Lava float out of map

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by metincasper, Nov 3, 2014.

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    Hi :)
    I'm making a little minigame with 2 team. A RED team and a BLUE team.
    Both of the teams have a core with lava inside it. If the lava in red RED teams core float out of the map the BLUE teams win.

    So, does anybody knows how to check if the lava is float out of the map and check wich team that wins and lose.
    A early thanks :)
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    Pretty sure there's a BlockForm event or something for Lava/Water, then get the block of that event and check the location (y==1).
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    Okay thanks i will try that :)

    So now i tried it but it didnt work.
    Here is my code for the EventHandler
        public void bimsetest(BlockFormEvent e) {
            if (e.getBlock().getType() == Material.WATER) {
                if (e.getBlock().getLocation().getY() == 1 ) {
                    Bukkit.getServer().broadcastMessage("Water works");
    EDIT: i tried to do this so its send a message if something Formes

        public void bimsetest(BlockFormEvent e) {
            Bukkit.getServer().broadcastMessage("BlockFormer tester");
    But the message didnt come

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2016
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    Keep a loop running on the block that you want to check for lava, when the lava is detected make it do the code you want.

    I am not spoon feeding you, go look up how to do the rest,=.

    public void checkforlava {
    if (blockisdetected){
    (reset map)
    (tp winners to winner point)
    (tp loosers to loser point)
    (message winners)
    (message loosers)
    (reward winners)
    (announce gave is over)

    else {


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    @SleepyDog I did not understand that u said. Can u pleas give me a little spoon?
    @fireblast709 I tried to do this, but it didnt work at all
        public void winner(BlockFromToEvent e) {
            if (e.getBlock().getType() == Material.LAVA) {
                if (e.getBlock().getLocation().getBlockY() == 1) {
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    I'm assuming it's like an overflow thing, a 1 block tower of lava that slowly raises
    If this is the case:
    Lets say you have 10 blocks before it flows out, the opposing team needs to do something 10 times to make it flow out, So you add the score (x/10) to the Y coordinate of the starting lava source and set that block to a lava source

    Location redCore = someLocation;
    Location blueCore = someOtherLocation;
    int blueScore = 5;
    int redScore = 7;
    void blueScored() {
    redCore.add(0,blueScore,0).getBlock().setType(Material.LAVA); //Or stationary lava, idk
    //This may mutate the original location, I'm not sure. Just create a copy of the location and modify that if it does.
    void redScored() {
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    When does i have to call blueScored() and redScored()?
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