Is getServer().dispatchCommand() thread safe?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Weasel_Squeezer, Dec 24, 2013.

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    The title pretty much says it all. I am wondering if dispatching a command via console programmatically is thread safe as I need to execute this from an asynchronous thread. Or would I better off to schedule a synchronous task from the asynch thread that would execute the command?

  2. Offline


    you'd be better off asking this one in the irc i believe.
  3. Offline


    commands executed inside main thread.
  4. Offline


    But you should use Bukkit.dispatchCommand(...) ;)
  5. the methode itself is threadsafe, however most commands call the bukkit api, so you can't reliable do this. I seen bugs caused by this
    Do it from the bukkit thread
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