Lethal Dropped Items

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MagmaticBacca, Feb 2, 2015.

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    How would i spawn a barrage of dropped item in the direction the player is looking? Also when the dropped item collides with a player it will do an event. For Example when Blaze Powder Collides with a player it sets the player on fire?

    Any help will be aprecciated for these two questions!
    [spider][skeleton][zombie][sheep][pig][creeper][diamondore][coalore][diamondblock] :D
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    Spawn the Item, set the pickup delay to 2 ticks, add it to a Set, set its velocity to the player's direction, then on pickup you'd want to check if the Set you stored the item earlier contains the item the player just picked up. If it does, do whatever.
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