Is there a plugin for this?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by cosmicutopia, Nov 24, 2012.

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    Does anyone know of a plugin that will despawn certain mobs in a defined area temporarily and "remember" their location so that you can respawn them when you want with say, a command? I DON'T mean a plugin that will kill mobs.

    Specifically, I want to be able to make large animal farms on the my server, but to avoid lag, I would like to not have them spawned all the time, so I could despawn them and spawn them back when necessary. Does anything like this exist?

    I would prefer not reducing the view-distance in the server properties to a extremely low number.
  2. Well if you are going to breed the animals you don't need a plugin just keep them at like 20 animals and every animal you kill breed another.Hope this helps
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