KitPvP+ plugin (Advanced)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by xxmarijnw, May 7, 2014.

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    Hello fellow bukkiters!...

    (Please read this entire thread or else you miss important information about the plugin!)

    I am currently creating a KitPvP server which need alot of plugins! But i want to have 1 config! And only need to update 1 plugin! So i decided you get help from the professionals!
    (PS. I like this to be updated every minecraft update)(I also like this plugin to be public but with my credits! Exaple: Credits: Creator: {Your name}, Co-Creators: {Other names}, Finder: xxmarijnw)

    Name of the plugin:
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    Plugin category:
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    General, Fun, Mechanics, Teleportation, Admin tools, Informative, Chat related, Roleplay, Minigames, WorldEditing, World Management.

    What i would like to see:
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    So bassicly i want a plugin that does everything you want in a KitPvP server! These are some ideas i have:
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    • Essentials! (Fly, GM, Op etc...)
    • Kits! (Archer, Archer+, Knight, Knight+, Tank, Tank+, (Donator kits: Donator, Donator+, Ultimate, God, Hell)(Staff kit: Staff) All the + kits cost $120 (But all customizable)
    • Ranks! (Kitter, Donator, Donator+, Ultimate, God, Hell, ProofMod, Mod, HeadMod, Admin, Co-Operator, Operator, Owner)
    • Invisible! (I want that when you die you will be invisible for 10 seconds and have creative than you get teleported back to the spawn and have survival again. But you can see players that are also invisible exept Staff)
    • PreMade world! (Speaks for itself) (But customizable)
    • Premade Permissions! (So that you dont have to set your own permissions) (But customizable)
    • Per 2 kills (in a row, so without dieing inbetween) you get $100!
    • When you die you lose $10
    • Levels! Per 5 kills (Doesn't have to be in a row) you level up! So like this [134]
    • You can see eachother stats!
    • Always day!
    • Cheat/Log protection! (Like Combatlog and Anticheat)
    • Double Health bar! (You have instead of 10 hearts you have 40! So you have 2 healthbars)
    • No rain!
    • DDos protection! (If this is possible)
    • Premade antigrief! (But customizable)
    • Team Up! (You can do /kp t invite {name}
    • Broadcast Killstreaks!
    • No hunger!
    • No objects breaking! (So that your armor and swords etc... doesn't break)
    If you have an idea feel free to post it in the comments.

    What should be in the kit:
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    Archer: Leather armor, Bow and 64 arrows
    Archer+: Protection I leather armor, Bow with Infinity I and 1 arrow.
    Knight: Iron armor, and iron sword.
    Knight+: Iron armor, Sharpness III iron sword.
    Tank: Diamond armor, Wooden Sword
    Tank+ Diamond armor, Iron sword
    Donator: Protection I Diamond armor, Iron sword
    Donator+: Protection II Diamond Armor, Iron sword.
    Ultimate: Protection IV Diamond Armor, Iron sword.
    God: Protection V Diamond Armor, Diamond Sword
    Hell: Protection X Diamond armor, Sharpness V diamond sword.
    Staff: Protection X Diamond Armor, Sharpness II Diamond Sword.

    What every rank should have:
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    Kitter: kp.use and kp.teamup.2 (and they have the perms for all non donator kits)
    Donator: kp.use, kp.teamup.3, kp.kit.donator and kp.noinvisible
    Donator+: kp.use, kp.noinvisible, kp.kit.donator+ and kp.teamup.5
    Ultimate: kp.use, kp.noinvisible,, kp.kit.ultimate and kp.teamup.20
    God: kp.healt.double, kp.use, kp.noinvisible,, kp.freekits, kp.kit.god and kp.teamup.50
    Hell: kp.healt.dubble, kp.use, kp.noinvisible,, kp.kit.all, kp.freekits, kp.smelt, kp.kit.notuse.staff and kp.teamup
    Proofmod: kp.healt.dubble, kp.use, kp.noinvisible,, kp.kit.all, kp.freekits, kp.smelt, kp.teamup, kp.jail and
    Mod: kp.healt.dubble, kp.use, kp.noinvisible,, kp.kit.all, kp.freekits, kp.smelt, kp.teamup, kp.jail,, kp.kick, kp.ban and kp.tempban
    HeadMod: kp.healt.dubble, kp.use, kp.noinvisible,, kp.kit.all, kp.freekits, kp.smelt, kp.teamup, kp.jail,, kp.kick, kp.ban, kp.tempban, kp.gamemode
    Admin: kp.healt.dubble, kp.use, kp.noinvisible,, kp.kit.all, kp.freekits, kp.smelt, kp.teamup, kp.jail,, kp.kick, kp.ban, kp.tempban, kp.gamemode, kp.gamemode.someoneelse.all, kp.give.item.all, kp.give.rank,all, kp.broadcast and kp.say
    Co-Operator: kp.healt.dubble,kp.use, kp.noinvisible,, kp.kit.all, kp.freekits, kp.smelt, kp.teamup, kp.jail,, kp.kick, kp.ban, kp.tempban, kp.gamemode, kp.gamemode.someoneelse.all, kp.give.item.all, kp.give.rank,all, kp.broadcast, kp.say, kp.reload, kp.enchant, kp.level, and kp.setspawn
    Operator: kp.healt.dubble, kp.use, kp.noinvisible,, kp.kit.all, kp.freekits, kp.smelt, kp.teamup, kp.jail,, kp.kick, kp.ban, kp.tempban, kp.gamemode, kp.gamemode.someoneelse.all, kp.give.item.all, kp.give.rank,all, kp.broadcast, kp.say, kp.reload, kp.enchant, kp.level,, kp.stop, and kp.setspawn
    Owner: kp.all

    What comments i would like to see:

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    Permissions: kp.gamemode
    /kp gamemode 1 (Set your gamemode to Creative)
    /kp gamemode 0 (Set your gamemode to Surival)
    /kp gamemode 2 (Set your gamemode to Adventure)

    Permissions: kp.gamemode.someoneelse
    /kp gamemode {otherplayersname} 1 (Set the gamemode of someoneelse to Creative)
    /kp gamemode {otherplayersname} 0 (Set the gamemode of someoneelse to Survival)
    /kp gamemode {otherplayersname} 2 (Set the gamemode of someoneelse to Adventure)

    Permissions: kp.kit.all or kp.kit.{kitname}
    /kit {kitname} (Pick a kit)

    Permissions: kp.time.set (Set the time)
    /time night
    /time day

    Permissions: kp.reload
    /kp reload (Reload the plugin)

    Permissions: kp.stop
    /kp stop (Stop the plugin)

    Permissions: kp.enchant
    /kp enchant {enchantment} {level} (Enchant the item in your hand)

    Permissions: kp.broadcast
    /kp broadcast {message} (Broadcast a message)

    /kp pay {playername} {amount} (Give someone money)

    Permissions: kp.setspawn
    /kp setspawn (Set the spawnpoint)

    Permissions: kp.spawn
    /kp spawn (Go to spawn)

    /kp fly (You can fly)

    Permissions: kp.kick
    /kp kick {playername} (Kick someone off the server)

    Permissions: kp.ban
    /kp ban {playername} (Ban someone off the server)

    Permissions: kp.jail
    /kp jail {playername} (Jail someone)

    Permissions: kp.vanish
    /kp vanish (Vanish)

    Permissions: kp.motd
    /kp motd (See what the motd is)

    Permissions: kp.motd.set
    /kp motd set (Set the motd)

    Permissions: kp.smelt
    /kp smelt (Smelt the item in your hand)

    Permissions: kp.teamup or kp.teamup.{max teammates}
    /kp teamup {playername} (See the information about someone's team)
    /kp teamup leave (Leave your team)
    /kp teamup join (Join the team you were invited for)
    /kp teamup invite (Invite someone to your team)
    /kp teamup disband (Disband your team)

    Permissions: kp.stats
    /kp stats {playername} (See the stats of yourself or a other player)

    Permissions: kp.tempban
    /kp tempban {time} {jail} {player} (Temp ban someone)

    Permissions: kp.op
    /kp op (Op someone)

    Permission for this group is:
    /kp wand (Get a wand (BlazeRod))
    /kp walls {block} (Make walls)
    /kp sphere {block} {size} (Make a sphere)
    /kp cilinder {block} {size} (Make a Cilinder)
    /kp set {block} (Replace all block with that block)

    Have more ideas for commands? Leave it in the Comments!

    The permissions i would like to see:
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    kp.kit.notuse.{kit} (You can use all kits exept from that one)
    kp.gamemode (You can do /gamemode)
    kp.gamemode.someoneesle (You can change someone else gamemode)
    kp.kit.{Kitname} (You can do a specific kit)
    kp.kit.all (You can do all kits) (You can do /fly)
    kp.vanish (You vanish (You are even not seen by other player with a rank lower than you))
    kp.noinvisible (You respawn immiditetly and dont become invisible)
    kp.stats (You can read the stats of someone)
    kp.level (You can give someone a level)
    kp.op (You can give someone OP) (You can give someone money)
    kp.give.item.{itemname} (You can give a specific item to someone else)
    kp.give.item.all (You can give every item to someone else)
    kp.use (You can do every non-admin/non-donator comment)
    kp.all (You can do every comment)
    kp.ban (You can ban someone)
    kp.kick (You can kick someone)
    kp.jail (You can jail someone) (You can see how much money you have) (You can give someone money)
    kp.tempban (You can temporarly ban someone)
    kp.jailtime (You can see how long you have to sit in jail)
    kp.spawn (You can go to spawn)
    kp.setspawn (You can set the spawnpoint)
    kp.motd (You can see the MOTD)
    kp.motd.set (You can change the MOTD)(Ingame)
    kp.give.rank.{rankname} (You can give someone a specific rank)
    kp.give.rank.all (You can give someone a rank)
    kp.broadcast (You can do /broadcast {message}
    kp.say (You can do /say {message})
    kp.stop (You can stop the plugin)
    kp.reload (You can reload the plugin)
    kp.smelt (You can smelt the item in your hand
    kp.enchant (You can enchant the item in your hand)
    kp.teamup (You can team up with 1 or more people)
    kp.teamup.{max. number} (You can team up with a specific number of players here is an example: kp.teamup.6 You can teamup with 6 people!
    kp.broadcast.see (You can see the killstreak broadcasts)
    kp.broadcast (If you have a killstreak your killstreak will be broadcasted)
    kp.freekits (All kits are free)
    kp.healt.dubble (You have a dubble health bar!)

    If you have anymore permissions i should put in this list tell it in the comments!

    All the Non-Admin/Non-Donator permissions: (kp.use)
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    All the Non Donator kits

    What config i want to see:
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    That way to complicated for me maybe you can figure it out! (It has to look something like the Essentials Config)

    When i want i to be done:
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    I know that this is HUGE! So take your time guys! You get 2.5 Months! (Not enough? Doesn't matter at all)

    When someone is building this plugin i like to know what you still need to do etc..

    Thanks you so much! Youre the best! - xxmarijnw

    Have any questions? Just ask them in the comments! Or add me on Skype: xxmarijnw

    Edit: Added more information related to permissions.
    Edit: Added more infomation related to kits.
    Edit: Added the Commands.
    ZodiacTheories likes this.
  2. Offline



    Oh my Gosh! That must have taken you ages! But I think its a good idea! +1

    Maybe add a feature broadcasting Killstreaks?
  3. Offline


    Nice idea i add it! :D
  4. Offline


    bump, sorry for the 1 hour too early bump :(
  5. Offline


    The detail is realllllll. I'll try to make this over a good period of time but no promises ;)
    (PS: Put your entire post in between
    (spoiler)"text"(\spoiler) (REPLACE () with [])
    so people can open it, read it, and then close so they don't have to scroll for ages ;))

    xxmarijnw Ill probably drop some of the features like world edit ect, because you can just get world edit build the areas then get rid of it, and ones that would be a little too abusive like perm to have twice as much health.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2016
    ZodiacTheories likes this.
  6. Offline


    Thats fine! ;)
  7. Offline



    I could do the kits and permissions for you done within a week, by kits I mean:
    And the permissions I'll do kp.archer and kp.archerplus and stuff :p

    Want it? Msg me, I don't want to start and stop halfway through :p
  8. Offline


    Already taken this
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    Well.. Sorry for the ultra late bump but the previous developer stopped working on this project. My apologies!
  11. Offline


    Good project... I would use this...

    but some of the features are just things you should bring in other plugins to do....
    anti cheat... just get anti cheat...

    and DDOS protection in a plugin.... that would be a mighty fine plugin, but I don't think its possible...
  12. Offline


    antares330 Yea noone is going to code a decent anti cheat system just for this, you'll never get all these features in one plugin, you just can't be lazy..
  13. Offline


    xxmarijnw Onlineids

    Still doing this onlienids?
    I have improved since last month, so I could probably do most of the plugin if can be bothered :p
  14. Offline


    Unless you have a lot of cash and personal dev... but thats off topic...

    Good luck with the KitPvP Plugin, who ever is coding it...
  15. Offline


    xxmarijnw most of the commands are in other plugins. like the time,gamemode,vanish,ban,kick,pay

    you want commands that already are made, just use: essentials,vault and timtheenchanter and 95% of your commands are filled -.-
  16. Offline


    ZodiacTheories If you could do that for me it would be awesome! Like Jordy and Ant already said.. Just drop some of the features like Anticheat and Fly, Gm, Vanish :)
    ZodiacTheories likes this.
  17. Offline


    xxmarijnw i could make the kits? that if you type: /kp archer you get the archer kit
  18. Offline



    I could go ahead and make this open-source on github
    xxmarijnw likes this.
  19. Offline


    ZodiacTheories I would help out here and there if you did that as well
  20. Offline


  21. Offline


    All of this can be done using existing plugins though. This pretty much looks like a request to recode these preconfigured.
  22. Offline



    Some of the features aren't though, like the kits and stuff, and I have nothing else to do, so why not!?!
  23. Offline


    ZodiacTheories yes they exist. Any kit plugin, including essentials, can do the kit part. 90% of this request is recoding existing common plugins. Even if people have free time, this is pretty much doing the server owner job for him.
  24. Offline


    Like i said in the thread:
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    I am currently creating a KitPvP server which need alot of plugins! But i want to have 1 config! And only need to update 1 plugin! So i decided you get help from the professionals!
    (PS. I like this to be updated every minecraft update)(I also like this plugin to be public but with my credits! Exaple: Credits: Creator: {Your name}, Co-Creators: {Other names}, Finder: xxmarijnw)

    This is indeed a recoding.. But it's not only for me though. And that's the point of this plugin. Everything you need for a kitpvp server in one plugin for easy access to all the commands and permissions.

    - xxmarijnw
  25. Offline


    xxmarijnw so, a bunch of plugins recoded so they are default configured for your own server? I doubt all kitPVP plugins use the exact same kits, ranks, and maps. Existing plugins already do this, why not use them?
    timtower likes this.
  26. Offline


    Because 1 plugin takes up alot less RAM as 23 plugins. Btw like i said, you can just choose a not premade map. Just let that (awesome) dude create this plugin ;)
  27. Offline


    xxmarijnw Er, no, thats not how it works. 1 plugin can use a lot more resources than what ever arbitrary amount of plugins you present, depending on what these plugins do. You should really just configure the existing plugins.
    timtower likes this.
  28. Offline


    Ok i believe you because you are a Dev. But still its alot easier to just have one config. You should admit that! But my apologies for my "wrong" idea.
  29. Offline


    Good ideas :)
    In my opinion, for server owner it's very easy to edit just one config, I understand you but for developer it's rather more difficult to cope with one large plugin and thousands line of code instead of splitting it into "parts" logically.

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