Plugin Help Kits With Enchants Not Working

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Midilo, Jul 29, 2017.

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    Machine Maker

    You gave the same link for the config and the log. Can you post the link to the full console log?
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    Are you using EssentialsX? If not, I'd recommend doing so as it's the most updated one.

    edit: nippedipp I keep reading wrong, ;3 but still though, lol
    however, I don't see why you need the unsafe enchantments to be on? There's only normal enchantments?
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    Machine Maker

    Yeah, you need to make sure you are using EssentialsX instead of Spigot-Essentials. The downloads for all the EssentialsX components can be found here. Delete all the essentials jars you currently have, but don't delete the Essentials folder.
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