Iterating over each block in Faction land.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Blockhead7360, Aug 3, 2016.

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    I am trying to iterate over all the blocks within all of a faction's claimed land using the Faction API.

    I don't know how to get the land, though. Here is what I've tried to do so far:

    Faction fac = null;
            Set<PS> test = BoardColl.get().getChunks(fac);
            for (PS s : test){
    The faction is null because I just wanted to test to see how I would set this up.

    I have no idea where to go from there. If I needed to change any of the code above, please tell me.

    Also, where should I go from there?

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    @Blockhead7360 Hmm i might be "outdated", but what is PS? Is it an object of your own? Does it have documentation?
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    @mine-care It's something from the MassiveCore. It has methods like .asBukkitChunk, .asBukkitLocatio, .getX and things like that. I don't really know how to iterate over each block in the chunk.
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