Kill Death Ratio

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by iminecraft253, May 25, 2013.

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    Hello, i'm starting up a KitPvP server and I want it to have players kill death ratios. I have found multiple plugins that keep track of a players k/d but they don't display them infront of their user name. So what I want is for their k/d to be displayed infront of their name so every one can see it. This will need to work with groupmanager so it goes before the rank as well. Here is a example of what i want it to look like.

    EX: KD: 1.5 [Member] iminecraft253

    Also have it so it keeps track of the top k/d's and you can do the command /kdtop and see a list of the top 10 k/d's with their kills and deaths displayed next to it.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    That explains ;) Didn't noticed that
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    Ok thank you!
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    I guess since the persons comment saying they will make it doesn't exist any more and they never posted the plugin that they aren't going to make it. So is their any one that will make this plugin?
  7. Offline


    I can edit my plugin CODStats to include all the features you want, will this work for you?
  8. Offline


    Yes that would work, I'm wondering with your plugin is it possible to have it so it just announces the killstreak the player is on with out giving items to them? Such as "iminecraft253 is now on a X killstreak!"? Because I noticed I could customize the killstreak message but can I make it so it doesnt give out items?
  9. Offline


    Yep, in the killstreaks config simply set something like so:
    #You need a space after each comma (IE: ", " works but "," doesn't).
    #Format like so: 'Killstreak Name, Needed Kills, Command'.
        - 'Five Kills, 2, /broadcast {player} just got five kills in a row!'
        - 'Ten Kills, 3, /broadcast {player} just got ten kills in a row!'
  10. Offline


    Ok, I'll do that. I didn't even think about changing the command.
  11. Offline


    EvilKanoa Also would it be possible to add a command to reset a players stats? For example: /statreset <player name> and permission could be some thing like cod.reset
  12. Offline


    @iminecraft253There is already is a command to set certain things about a player:
    But I can't seem to get a KDR displaying before the username in chat :'(, But I'm gonna keep working on it!
  13. Offline


    EvilKanoa Either use player.setDisplayName() or code a basic chat manager...
    2. public void onPlayerChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event){
    3. String KDR = "Your KDR Here.";
    4. event.setCancelled(true);
    5. Bukkit.getServer().broadcastMessage("[ " + KDR + " ]" + event.getPlayer().getDisplayName() + ": " + event.getMessage());
    6. }

    Something like that... :p
  14. Offline


    Gawdzahh I was thinking about that, but then it would mess with other chat managers, and with setDisplayName, you would have to change it back afterwards.
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    EvilKanoa Yeah I guess it would screw other chat managers.

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