Invasion Event plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Jamesol1, Feb 15, 2018.

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    =Minecraft version: 1.12.2
    Suggested name: Invasion Event

    What I want:
    A plugin that allows the player to configure the spawning of X mobs at X location using configuration (even better would be ingame configuration using commands and standing in areas). The owner would then perform a command such as /invasion spawn x (x would be the invasion setup, i like the idea of being able to setup more than one). A bonus feature would be to be able to delay the spawning of mobs, not just have them spawn all at once but this isn't essential. Technically if one was able to setup different invasions you could just do it manually by deciding when to spawn the new wave.

    This would allow me to set up server events where players can challenge themselves in defending an area or just fighting off mobs. Manually flying around and spawning mobs with eggs is time consuming and harder to do and i mean just not practical.

    Ideas for commands:
    /invasion spawn <x>

    Ideas for permissions: player.spawninvasion
    PK_InsanityFactions likes this.
  2. I dont think this would be too hard to make, it is basically a spawning function.

    Here is an idea of how it could work:

    /ispawn <type> <location:null>

    <type> is the type of invation. This can be configured in a separate config file, here you will be able to define the name of the invation, the mob type the armor they will be wearing, the level/dificulty they are going to have, the amout of mobs and the radius that they will be spread across.

    <location> is the area to spawn the mobs, by default it will take the location of the player running the command. This can also take the name of regions, these regions can be set in config file. Here you can name the region and set the cords to spawn the mobs.

    /ispawn zombs warpvp

    The challange I see is to make sure not to have mobs spawning within blocks and have them choke inside them. The way yo solve this is to make each mob spawn within a 3x3x3 air gap this air gap has to be at the cord's y value or higher making it not higher than 5 blocks. So basically the plugin would search for a 3x3x3 air space above the y value sithin the spawn radius, once those requirements are met the mobs would spawn. The plugin can search for multiple areas to spawn mobs distributing the amount set of mobs between all areas found.

    To make it have a timer to spawn I recomend a different plugin.
    Xample: /eventimer <time> <event>
    <time> is the starting time(in seconds), this will trigger a server countdown that will prompt the whole server that an event is about to begin
    It will prompt when the timer is executed, at 60 seconds, at 30 seconds and at 10 seconds it will count down.
    <event> this will be set in a config file it will need to have: name of event, server message, and function to execute. Name is to call the set config information, server message is a brieff description of the event and the function to execute is the command thag will be ran after the timer runs out.

    Name: KeyAll
    Message: Key for everyone soon!
    Function: /give legendkey 1 all

    Name: ZombInvation
    Message: Zombie invation incoming!
    Function: /ispawn zombs warpvp

    Execute in game:
    /eventimer KeyAll 420
    /eventimer ZombInvation 60
    [Note] the time can be set in the config file as well so only the name of the event gets called.

    Ingame propt:

    Server: Key for everyone soon! In 420 seconds.
    Server: Key for everyone soon! In 60 seconds.
    (same) In 30 seconds.
    (same) In 10!
    (same) In 9!
    You get the point...

    Hope I was of some help, I cant wait to see this as a live plugin!
    Jamesol1 likes this.
  3. Offline


    Thanks a lot for that! I think you hit the nail on the head. With:
    ''The challenge I see is to make sure not to have mobs spawning within blocks and have them choke inside them.''
    I was thinking that you could just manually place each mob that would spawn. So a group of zombies would be clustered together when they spawn, but not on the same block, placed next to each other in a huddle of sorts. Of course it would take longer to make this but it would fix the issue. The air pocket idea sounds good though.

    If anyone is down for making this, please do! I honestly haven't found a plugin that could execute this well.
  4. You could use the visualmodder plugin.

    Just create a program via blocks like this and you are done
    View attachment 31316

    Once your command is deployed in Minecraft just call the command

    /vm invasion
    and the player of your choice will be first surrounded by zombies and after 5 seconds by Skeletons.
    Make sure you are OP to run the program.

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