I'm running a server with the plugins: Chest Shop, ClearLag, CoreProtect, CustomSpawners, DisguiseCraft, Enjin, Essentials, ExtraFlight, GroupManager, iConomy, MobArena, MobCatcher, MSCAutoMessage, Timeismoney, Towny, Votifier, WorldEdit, and WorldGuard. The Essentials Kits do not work for the ranks below admin, but they do work for admin and above. My Essentials Kits Config Section: # Note: All items MUST be followed by a quantity! # All kit names should be lower case, and will be treated as lower in permissions/costs. # Syntax: - itemID[ataValue] Amount [Enchantment:Level].. # 'delay' refers to the cooldown between how often you can use each kit, measured in seconds. # For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Command_Reference/ICheat#kits kits: starter: delay: 86400 items: - 260 5 - 1 32 - 268 1 - 268 1 - 270 1 - 271 1 stonetools: delay: 86400 items: - 275 1 - 291 1 - 274 1 - 273 1 - 272 1 - 1 32 irontools: delay: 86400 items: - 267 1 - 256 1 - 257 1 - 258 1 - 292 1 - 42 1 diamondtools: delay: 86400 items: - 276 1 - 277 1 - 278 1 - 279 1 - 293 1 - 57 1 mobs: delay: 172800 items: - 383:50 2 - 383:51 2 - 383:52 2 - 383:54 2 - 383:90 2 - 383:91 2 - 383:92 2 - 383:93 2 goldarmor: delay: 172800 items: - 283 1 - 314 1 - 315 1 - 316 1 - 317 1 chainarmor: delay: 172800 items: - 302 1 - 303 1 - 304 1 - 305 1 My GroupManager Groups Config: # Group inheritance # # Any inherited groups prefixed with a g: are global groups # and are inherited from the GlobalGroups.yml. # # Groups without the g: prefix are groups local to this world # and are defined in the this groups.yml file. # # Local group inheritances define your promotion tree when using 'manpromote/mandemote' groups: Default: default: false permissions: - -bukkit.command.kill - -coreprotect.* - -worldedit.* - -worldguard.region.* - -disguisecraft.* inheritance: - g:groupmanager_default - g:bukkit_default - g:essentials_default - g:towny_default info: prefix: '&f[&f' build: false suffix: '&f]' towny_default_modes: 'global' Member: default: true permissions: - essentials.afk - essentials.chat - essentials.msg - bukkit.command.kill - bukkit.command.teleport - iConomy.plus - -towny.command.towny.top - towny.command.towny.* - towny.command.town.join - towny.command.town.list - towny.town.resident - -towny.chat.general - towny.town.spawn.public - towny.wild.* - essentials.kits.starter - essentials.signs.create.trade - essentials.signs.create.disposal - essentials.sethome - essentials.warp - essentials.warp.list - -essentials.warps.control - essentials.warps.* - essentials.home - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.tpahere - essentials.tpdeny inheritance: - default - g:essentials_builder - g:towny_builder inheritance: - default info: prefix: '&3[&3' build: true suffix: '&3]' towny_default_modes: 'global' Donator: default: false permissions: - essentials.clearinventory - essentials.kits.stonetools - essentials.sethome.multiple - essentials.repair.armor - essentials.signs.use.repair inheritance: - member info: prefix: '&4[&4' build: true suffix: '&4]' towny_default_modes: 'global' VIP: default: false permissions: - essentials.kits.irontools - essentials.kits.mobs - essentials.sethome.multiple.vip inheritance: - donator info: prefix: '&9[&9' build: true suffix: '&9]' towny_default_modes: 'global' Elite: default: false permissions: - ExtraFlight.UseFlight - ExtraFlight.RememberMode - essentials.kits.diamondtools - essentials.sethome.multiple.elite inheritance: - vip info: prefix: '&5[&5' build: true suffix: '&5]' towny_default_modes: 'global' Veteran: default: false permissions: - disguisecraft.mob.* - disguisecraft.player.* - disguisecraft.notarget - disguisecraft.burning - essentials.signs.color - essentials.sethome.multiple.veteran - essentials.me - essentials.kits.goldarmor inheritance: - elite info: prefix: '&6[&6' build: true suffix: '&6]' towny_default_modes: 'global' ADMIN: default: false permissions: - -disguisecraft.object.* - coreprotect.* - -disguisecraft.seer - disguisecraft.* - lagg.* - ExtraFlight.* - worldguard.region.bypass - essentials.sethome.multiple.staff - essentials.signs.create.balance - essentials.signs.create.warp - essentials.signs.create.mail - essentials.signs.create.heal - essentials.signs.create.repair - essentials.signs.create.time - essentials.signs.create.weather - essentials.signs.create.sell - essentials.signs.create.buy - essentials.signs.break.warp - essentials.signs.create.repair - essentials.delwarp - essentials.setwarp - essentials.warps.control - essentials.warp.* - essentials.chat.spy - essentials.chat.shout - essentials.tp - mobarena.admin inheritance: - veteran - g:groupmanager_admin - g:groupmanager_moderator - g:bukkit_admin - g:bukkit_moderator - g:essentials_admin - g:towny_admin - g:vanish_admin info: prefix: '&2[&2' build: true suffix: '&2]' towny_default_modes: 'global' Owner: default: false permissions: - towny.admin - towny.cheat.bypass - towny.town.* - towny.top - towny.town.toggle - towny.nation - worldguard.region.* - essentials.* - essentials.sethome.multiple.unlimited - -disguisecraft.seer - -towny.chat.general - '*' - -vanish.* - worldedit.* inheritance: - admin info: prefix: '&2[&2&k' build: true suffix: '&2]&2' towny_default_modes: 'global' Are there any errors or is there any other information needed to find the problem?
At first glance I'm not sure why but it's hard to spot some errors (and to read) when you paste it like that. Maybe try using pastebin.com or the Code tags here.
Your YAML file is invalid. Items incased in square brackets ("[" and"]") are assumed to be arrays. Remove the brackets around your group names. You can use this tool to check if your YAML files are valid.
What the hell are you on about? The square brackets are in single quotes and are therefore fine; they form part of their user/group prefixes. Learn how YAML works before you try to criticise others.
andrewpo First of all, chill your balls. I am not criticizing anyone, I am merely trying to help. You are probably projecting so hard that you can point to the wall and show powerpoint presentations. Second, look at the file that he has posted. This one. Now look at this: Code: groups: [Default]: default: false permissions: - -bukkit.command.kill - -coreprotect.* - -worldedit.* - -worldguard.region.* - -disguisecraft.* inheritance: - g:groupmanager_default - g:bukkit_default - g:essentials_default - g:towny_default info: prefix: '&f' build: false suffix: '' towny_default_modes: 'global' What single quote marks are you talking about? [Default] does not have any of them around it.
bitWolfy Could I keep the brackets if I put single quotes? Like this? '[Default]' ? Or like this? '['Default']' Also, another piece of info, in-game the usernames actually show {permprefix}{group}{permsuffix} not the actual group names.
DudeGuyManPerson Yes, it'll be valid if you put quote marks around it like so: '[Default]'. Not sure why you want it, though.
bitWolfy It's a bit complicated, but I want it so group names have brackets, while player nicknames don't, because with towny chat I don't know how to make the format of group names and {modplayername} different.
We are still on topic, and if you had actually checked out the files, you would know that I already gave those nodes.
dudeguycraft.no-ip.org We are currently in testing stages, but if you go to the website at dudeguycraft.enjin.com I will keep you updated as to when we will open.