Solved Instant Tree Breaking

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Amgis, Feb 25, 2014.

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    I'd like to develop a plugin that allows players to instantly break a tree (leaves and all) if they destroy the root log of it, as seen in this video at (1:48):

    Generally speaking, how would I achieve this? Does bukkit offer a 'tree object' or would I have to manually iterate through each adjacent log/leaf of the tree to determine its volume?

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    Check if the broken block is Material.LOG, then use a while loop adding y=+1, also checking if the block is log, then use breakNaturally();
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    GaaTavares What about logs that don't grow in a perfect column from the root, i.e. super trees?
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    Or consider that whatever block the break could be the middle of the tree and make a cuboid based around that point then iterate through each block checking for log, leaf, etc and break naturally.
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    You can do this recursively, like so:

    I use this code both for a "chop" spell (instant tree/leaf chopping) and a "mine" spell (instant ore vein mining).

    Keep in mind you'll need a pretty high recursion depth to chop a whole jungle tree in one go, but it ought to be ok.

    Works great for me. You may need to add the 8 diagonal blocks as well to catch some of the screwier acacia trees, though (I haven't fully tested that).
    Amgis likes this.
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    Sounds great! Thanks for the code too, that really helps. I didn't consider using recursion to solve this problem.
    NathanWolf likes this.
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    No problem! Yeah, it's a perfect problem for recursion- though keep in mind it may go *crazy* in a roofed forest.... I haven't really dealt with that myself, it just takes a huge chunk out of the forest :) .. depending on the max recursion depth you use.

    You could probably also volume-limit it, sort of a combination of recursion and what other posters have suggested.
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