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Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by ImminentFate, Jul 16, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    when i double click it the batch file comes up then goes off within half a second and nothing happens :( help plz? windows 7 64 bit java ver:6
  2. Offline


    problem in your batch file.
    You probably allocated too much memory.try this Launch command:
    "C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/JRE6/Bin/Java.exe" -xincgc -xms1G -jar "[CRAFTBUKKIT FILE]"
    You ill have to check the Java path and set your craftbukkit file name yourself
  3. Offline


    wher downlod craft bukkit ?[sheep]
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    Hmm, odd. It says (And I'm literally pasting this from the CMD):

    The system cannot find the path specified.
    Press any key to continue . . .
  6. Very nice. This should help further simply what should be a copy and paste job.

    No disrespect to you, it's a really good idea to help people out but it still baffles me that people cant copy a file into a folder and double click on Run.bat.
  7. Offline


    Quite obvious ;)
    Either your java path is incorrect, or the path of your .jar file.
    Casing should be identical!
  8. Offline


    widows 7 64 bit 3 gb ram


    pls contact me at dacropduster (skype)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2016
  9. What'd you mean? You just have to click them...
  10. Offline


    I am by no means a beginner to setting up servers but by god this is amazing :D Congrats on the work, its fantastic :)
  11. Offline


    when itry to run any they close quickly
  12. Perhaps you don't have permissions to use CMD or more likely there is an error which causes the window to terminate.

    Open up the batchfile with notepad or your preferred editor and add this to the last line.


    That should help you to see what is going wrong.
  13. Offline


    i tryed downloading craftbukkit a different way and now it says "The System Cannot Find The Path Specified"
    (i have had a good server for 2 years but i got greifed so im trying craftbukkit and im a newb
  14. Please post the code inside the batch file along with the directory path of both the craftbukkit.jar and the batch file.
  15. Offline


    Did not work. Can someone make a premade working craftbukkit server that uses hamachi and give it to me?
  16. Offline


    ive figgured it out by myself srry 4 the inconvinecn
  17. Offline


    The download link takes me to some weird site not mediafire???
  18. Offline


    For the people having problems with launch files:
    I made this little toolkit in .NET, called Buk'Kit (Windows, might work on linux+Mono)

    It allows you to:
    Create a Launch.bat file
    Download latest recommend server
    Download latest development server

    I Recommend you run the installer from ImminentFate, if you still have troubles after using this installer you can use the toolkit.

    I will ask ImminentFate to list this tool in the opening post.
  19. Offline


    When I click on the desktop icon it doesnt load up (yes i double click it) it just opens it for like 1 second then closes
  20. Offline


    PLEASE upload these to something simple like mediafire...>.>...

    I can't stand captchas or waiting 30 seconds for your amazing goodness...>.>
  21. Offline


    I guess you're talking about your server launch file?
    This means something is incorrect. Add an additional line: PAUSE so you can see what error you get.
  22. That's what I told him but he didn't heed my advice :p
  23. Offline


    This is from CMD
    'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    Press any key to continue . . .

    Java 6 starter
    'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    Press any key to continue . . .

    Same thing with Java 7 as Java 6

    Help please?
  24. Offline


  25. Offline


    is it me or bukkit because when i break a block any block it just reappears and i dont know why help?
    Adamki11s likes this.
  26. Offline


    do i just replace Java with java.exe?

    It is just lag it should go away in about a minute.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2016
  27. Offline


    You have to replace it with the full path:
    Example: "C\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\Java.exe
  28. Offline


    It said this:

    The system cannot find the path specified.
    Press any key to continue . . .

    straight from CMD
  29. Offline


    Is the path correct? I gave you an example, you will have the correct path yourself (it is different, based upon your computer hardware/OS and other things)
  30. Offline


    I replace the Java word with it on the desktop shortcut
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