Is there a way to see if a scheduler is finished before going onto the next task?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by cluter123, Apr 9, 2016.

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    I want to wait until my scheduler is finished before I move onto the next line? Is that possible without nesting another scheduler in there?
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    I Al Istannen

    Depends on the action you do. If the action is blocking, then yes. Could you explain a bit further why you need this and for what?
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    Ex: I want the plugin to count down every second. After that, it calls a method. Ik its possible to just call the method after the counter is done, but is there a way for the scheduler to finish and then calls another scheduler?
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    You could call that method in the code that runs at the end of the run() method, or a repeating task, like Creeper said.
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