
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by BlackNexus, Jan 1, 2015.

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    This is a game mode i thougth would be cool and fun to play and i would love it if someone would be kind enough to make it.

    Plugin category:

    Suggested name: Kingdoms

    What I want:
    - find an area that has not been claimed by a kingdom yet or attack the area and get to the beacon inside and destroy it to make the land go neutral and then the Kingdom capturing the area will have to place a new Beacon that costs x amount of money once the land is claimed it will create a 5 x 5 chunks claim around the beacon. (the land will not be able to be claimed before x amounts of minutes has passed since the last kingdoms beacon has been destroyed)
    Conquering city's - If a Leader+ rank walks into enemy City territory it will say <player> has wondered into <city> owned by <kingdom>. The Leader can do /kingdom attack <city>. This will send that kingdom’s king a mail like essentials /mail send and a message saying: <Player> of Kingdom <name> has started an attack against your city of <name> the battle for <city> will begin in x amounts of minutes to all the kingdoms truces and members(for an attack to be launched against a city there needs to be at least 3 people online in the kingdom being attacked). It will start to count down to the battle and once the battle has started pvp will be enabled for 20 minutes and the 5 beacons located in the city will be destructible. If the conquerors manages to destroy the 5 beacons the city will go neutral and won't be able to be captured for 1 hour. If the defenders win they keep their city. and gets x amount of money from the player that declared the attack against the kingdom.

    The king can promote players within the kingdom using /kingdom promote. The ranks are customizable within the config file. A certain rank and above are able to declare wars and set truces alliances in the name of the kingdom.

    All members can vote for a leader in the kingdom to become the king using /kingdom vote <player> when a leader gets over half the kingdoms votes he gets to become King or be promoted by the king you can only be promote once every 5 days by the king

    You can also vote for a king to be demoted using
    /kingdom demote <player> and when over half the kingdom has voted for the demotion a new king will be chosen and the king will be set to leader rank.

    to go from Default to Member in the kingdom you need to have played at least 2 hours, been in the kingdom for over 2 days

    to go from Member to Leader in the kingdom you need to have played at least 50 hours, been in the kingdom for over 15 days and paid x amount of money to the kingdom or be promoted by the king you can only be promote once every 5 days by the king

    when your kingdoms land gets captured by someone a mail will be sent to all members in the kingdom saying "<Kingdom> has captured land from your kingdom at <cords beacon is located at>"

    if possible make the beacon only mineble with a diamond wooden pickaxe with efficiency 5 and make the time to mine the beacon be 3 minutes

    hook into groupmanager to give user said perms in the config when a player joins a kingdom/gets promoted in it/gets to demoted in it
    and when a player leaves (once a user joins, leaves, the kingdom gets promoted, demoted in the kingdom it will execute a couple commands specified in the config)
    for example: if i join Kingdom 1 it will execute /manuaddp <player> some.perm
    and when i leave it will execute the command /manudelp <player> some.perm

    chat format [Kingdom] groupprefix name:
    the king has all perms
    a leader has all perms excpet to promote someone to a leader or set a rule

    if a player is the king they will have '*' behind their Kingdom prefix.

    Ideas for commands:
    /kingdom join <name> join kingdom
    or /kingdom that will open a gui with the four wool blocks representating the kingdoms
    perm: kingdom.join
    /kingdom leave leaves the current kingdom and costs x amount of money to do
    /tax set <x amount> of money that each member in the kingdom has to pay to the kingdoms balance
    /kingdom vote <player>
    /kingdom promote <player> promotes a player to the rank above him, can't promote him to king
    /kingdom chat public/truce/kingdom
    /kingdom base teleports you to the kingdom's main home
    /kingdom setbase <kingdom>
    /kingdom bypass lets you bypass all land protections, join and promote yourself in any kingdom.
    /kingdom attack <kingdom> <city>
    needs to be leader or king rank.
    /kingdom create city <name> Creates a city/town in your kingdoms honor. costs x amount of money to do
    kingdom.create or is a leader rank
    /kingdom land opens a gui with all the kingdom's captured land and can be clicked to teleport to choosen beacon with a 5 second warmup
    /kingdom setland sets a beacon that can be captured, a Kingdom can max capture 25 beacons
    there can only be 80 beacons set
    /kingdom top shows top 3 richest kingdoms.
    /kingdom truce <kingdom>
    /kingdom enemy <kingdom>
    /kingdom neutral <kingdom
    needs to be a leader or king
    or kingdom.neutral kingdom.truce kingdom.enemy
    /kingdom bal shows your kingdoms total money
    /kingdom show <kingdom> shows how much land you got captured, shows your current king, shows kingdoms balance and kingdoms members
    like ---[Kingdom]---
    land: 20/25
    balance: 2000
    King: TheKing
    Members: (20) member1, member2, member 3
    /kingdom kick <player>
    /kingdom setrule <rule name> <rule> sets a rule to the kingdom that everyone in the kingdom can read
    /kingdom rules shows all the kingdoms rules
    [1] do not steal from others in your kingdom
    [2] do not be disrespectful against your your fellow members or truces
    kingdom.setrules, kingdom.rules
    /kingdom delrule <rule name>

    Ideas for permissions: stated under each command above.

    When I'd like it by: anytime
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2015
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    I believe there is already a plugin similar to this, just search Kingdoms in bukkit plugins search.
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    there is one plugin kind of like this but you can create new kingdoms and i want there to be only 4
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    If you configure permmisions, you can make it so only you and staff can create kingdoms, I believe that is actually the default settings.
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    This looks like Factions with Capture the flag addon.
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    @Gregory46 Now you said that, yes. I did not think of that
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