Karma Points system

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by vodawen, Nov 18, 2018.

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  1. Suggested name: Karma Points

    What I want:
    (This would be a really simple plugin) Each player would have karma points. that could be seen under their name (if possible). And would be able to give or take away points of ather players. The admins could see all the players in one file, sorted by the amount of karma they have.

    Ideas for commands:
    [player] :show your amount of karma or the amount of karma of the specified player
    /karma +
    [player] : add one karma point to the specified player (unusable for ourself ) (x hours cooldown)
    /karma - [player] : substract one karma point to the specified player (unusable for ourself ) (x hours cooldown)
    /karma ban (optional)
    : bans the player with the lowest karma.

    Ideas for permissions:
    is important, the others aren't

    When I'd like it by:
    as soon of possible of course, but take your time
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2018
  2. Offline


    When you say sorted by the amount of karma, are you saying you want it least to greatest or greatest to least? Or just a general file displaying the information.
    EDIT: Also what version would you like this on?
  3. maybe leat to greater, and for minecraft 1.13.1 /1.13.2 it would be great
  4. thank you very much sir !
  5. @vodawen I am done right now, I just need to upload it, but my page isn't approved yet =(

    EDIT by Moderator: Just wait for it, don't use sharing websites on profile posts, if you post a link then just post it here.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2018
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