IP address keeps on changing

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by almarri2008, Aug 22, 2012.

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    Now I know that there is a static and a dynamic IP address. But I can't just afford the money to get the one that never changes. I remember there was a website or something like that, that will give us a www.fgkhjadgjdsaghjdkasg.com for example, and this website can be used as the IP address for the server. So this website is directed to my original IP address.
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    [quote uid=90630042 name="almarri2008" post=1298947]Hey,

    Now I know that there is a static and a dynamic IP address. But I can't just afford the money to get the one that never changes. I remember there was a website or something like that, that will give us awww.fgkhjadgjdsaghjdkasg.com for example, and this website can be used as the IP address for the server. So this website is directed to my original IP address.[/quote]

    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted bit url>
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2017
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    Register at no-ip.com and set up a subdomain that directs to your dynamic IP. Then go install the Dynamic IP checker.
    This will refresh the no-ip address to always use your IP, even when it changes all the time.

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