KillCounter-Plugin 1.2.5R2.0 - german

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Stuppsman, May 20, 2012.

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    Stuppsmans KillCounter

    A simple KillCounter-Plugin to count every kill for each player. The language is german - not (yet) configurable. No Bugs known.

    Ein einfaches KillCounter-Plugin, um für jeden Spieler jeden Kill mitzuzählen. Keine Bugs bekannt.

    Download on DevBukkit !


    description: killstats - KillStatistik
    permission: killcounter.use
    /kc reset:
    description: resets your own counter - Resettet den eigenen Counter
    permission: killcounter.use
    /kc reset <player>:
    description: resets the counter of <player> - Resettet den KillCounter von <player>
    permission: killcounter.admin
    /kc von <player>:
    description: shows the counter of <player> - Zeigt den KillCounter von <player> an.
    permission: killcounter.use
    /kc save:
    description: saves the counters manually to the file - Speichert alle KillCounter-Daten manuell.
    permission: killcounter.admin
    /kc load:
    description: loads the counters out of the file. Progressions could get lost! - Laedt die Statistik aus der Datei. Dabei kann Fortschritt verloren gehen!
    permission: killcounter.admin
    /kc top:
    description: shows the leaders - Zeigt die Bestenliste.
    permission: killcounter.use
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