Like the picture. You hover over the TEXT in chat and it shows you what it is and all enchantments, coloured names (Group Manager Support). I like it by as soon as possible. Thanks
What? If you want someone to potentially spend hours doing something for you, how about you put 5 minutes into giving them the information to do it?
The picture says all, you hover over over the text in chat and you see what it is. You do [item] in your chat bar the show the item in chat
@timtower Ah, I missed that completely My phone won't load his image so it's been real hard trying to figure out what he wants. Too bad he can't put in the 5 mins of effort to write it out properly
Yes and it don't work for me. I don't use Essentials. [10:11:32 ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins\ItemHover-1.8.jar' in folder 'plugins' org.bukkit.plugin.UnknownDependencyException: Essentials