Development Assistance Item isn't read properly somehow..

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Scorpionvssub, Mar 23, 2016.

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        public void onDropItem(PlayerDropItemEvent e) {
            Player p = e.getPlayer();
            if (!e.getItemDrop().getItemStack().hasItemMeta()) {
                p.sendMessage("meta was null");
            p.sendMessage("Item Name: " + e.getItemDrop()); //returns CraftItem
            Item paper = e.getItemDrop();
            p.sendMessage("Name " +  paper.getItemStack().getItemMeta().getDisplayName()); //returns Clue (Orange colored)
            String pa = ChatColor.stripColor(paper.getItemStack().getItemMeta().getDisplayName());
            p.sendMessage("Uncolored " + pa); returns Clue
            p.sendMessage("config name: " + plugin.settings.getString("")); // returns &6Clue
            if (pa.equalsIgnoreCase(plugin.settings.getString(""))) {
                if (!plugin.dropattempt.containsKey(p.getUniqueId())) {
                    int fade = plugin.settings.getInt("Titles.playerdrop.fadein");
                    int stay = plugin.settings.getInt("Titles.playerdrop.stay");
                    int fadeout = plugin.settings.getInt("Titles.playerdrop.fadeout");
                    String title = plugin.settings.getString("Titles.playerdrop.title");
                    String subtitle = plugin.settings.getString("Titles.playerdrop.subtitle");
                    TitleAPI.sendTitle(p, fade, stay, fadeout, title, subtitle);
                    plugin.dropattempt.put(p.getUniqueId(), "yes");
    All sections point out exacly what it should in my eyes i don't see where its going wrong i tried to check colored and uncolored versions of the names but this: if (pa.equalsIgnoreCase(plugin.settings.getString(""))) {

    Never seems to work and im running out of idea's why it does so..

    Config section:

    name: '&6Clue'
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2016
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    Put some breakpoints in your code and debug it maybe? Any modern IDE can do this.
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    im checking for itemmeta and displayname both are filled, i also checked if the location of the clue is filled and thats not null either
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