JFrame: Can't Create

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by The_Tree_Maker, May 16, 2011.

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    I'm creating a mod, that will instantiate a JFrame Object.
    The Mod works on my Server on my Local PC.

    However, when I try to run the Mod on the other Server that is not mine, but a friends. It loads the Mod, but doesn't instantiate a JFrame Object.

    Does this have to do with Server Side / Client Side Mod?
  2. Yes, you cannot force the client to open a java applet.
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    I'm not trying to force the other client to run the Swing GUI. Simply, when the client enables the mod when they are on the server, their own GUI is suppose to Instantiate. Hmm, I will have to do some further development to get it to work. Thanks.
  4. Offline


    Still not sure what you mean: You want to issue a command to a server that makes a GUI pop up on...the server? Or your own computer where you typed the command from?
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    Just want each client to be able to run the mod with a command and when the user does a arm_swing event, the JFrame will be instantiated and it will be used outside of the Minecraft Game.
    I figured out what the problem is, it's a "Headless Exception" referring to the Displaying of a GUI that can't be Displayed in a Display that doesn't allow it. But thank you :)
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