So I was wondering if some one out thier could make a plugin that allows any member with the node Kick.R* I thuaght of this idea cuz I never like my mod having the ablity to ban some one so here is my idea The mods or admins can do /kick {player} {time} {reason} So that would kick the player for certian of time but it will not let them back on to the time was up and The time and be configure in the config so the owner can set the max time for getting kick forexample /kick darkbeast 30mins or 1800 useing tnt Then it will broadcast to server Darkbeast was being bad so he needs some downtime and this is what happen when they type the wrong time /kick darkbeast 60mins or 3600 useing tnt Wrong time Cant be higher then 30mins ask owner to bump it up Not sure if this is possible or not but it would help oput my server alot
Yes but that tempban them till the owner or admin comes on i just want them to get kick for some time cool down and play again