Is Bukkit progressively getting worse?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by XeonProductions, Feb 14, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    dammit.. why can't we 'like' posts ? :)
  2. Offline


    I thought that on TnT's post, too :p Lazy entitled admins need to go lazily entitle themselves to their mom's basement.
  3. Offline


    Here's what I launch with using build 325 with Permissions, Anti-build, ichat, myhome, mywarp, worldedit, worldguard, magiccarpet, minecartmania, dynmap, and a few others.

    START "MINECRAFT-CRAFTBUKKIT" /ABOVENORMAL java -server -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -Xloggc:memory.log -Xmn2G -Xms4G -Xmx6G -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -XX:NewRatio=2 -XX:SurvivorRatio=16 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=3 -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=350 -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -Xnoclassgc -XX:UseSSE=3 -XX:+UseLargePages -XX:+UseBiasedLocking -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:+UseStringCache -XX:+UseCompressedStrings -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat -XX:+AggressiveOpts -jar craftbukkit.jar
    Also, I apologize if I sounded a little harsh in my earlier reply. I really do understand the frustration, but I really think people need to be more realistic with their expectations. Software development is time consuming and requires a great deal of iteration to go from merely working, to working well. I suggest you look at the bug and feature tracker to see just how far it's come, and to realize just how far there is yet to go.

    Once you gain that perspective maybe you'll understand why posts like this come off as "whaaa whaaa my free pre-alpha software isn't working perfectly" to those of us a bit more familiar with software development.
  4. Offline


    Here is my file which launches my server.
    java -d64 -verbose:gc -Xloggc:gc.log -Xincgc -Xmx3G -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui
    Plugins I run: AntiBreak, BackupPlugin, ScrapBukkit, Dynmap, Minecart Mania (MM), MM Autocart, MM Chest Control, MM Sign Commands, MM Station, Minequery, MonsterHunt, Online Users, PlgWarp, PvP, ServerPort, SlowHealth, and vPlayersOnline.
    Build: 326
  5. Offline


    in regancali's defense.. and mostly to head off his retort.. he HAS provided some support to other users on the forums. That said, his complete misunderstanding of the software development process and stubborn refusal to accept simple reality pretty much outweighs any positive contributions.
  6. Offline


    Not directed at anyone in particular: I'm amazed at how little so many minecraft server admins seem to know about running their own server. How do you hope to run a successful community if you don't even know how the software you're using works?

    People on here complain about YAML simply because they don't understand it. They complain about bukkit being unstable when it's still in pre-alpha because they don't understand the software development process. They even complain about their plugins not working after doing a minimum of research on their own to fix the problem.

    I have no problem helping people out with bukkit. I like bukkit, and I want to see it become even more popular. I ALSO want people to know how to use it, so I do my best to explain things and provide solutions. But I find it appalling when people complain about something they seem to know little about.

    A moron is something I'm clearly not. I've used Windows and Linux both extensively. Linux is simply better. I think you've made it apparent that you didn't even bother reading the rest of my post.
  7. Offline


    Agreed. The ones that really scare me are the 'i don't get it, please upload a server for me' posts..
    as far as i know this hasn't gotten anyone rooted or similar yet, but not only are they at the complete mercy of whoever provides the files, but they will have no clue how to maintain or modify the server once it is running.
  8. Offline


    Contrary to popular belief, we value feedback like this, provided it is constructive and has information that helps us. Unfortunately, while we try and keep the performance and stability of Bukkit at an all time high, we're human and mistakes or unforeseen issues happen. That being said, though, I think I can quite confidently say we haven't made too many mistakes lately and performance nor stability has suffered.

    Regardless of how stable and speedy we make Bukkit, it's not easy for us to keep track of or protect against a badly programmed plugin so, unfortunately, we can only vouch for the work we do ourselves and issues that occur as a result of that, not work by plugin developers and issues they cause. If Bukkit is unstable without any plugins, we can most likely do something about it. If Bukkit is unstable due to a plugin, things get a little more difficult and you should be talking to the developers of the plugins you use to figure out what the issue is, then have them contact us and we'll see what we can do.

    This is good to hear too and comments like these provide us with the motivation and support to continue doing what we love.

    Once we have an official release out, we're switching to a different development model: Major.minor.bugfix. Major versions will be released when we cannot guarantee backwards compatibility. Minor releases will be made when changes to Bukkit occur that are "big" and add features but we don't anticipate will break backwards compatibility or plugins. Bugfix versions will be patches we make to fix bugs, and will likely not add new feature. However, we will still be following a "release early, release often" model as much as we can.

    This all being said, we don't force updates on people unless it's due to a Minecraft update.

    Thanks for the feedback. As biased as my opinion might be, I'm really happy with where we've come and I don't see any reason as to why you believe our work isn't polished, as we put a lot of time and care into making sure the work we publish meets our high expectations. Just ask any developer that wants their pull request/contributions added into Bukkit. It's not that easy.

    I'm glad you like Bukkit and it works most of the time, but our tests haven't revealed any issues. Unfortunately, it is really difficult for us to keep up with all the channels of communication we have, so we ask that real issues are reported through Leaky, our issue tracker. I'd rather we focus on development and squashing any issues people report than focus our attention on reading the forums - this can come later. If you're running plugins, however, that's a different story and, as stated above, you should follow up with the plugin developers' who can follow up with us when they find the cause of the issue.

    As for us being a month late on *anything*: we have never given out a release date. We merely stated that we're hoping to get a preview release out but have decided otherwise as people are already using our development builds - they are what you'd get with a preview release, so I don't see any merit in packaging an official preview. Nothing will change a result, we'd still be in development mode and we'd still probably be having this conversation.

    In the end, I'd like to stress that we aren't fabled gods that can read minds and detect issues we're not aware of. If you come across a problem and can reproduce it, post about it on Leaky. Otherwise, we can't fix issues we're not aware of. And, up till now, I haven't found a single post in this thread that provides me with any information as to EXACTLY what the issue is. A complaint or feedback is only valid if you provide backing up information and can help us reproduce it. Anything else could just be seen as people trying to cause problems, which we won't stand for.


    Lastly, please keep it civil guys or infractions and bans will have to be given out. We value everyone's constructive feedback and don't support people jumping on anyone who speaks negatively of Bukkit. Without negative feedback, we won't grow and improve. Not allowing people criticize us is silly and counter-productive. Provided people go about things the right way, we value any constructive feedback anyone has.

    Thanks to everyone who kept things civil and tried to respond properly to the OP, we very much appreciate mature members within our community and hope everyone else can take a leaf out of your book.
  9. Offline


    im having other major pc issues right now. but with bukkit for me. more that im on my server it seems to take more and more ram. then slows to a crawl and i have to restart my pc. this has been happening since version 300.
  10. Offline


    Have you tried removing plugins? Narrowing down possible offenders?
  11. Offline


    Far and away the thing that frustrates me most in Bukkit is when users see something break and immediately think something is wrong, and don't bother to test whether or not an individual plugin is the culprit.

    And as far as Bukkit crashing, breaking, or otherwise not working very well, the only time I encounter problems that are even noteworthy is after Notch makes an update.

    And last, but certainly not least: It is not Bukkit's responsibility to run stable as hMod did, since it was by no means considered ready for release, and is only available to you at this by the goodness of the people that make it (who by the way spend hours every day working on something they don't get paid for), under the presumption that you understand it is your responsibility to find out as much as you can about why it broke so that future builds work for future users (including yourself).
  12. Offline



    Is Bukkit progressively getting worse? - In a word ...No

    Personally I adore craftbukkit and the time spent by the develpors of and its plugins. I do my utmost here to help/give constructive feedback, be it positive or negative regarding the plugin. This software enables me to run my Minecraft server the way I want to run it.
    I try every new craftbukkit build I can, and if a plugin breaks I simply remove others to make sure there are no obvious conflicts before posting the error. Sometimes, my config scripting may have syntax errors, which are kindly pointed out to me. I take care to follow developers' installation instructions, and take special note not to run plugins alongside the one I am trying if I am told they conflict....posts of those nature REALLY annoy me.

    Keep up the good work lads (and ladies!!).

    Currently running.....
    WorldGuard 4.0-alpha1
    WorldEdit 4.0-beta7
    General -
    iChat - 1.04
    MyHome - 1.9
    .....flawlessy and stable.

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