Inactive [INFO] SimpleAFK v0.9.1 - A simple to use AFK system with advanced features [1.1-R4]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by bassfader, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. Offline


    SimpleAFK - A simple to use AFK system with advanced features
    Version: v0.9.1​
    Tested against CraftBukkit Release Build: 1.1-R4​
    SimpleAFK is a very basic AFK system, though higly configurable and with some nice features. Initially I created this Plugin for my own Server but when it got more features and I saw no other Plugin offering a similar feature set I'd though I'd also release it here.​
    SimpleAFK Moved to BukkitDev! Click here to visit the page

    You like my plugins? Please consider donating a little bit. Thanks!

    Version 0.9.1
        - Fixed ConcurrentModificationException on Auto Kick
        - Fixed possible NullPointerException

    Version 0.9
        - Option to disable "pushing" of players who are AFK
        - AFK-Booter (kick AFK players after a specified time)
        - Broadcast Message on Afk / Back
        - Code completely rewritten from scratch
        - Finally fixed WorldGuard-NPE Bug when no WG is used
        - Changed Config file completely! OLD CONFIG FILES
        - Moved to Bukkits new EventHandler System
    Show Spoiler

    Version 0.8
        - Fixed a nullPointerException bug
        - Optimized code structure

    Version 0.7
        - (Hopefully) fixed a problem generating the config file
          on Unix based Systems
    Version 0.6
        - Different Auto AFK times for protected and
          unprotected regions (Using WorldGuard)
        - Problem fixed with Essentials
          (Now overriding Essentials /afk command properly)
    Version 0.5
        - Automatic enable (set Player as AFK after X
          minutes of Idling)
        - Optimized code structure
    Version 0.4
        - Changing Display Name of a user when beeing AFK
        - /afklist
          Displays a list of all Players currently beeing AFK
        - Fixed event prioritys (Thanks to Dinnerbone for his
          great explanation of these!)
        - Fixed console output (Colors not printed to Console
          anymore for console info messages)
    Version 0.3
    First public release
        - Auto-Disable on Player Move
        - Enabled Multi-Line-Messages for all messages
        - Auto-Generated Config is now much better
          structured and commented
        - Removed Version string from Sendmessages
          (so there is more space for the actual messages)
    Version 0.2
        - Right Click on Player to check if he's AFK or not
        - YAML Config file for configuring: Texts,
          Enabled/Disable automatic Chat messages
          (Supports colored Chat Messages)
    Version 0.1
    Initial beta testing release
        - /afk [message]
          Set yourself as AFK and automatically write a Chat
          message that you're AFK. Leave [message] blank to
          reset you're AFK status.
        - /isafk [name]
          Check if a player is currently set as AFK
    mc.donkeyhonk and Tim Visee like this.
  2. Offline


    Does it happen requently or just sometimes? And which version of WorldGuard are you using, 5.2.x ?
  3. Offline


    error is spamming, i use worldguard 5.2.3
  4. Offline


    You have a PM with link to a test version with possible fix, could you please give it a try? Thank you very much!
  5. Offline


    i try when i get the chance ;)
  6. Offline


    Hi @bassfader

    Works great on #1000 and herochat. (WG 5.2.2, WE 4.6)
    BUT, could you please please remove the [SimpleAFK] tag in front of, or make it customizable?
  7. Offline


    Well I could, but the question that comes to my mind is: Why? I mean its pretty common for plugins to add their Tag to their messages. This is also just for messages displayed to the users them selfes, it doesn't add the Tag to anything else.

    Is it too long or whats wrong with the Tag?
  8. Offline


    The Tag is to long and yellow is very ugly :D
    But I use no tags for Plugins.

    Color Issues with herochat and GroupManager:
    For Admins it works, for member not. (only the name is colored, not the texts)

      prefix: '&f[{healthbar}&f]&e'
      suffix: '&f'
       prefix: '&f[&3Admin&f]&2'
       suffix: '&f'
    Herochat defaul format:
    '{prefix}{player}{suffix}: ' 
  9. Offline


    Well I could make the color for the Tag configurable, and maybe add an option for a shorter tag like [SAfk], but I will not remove the tag.
  10. Offline


    can you integrate an AFK kick option into this? that would make it the perfect replacement for two plugins I have, trying to consolidate my plugins ...
  11. Offline


    Yes I can, and probably will do this for version 0.9 or 1.0
    But please don't expect anything advanced (for example: if people are using some custom scripts, so they move once a minute a step forth and back, or something like that, it will not be able to detect this. So people using some techniques to work around the AFK detection - where a simple mouse movement is enough - will not be detected as AFK)
  12. Offline


    I think this plugin would really benefit from taking over the /list command

    All it would need to do is generate something like
    Online: player1, player2
    Online (AFK): player3, player4
  13. Offline


    The Files are demaged. Controll it, please.
    Thank you
  14. Offline


    Can you detect people who are only jumping up and down? A lot of people just rest a book on their spacebar to avoid AFK detectors.
  15. Offline


    It allready has its own list /afklist

    Files are all working without any problems here. Please redownload them, the files are definately fine. (Which browser are you using?)

    Maybe. (Well it is possible, need to think about wether I want to integrate it or not - I mean its SimpleAFK so its meant to be simple. But I'm going to think about it as a "simple" jumping detection shouldn't be too hard)
  16. Offline


    Sounds good thanks
  17. strange, put my self afk before any mobs were around then a spider decided to run into me, and in turn put me back from afk ( not Afk )
  18. Offline


    Well that's a great start, but it adds an extra command that's unnecessary. By using the /list command you're solving two problems at once, and, from my experience, people are bad at learning new commands. But /list is a very common command. It makes your plugin easier and more intuitive.
  19. Offline


    Yeah theres definately something wrong, need to find out how to detect something like that (this also happens when a user is "pushing" an AFK user).

    I'll think about it... Maybe I'll start a poll because I personally dont really think its nesseccary since most servers (at least the most ones I played on, and including my own one) have custom commands for this list implented by some other Plugin, so nobody I know of uses the /list command (on my server for example I have MOTD 1.0 which has the /who command which lists all Online player, and all players beeing AFK will also be displayed with the added AFK Tag, so no seperate lists are nesseccary, the players on my server most likely don't even know about the /afklist command except the ones who tested my Plugin with me)
  20. Offline


    I agree, the files are 0 bytes and unreadable. All other downloads from this site are functional.
  21. Offline


    And I can only ask again: Which browser are you using? Everything here is working fine using either Firefox 4 or Internet Explorer 8 or Internet Explorer 9

    1. Do NOT use download-managers
    2. Do NOT right-click -> Save as...
    Also I will add Dropbox Download links for the next Version, but I need to squash a bug first and therefor need to wait for the result from a test of / the reply of some other user as I cant reproduce the error neither on my Test-Server at home nor on my "real" Server running on a VPS.
  22. Offline


    Well that's great. For various reasons, I have never used motd on my server. From what I can tell it's the only plugin that has it's own "/list" command that integrates into "display names" like that. iChat only changes the users name when they chat (obviously not the best for being AFK).

    I still think it would improve your plugin to have this functionality built-in. That way it doesn't rely on others to do a key part of it's functionality.
  23. Offline


    I use IE9.0, no dl managers, left click only. The page ( opens and the dialog box appears. I click save. I open the folder and see the file size is 0 bytes and is unable to be opened, by either winrar or 7zip.
  24. Offline


    Great Plugin I will try!
    But could you add an automaticly kick after a time (configurable)
  25. Offline



    Plugin Updated to Version 0.8
    Also added Dropbox mirrors for download

          - Fixed a nullPointerException bug
          - Optimized code structure
  26. Offline


    Will try it out ;)
  27. Offline


    can you do it like If the server is full, and some online users are AFK, and another user is trying to login, the afk will be kickt so it can make a room for the new user.
  28. Offline


    Can you add a feature that you have god mode enabled when you are afk?
    And it would be nice when somebody moves or punches the afk god mode will be disabled.
  29. Offline


    I don't think that would be a good Idea since people would start abusing it, like "ohh there are mobs coming and I have barely health, I have to type /afk fast so I can stay alive"

    People should make sure that they stand in a safe place before going AFK, otherwise its their own fault :rolleyes:
  30. Offline


    I know thats a problem but because of this it would be godd that the afk mode is disabled when you move or move with the arrow.
    Members of my server have the fear that somebody hits them and take all their items...
    When they want to avoi it they have to disconnect...

    Edit: We have DynMap so people can find you^^

    But thank you anyway for this great plugin :)
  31. Offline


    Well SimpleAFK has auto-disable on move, so thats not the problem. The problem I see is that people would abuse it, so like I said as soon as they want to have godmode they just type /afk and stand still until the "danger" is over (until its day again for example).
    So if they want to avoid getting damage or loosing items they do not have to disconnect, but just make sure they stand in a safe place (if they are in the mid of a forrest they can allways just build a tower which is only 1 block thick, but 6 to 10 blocks high, so nothing is able to hit them).

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