Among the milions of spawn related plugins there is none that wont add teleportations. I want a simple /setspawn plugin that only operators have acces to. noone shall be able to tp, not even operators. could you make it so that the respawned player /first time jonied player faces the direction that the operator did when he typed the /setspawn command? also can you make it so that you wont spawn on top of blocks that are above the spawnpoint? which means you will be able to set the spawnpoint in Caves/houses/ wont have to worry about spawnpoint changings. plugin name:setspawn
Rather then getting a plugin, why not use Command blocks, just type inside the Command block, tell it to find player, then set spawn where player is. Not that hard. BTW you have to destroy the block afterwards. Not hard just google how to set spawn with command block
You don't have multiple worlds? And what if you get a normal setspawn plugin and don't give anybody permission to use the /spawn command?
those ive used have /spawn available to everyone by default, so that the permissions is used to restrict no allow. I found permission kind of messy and hard to use, so I wanted it simple and made this request. But I'll test multiworlds
okay bukkit comes with a /setspawn and minecraft legit comes with /setspawnpoint or /setserverspawnpoint