tealk
Hey thanks Tealk for the script, but too bad im useing something else. But its looks very easy to use and setup.
Daaanke das hab ich schon die ganze Zeit gesucht, aber wie bekomm ich das auf meinem pc zum laufen? (Bukkitserver der unter "/home/jonas/Dropbox/Minecraft/Server" liegt.
du musste eben diesen Pfad angeben DIR1="/home/jonas/Dropbox/Minecraft/Server" BKUP="/home/jonas/Dropbox/Minecraft/backup" das müsste schon reichen
edited stop-time to make sure the server stops safely please update if you have the problem: Code: 2011-05-23 00:37:15 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.5_02 2011-05-23 00:37:15 [INFO] Loading properties 2011-05-23 00:37:15 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on 2011-05-23 00:37:15 [WARNING] **** FAILED TO BIND TO PORT! 2011-05-23 00:37:15 [WARNING] The exception was: Address already in use 2011-05-23 00:37:15 [WARNING] Perhaps a server is already running on that port?
Interesting, can you please fix your wiki link It should be not Still downloading the script, but I'm a picky bugger about that kinda stuff
not now but you can create a Ticket here and im looking for it please with plugin link^^
Would you mind explaing a little on: PARAMS="-Xms32m -Xmx3072M -jar" Currently my server is ran with -Xmx4096M -Xms1024M server has 8gig ram
please have a look here xms mean the minimum ram usage xmx mean the maximum ram usage this are limits