Some people are wary of using a mysql database to share player data when connecting to other servers. like allowing Transporter, but then having... Inventorysql. obviously, servers that connect to other servers have to decide who will host the inventory data and some server owners are a hellofallot more stingy than others (my current situation) So i propose this, if anywhere close to possible. Plugin category: AdminTools and Mechanics? Suggested name: InvSync What I want: A plugin that can hold mysql databases and share them with other servers hosting the same plugin. When the plugin connects to another like it, they sync player inventory data off of each other. When a change is made to the players inventory, the change to the database is made to the server that player is on and synced to the others.This way, data cannot be stolen, since each server has a copy of it, and stingy server owners can rest a little easier. I hope this solves my problem and anyone else who doesnt want to host a whole mysql server for just minecraft and have issues with stingy server owners that allow server to server teleportation. Transporter plugin users can easily duplicate inventory items if inventories follow the player through a portal. This is to prevent that, without the use of a mysql server. I really hope someone can make this - w -; Ideas for commands: /invsync this ---- A once only command that is used to declare which inventory the user wants to sync with all other servers. other inventories belonging to that player will be deleted, but that can be avoided by placing any other inventories in a save spot, like a chest. The plugin also relays data to the other plugins saying the player has issued this command, and disallow use of it on the other servers. Ideas for permissions: probably doesnt need any, but if necessary, permission away. When I'd like it by: The sooner the better.
For this to work properly, you will need a MySQL server, not a minecraft server that has it's own database. If the minecraft server were to host database access, I can foresee a lot of difficulty and issues regarding speed. If you are reluctant to set up a MySQL server, then sorry. Going about this without any extra servers would be pretty darn difficult. However, I am actually doing this, but it's for a project of mine. I won't be releasing the plugins for it, and it does not operate with a MySQL database, instead it operates from a custom main server. I store the player inventory data into a config file, using a separate configuration API that I've made. If anyone is interested in doing this, take a shot at creating a server for this, just storing the information in a local file. The player inventories are probably going to stay within the servers; you're obviously not going to use it with a website . Doing this without the use of a database would make it a lot easier for people to set up, and might be a good idea.
Rest assured, IM not the one thats reluctant xD But it is interesting that you are working on something like that. It would be a hellofa nice thing if you were to release it or something, but that is your decision of course. :3 Good Luck
Yeah, well the feature is integrated into the rest of the functionality of the main server and bukkit plugin(s), and I don't want to recode like half of it just so it will work by itself, and I sort of want to keep it to myself. Not to be greedy or anything, but I like to have the advantage over other minecraft servers. Who doesn't?