Kingdoms and Provinces [Formatted]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by TheRedNinja93, Apr 17, 2012.


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    Plugin category: Fun, whatever category Towny and Factions are in, and Awesome.

    Suggested name: Kingdoms and Provinces (A mouthful, I know, but there's already a plugin named Kingdoms. Open to suggestions.)

    *edit* Or you could do something like MedivalMC, Minecraft in the Middle Ages, etc.

    A bit about me: I'm the plugin admin on MintyFresh server. I love doing the config and stuff, and I'd really like to learn how to create plugins myself, but I have no time, as I'm about to graduate from high school. (Whoohoo! :D)

    What I want: Ok, I've thought a lot about what I want, and I've got a very defined idea of what this plugin should be. I've played a lot on both Towny and Factions servers, and there are things about both plugins that I like and dislike. I really dislike most of Towny, but I still enjoy playing on a few Towny servers. This plugin is like Towny and Factions combined. With a few twists.

    So. Provinces first. A province is basically a Faction. You create the province, you do the description, you claim land, you can't claim more land than you have power, etc. etc. The key differences between Factions and Provinces, is that players can't leave a Province without the Province leader's permission. Also, if you kill all the players in a different province within a 24 hour time span, that province becomes part of yours. (Province Awesome has MCman and Killerface in it. Province Krazy has DudeIpvp, LetsMine, Pigkiller, and BuilderMaster in it. DudeIpvp kills both MCman and Killerface in one hour. All of Province Awesome territory is now Province Krazy's, and MCman and Killerface are in Province Awesome.) Other than that, Provinces are exactly like Factions. (PVP everywhere, you can't hurt other people in your Province, people that aren't in your province can't switch in you province's land.)

    Kingdoms next. Only players who own a Province can create a Kingdom. Leaders of Provinces become Kings once they create a Kingdom. Kings add provinces to their kingdom through one of three ways. Peacefully, or by war. They can invite provinces into their kingdom, just like adding a Town to a Nation in Towny, or they can take over provinces in the aforementioned way. The third option is that they can take vassals. For anyone who doesn't know what a vassal is, go look it up. Then continue reading this. The way a kingdom gains vassals is by killing the king of another Kingdom. This makes the Kingdom power go down, much like Faction power, and once the Kingdom power goes to -5 or lower, the Kingdom can be claimed as a vassal.
    Vassal Kingdoms are very much subject to the Kingdom who made them vassals. So, lets say there are two Kingdoms, Creepers and Skeletons. The King of Creepers decides he wants a vassal, and so the players in Creepers set out to kill the King of Skeletons over and over. He dies, a lot, and now Skeletons is a vassal to Creepers. The players in Creepers can kill the players in Skeletons, but it doesn't go the other way. The players in Creepers can also switch in Skeletons' territory, but not vice-versa. The vassals very much get the short end of the stick. Now the way a vassal gets free, is the King of Creepers either sets Skeletons free, or the King of Skeletons kills the King of Creepers twice in 24 hours.
    Kings can also claim Kingdom land. So, the provinces in Creepers are Awesome, PVPERS, WeRule, and Tanks. Now Awesome players can't switch in PVPERS land, and vice-versa, but if the king of Creepers claims Kingdom land, all players from Awesome, PVPERS, WeRule, and Tanks can switch, build, etc. in Kingdom land. If Kingdom power goes down below 0, then Kingdom land can be taken over by another Kingdom.

    Kings can promote a Queen (who can do everything the King can except disband the Kingdom), and he can promote a Bishop (who can do everything the King can except disband the Kingdom and add or remove provinces from the Kingdom). Having a Queen gives you extra Kingdom power, but that power can be lost if the Queen is killed. The Bishop also gives extra power, and loses power when he dies, but the Bishop gets to use a few special commands. (See commands section) There can only be one King, Queen or Bishop in a Kingdom.

    Kingdom power is determined by how many provinces are in your Kingdom, and if you have a Queen and a Bishop. Provinces give you 10 power each, the Queen gives you 10, and the Bishop gives you 5. The amount of power lost when the King/Queen/Bishop dies is determined by how many times you die in a short period, and how many provinces are in your Kingdom. So, Creepers with 4 provinces, would lose 8 power (2 power per province) if the King died, but if he died twice in like 5 minutes, it'd be 8 for the first time and 12 for the second (or something like that). The Bishop and the Queen are the same, but when the Queen dies you lose the power from her death, plus 5.

    On to the Church. As you should know, the Church was very prominent in the middle ages. It's the same with this plugin. The Church is created by the admins, and the admins (everyone who's op) are automatically part of the Church. The leader of the Church, the Pope, is determined by an admin. The Church is just another province, but with a lot of differences. The Church can't be part of a Kingdom. It's completely separate. Pvp is off in Church territory, and Church territory must all be connected. The Pope and the admins are the only ones who can add players to the Church, but they can leave whenever they want without permission. The members of the Church can't be attacked in any Church, Province or Kingdom territory, and they can't attack. The can attack and be attacked in the wild though. The Pope is invincible wherever he goes, but if he attacks someone, he is cast out of the Church, and can never go back. All members of the Church can use special commands. (See commands section)

    There are WarZones and SafeZones just like in factions, and they work exactly the same way.

    The other thing is that I want the config file to be very easy to use and customize. That way provinces and kingdoms can be set so that they cost money to create and all that jazz.

    Ideas for commands:

    Player commands:

    '/province' can be used as '/pr'
    '/kingdom' can be used as '/k'
    '/kingdom king' can be used as '/k king' or '/k k'
    '/kingdom queen' can be used as '/k queen' or '/k q'
    '/kingdom bishop' can be used as '/k bishop' or '/k b'
    '/church' can be used as '/c'
    '/church pope' can be used as '/c pope' or '/c p'

    Province commands
    /province create [name] - Creates a new province.
    /province create [name] [leader] - Creates a new province with target leader.
    /province power/pow - Show province power.
    /province power me - Shows your power level.
    /province show - Shows your province information.
    /province show [name] - Shows target province information.
    /province list - List all the provinces.
    /province invite - Invite target player to join your province.
    /province join - Join a province.
    /province leave - Ask your leader to leave the province.*
    Province leader commands
    /province desc - Changes the description of your province.
    /province open [yes:no] - Switches if your province is open to anyone. Default is yes.
    /province [claim:unclaim] - Claim or unclaim land for your province.
    /province [autoclaim:autounclaim] - Auto-claim or unclaim land for your province.
    /province kick [player] - Kick target player from your province.
    /province add assistant [player] - Raises target player to assistant.**
    /province add ally [province] - Requests target province to be your ally.
    /province add enemy [province] - Makes target province your enemy.
    /province add neutral [province] - Become neutral toward target province.
    /province [money:balance:bal] - Shows province balance.
    /province [deposit:withdraw] [amount] - Deposits or withdraws money from the province bank.
    /province pp [province] - Transfers money from your province to target province bank.
    /province set leader [player] - Hands over leadership of your province to target player.

    * - When a player types '/province leave', a message is sent to the leader of the province (If he's online) '[player] has requested to leave your province! Give him permission? /yes /no' The leader then types '/yes' or '/no' depending on what he wants. If the province leader is offline, the player who typed '/province leave' is sent a message saying, 'Your leader is offline! Try again later!'
    ** - Assistants can claim land, invite players to the province, or add allies, enemies or become neutral. Assistants can also deposit and withdraw money.

    Kingdom commands
    /kingdom create [name] - Creates a new kingdom.
    /kingdom create [name] [king] - Creates a new kingdom with target king.
    /kingdom [power;pow] - Check your kingdom's power.
    /kingdom show [kingdom] - Show target kingdom's information.
    /kingdom [king:queen:bishop] ? - Shows the King/Queen/Bishop's commands.
    King commands
    /kingdom king desc [text] - Change the description of your kingdom.
    /kingdom king [claim:unclaim] - Claim or unclaim kingdom land.
    /kingdom king add ally [kingdom;province] - Requests target kingdom or province as your ally.
    /kingdom king add enemy [kingdom;province] - Makes target kingdom or province your enemy.
    /kingdom king add neutral [kingdom;province] - Become neutral toward target kingdom or province.
    /kingdom king add assistant [player] - Promotes target player to kingdom assistant.
    /kingdom king add queen [player] - Requests target player to become Queen.*
    /kingdom king add bishop [player] - Requests target player to become Bishop.**
    /kingdom king vassal [kingdom] - Claims target kingdom as your vassal.
    /kingdom king vassal free [kingdom] - Frees target kingdom from its vassal status.
    /kingdom king [money:balance:bal] - Check the money in your kingdom bank.
    /kingdom king [deposit:withdraw] - Deposit or withdraw money from the bank.
    /kingdom king remove [queen:bishop] - Removes the Queen or the Bishop from power.
    /kingdom king remove assistant [player] - Removes target player from position of assistant.
    /kingdom king set king [player] - Hand over kingship to target player.
    Queen commands
    /kingdom queen desc [text] - Change the description of your kingdom.
    /kingdom queen [claim:unclaim] - Claim or unclaim kingdom land.
    /kingdom queen add ally [kingdom;province] - Requests target kingdom or province as your ally.
    /kingdom queen add enemy [kingdom;province] - Makes target kingdom or province your enemy.
    /kingdom queen add neutral [kingdom;province] - Become neutral toward target kingdom or province.
    /kingdom queen add assistant [player] - Promotes target player to kingdom assistant.
    /kingdom queen [money:balance:bal] - Check the money in your kingdom bank.
    /kingdom queen [deposit:withdraw] - Deposit or withdraw money from the bank.
    /kingdom king remove bishop - Removes the Bishop from power.
    /kingdom queen remove assistant [player] - Removes target player from position of assistant.
    Bishop commands
    /kingdom bishop desc [text] - Change the description of your kingdom.
    /kingdom bishop [claim:unclaim] - Claim or unclaim kingdom land.
    /kingdom bishop add ally [kingdom;province] - Requests target kingdom or province as your ally.
    /kingdom bishop add enemy [kingdom;province] - Makes target kingdom or province your enemy.
    /kingdom bishop add neutral [kingdom;province] - Become neutral toward target kingdom or province.
    /kingdom bishop add assistant [player] - Promotes target player to kingdom assistant.
    /kingdom bishop remove assistant [player] - Removes target player from position of assistant.
    /kingdom bishop heal [player] - Heals target player of 5 hearts. The player must be within 5 blocks of the Bishop, and the Bishop can only use this once every 20 minutes. The Bishop cannot heal himself/herself.
    /kingdom bishop communion - Gives the Bishop 64 bread and 10 Potion of Healing. The Bishop can only use this command once per day.
    Assistant commands
    /kingdom assistant desc [text] - Change the description of your kingdom.
    /kingdom assistant [claim:unclaim] - Claim or unclaim kingdom land.
    /kingdom assistant add ally [kingdom;province] - Requests target kingdom or province as your ally.
    /kingdom assistant add enemy [kingdom;province] - Makes target kingdom or province your enemy.

    Church commands
    /church invite [player] - Invite any player to the church.
    /church builder - Get the building kit to donate to the poor. This kit is determined by the admins. (In the config)
    /church baker - Get the food kit to donate to the hungry. This kit is determined by the admins.
    (Also in the config)
    /church alchemist - Get the potion kit to donate to the needy. This kit is determined by the admins.
    (Again, config)
    /church paladin - Get the warrior kit in times of holy war. This kit is determined by the admins.
    (Need I say it? Also, this command should be able to be turned on or off in the config. The admins decide when holy war breaks out. :D)
    /church pope ? - See the Pope's commands.
    /church pope desc - Change the description of the Church. Be warned, if the admins find it blasphemous, you may not be pope for too long.
    /church pope [claim:unclaim] - Claim or unclaim land for the Church.
    /church pope potions - Get the potion kit for the Pope. This kit is determined by the admins.
    /church pope communion - Receive 128 (2 stacks of 64) bread and 20 Potion of Healing. The Pope can only use this command once per day.
    /church pope heal [player] - Heals target player 7 hearts. The Pope can only use this command once every 30 minutes. The Pope can heal himself.
    /church pope prayfor [player] - Heals target player completely, and gives them regeneration for 30 seconds. The Pope can only use this command once per day. The Pope cannot pray for himself.

    Admin commands
    All previous commands
    /church set pope [player] - Requests target player to become the Pope.
    /province bypass - Enables admin bypass mode: Build/destroy/switch in any kingdom, province or church territory.
    /province disband [province:kingdom] - Disband a province or a kingdom. Shake things up a bit when one kingdom finally conquers the server.
    /province [claim:unclaim] [warzone:safezone] - Claim or unclaim warzone or safezone.
    /province [autoclaim:autounclaim] [warzone:safezone] - Take a guess.
    /province [warzone:safezone] unclaimall - Unclaim all warzone or safezone in the world.
    /province permanent [province] - Set target province as a permanent province.
    (any other admin reload/config commands)

    That's what I came up with. If you think I forgot something (which I probably did...), feel free to say so. I might add it.

    Ideas for permissions: Come up with something. I'm not familiar enough with perms that I would feel comfortable doing this.

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible. I'd like this to be done for the server I do plugins for. We're still in testing phase, but it's been advertised, and we're getting an average of about 10 people on the server every day so far. I hope someone will make this plugin, and fast, so that we can promote a new plugin.

    Similar plugin requests: None that I know of.

    Something I just thought of, I don't use Spout, so it's not necessary to add Spout support. However, other people may want it. It's up to whoever wants to make the plugin. Also, I use Heroes on my server, and intend to use this plugin alongside Heroes. If you're familiar with Heroes, could you add Heroes support?


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
    CoKoC likes this.
  2. Offline


    I think some people may be scared by the massive wall of text, but it's a great idea. Also, don't bump 40 minutes after your last post. Wait a minimum 24 hours.
  3. Offline


    I'd really like this plugin made, and I think a lot of people would use this.
  4. Offline



    Someone should make this. Please?
  5. Offline


    Thats a really big plugin you want made.
  6. Offline


    So? It's an alternative to Towny and Factions. I like some parts of both, but there isn't really a good plugin that has what I want. And I feel like it could be a really good plugin too.
  7. Offline


    *whistles* That is one big wall o' text. :)

    But it seems like a good idea... You just might have a hard time finding a developer who is willing to spend all that time adding a few dozen dozen commands.
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  9. Offline


    This is a great idea. Would be great if someone could make this.

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