Inactive [INFO] DonationMeter v1.0.1 - In-game donation displays [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by fghjconner, May 31, 2011.

  1. Offline


    DonationMeter - In-game visual meters:
    Version: v0.5.1
    DonationMeter allows you to easily track donations in a highly visible manner by creating custom shaped wool meters and text based sign meters to display donation values. Show your players exactly what your server needs!

    Please not that this plugin will NOT be updated unless you ask! As far as I know it is almost completely unused. If you want it updated, I will gladly do so.

    • Tracks donations and a list of VIP players
    • Customize names of VIPs and currency
    • Allows Creation of visual "Meters" that display the server donation status using colored wool
    • Permissions support
    • Notification system for players who have donated
    • Displays time remaining till the server bill (end of the month) (toggleable)
    Commands/Permission Nodes:

    • /DonationMeter - no permission required -- Displays donation information
    • /Donations - no permission required -- Alias for /DonationMeter
    • /donationMeter help - displays only available commands -- Displays command list
    • /DonationMeter VIPs - no permission required -- Lists VIPs
    • /DonationMeter addVIP <player> - DonationMeter.admin -- Adds a VIP
    • /DonationMeter removeVIP <player> - DonationMeter.admin -- Removes a VIP
    • /DonationMeter addDonation <amount> - DonationMeter.admin -- Adds donation to the current donation total
    • /DonationMeter setGoal <amount> - DonationMeter.admin -- Sets the monthly donation goal
    • /DonationMeter setCurrency <name> - DonationMeter.admin -- Sets the name of the currency to be used
    • /DonationMeter woolMeterHelp - DonationMeter.admin -- Displays information on creating wool meters
    • /DonationMeter signMeterHelp - DonationMeter.admin -- Displays information on creating sign meters
    • /DonationMeter pay - DonationMeter.admin -- Subtracts the monthly goal from the current donation total
    • /DonationMeter save - DonationMeter.admin -- Saves donationMeter data
    • /DonationMeter time [on/off] - DonationMeter.admin -- Toggles display of time remaining to server bill
    • /DonationMeter notify - DonationMeter.notify -- Notifies admins of a donation
    • /DonationMeter notifications - DonationMeter.admin -- View outstanding notifications
    • /DonationMeter accept <player> - DonationMeter.admin -- Adds notified amount to total and player to VIP list
    • /DonationMeter update - DonationMeter.admin -- Updates all meters (useful for new SignMeters)
    Creating Wool Meters

    Placing a sign with "Donations" or "DMeter" on the first line onto a block of wool creates a meter. The meter will automaticaly include all contiguous wool blocks (no diagonals) and the sign can then be removed. Note: blocks placed on the meter after activation will not be included. The meter operates by "filling" along its longest axis. The meter begins colored the "need" color (white by default) then fills with the "has" color (green by default). Finaly, once the meter fills, it fills again with the "extra" color (blue by default). Meters update whenever the goal or current donation value changes. Meters are destroyed (deactivated and reverted to white) when any of their component wool blocks are broken.

    Advanced Meter Options
    • Adding "-r" on the first line reverses the end from which the meter fills
    • Adding "-x", "-y", or "-z" forces the meter to fill along a specific axis
    • Placing "need [color]" on an empty line changes the need color to the specified color
    • Placing "has [color]" on an empty line changes the has color to the specified color
    • Placing "extra [color]" on an empty line changes the extra color to the specified color
    Colors (open)

    Light Gray
    Light Blue

    Creating Sign Meters

    Placing [have], [need], [extr], [goal] or [perc] on a sign will put that value onto the sign. The sign will NOT display the values until the meter is updated (Either by a change in one of the values, or with "/donations update")

    Pictures (open)






    Direct .jar link
    Source Code
    Source Code on GitHub

    • Add a settable payment date
    • Possibly add a display system for vips
    • Tie VIP list to a permission group
    • Make Sign Meters display the value when placed
    • Fix bugs :)

    Version 1.0.1
    • Fixed save system conking out when no meters were saved -_-
    Version 1.0
    • Added OpPermission option to config
    • Added the ability for meters to use any block (still build with wool, but on the sign specify itemNumber:data instead of colors)
    • Fixed save system. If the new system weren't coming soon, I'd guarantee no more loss of meters but alas it is not to be.
    Changelog (open)

    Version 0.6
    • Updated to use SuperPerms
    Version 0.5.1
    • Added null check to file loading
    Version 0.5
    • Fixed Event priority
    • Fixed Help message on update command
    • Fixed a different class cast exception bug (Hopefully)
    Version 0.4
    • Fixed ClassCastException bug (sorry for the wait)
    • Revised save system
    • Added Update Command
    Version 0.3
    • Added Sign Meters
    • Added op support
    • Added notification of notifications
    • Fixed problem with Permissions (hopefully)
    • Fixed priorities to meet bukkit standards
    • Fixed commands to work with console
    • Fixed version number
    Version 0.2
    • Added explosion support (by default deactivated in config; may cause lag)
    • Added time till bill toggle command
    • Added meter creation and destruction messages
    • Added notification system
    • General code cleanup
    Version 0.1
    • Initial release

    Archives (open)

    Version 1.0
    Version 0.5.1
    Version 0.5
    Version 0.4
    Version 0.3
    Version 0.2
    Version 0.1

    If you have any ideas or suggestions, please let me know!
    bobbysmithyy likes this.
  2. I can really not understand how this plugin works? Where does the donations come from? Its got nothing to do with paypal or anything so how does it update the donations? And where do people pay??

  3. Offline


    The plugin gets its information from commands (the addDonation command in particular). All it does is update all the meters in the world when the amount of money is changed by someone with permission. There is no system for actually transferring or monitoring the transfer of money.
  4. Offline


    There is a problem on #1001. When you build the sign from wool after server resets you have to make it again.
  5. Offline


    Are there any errors being thrown on server shutdown or startup? I'll look into this as soon as I get a chance.
  6. Offline


    No errors. Just "2011-08-04 10:14:39 [INFO] DonationMeter version 0.4 disabled/enabled!"
  7. Offline


    That's odd. Is there a "Meters.dat" file in the DonationMeter folder? Ill test this out (as soon as i get build 1001 to run...)
  8. Offline


    Today ive got this
    07:55:37 [SEVERE] Could not pass event BLOCK_BURN to DonationMeter
            at fghjconner.DonationMeter.DMBlockListener.onBlockBurn(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
            at net.minecraft.server.BlockFire.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.BlockFire.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.World.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.World.doTick(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Server crushed with this spamming.
  9. Offline


    The plugin is failing to load the list of meters from the file. Ill add a check to prevent the crash, but I don't know whats blocking it from loading the file.

    Added null check to prevent server crashing. Will not help problem with files not loading however (just prevent the problem from shitting on your server)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  10. Offline


    Looks cool.
  11. Offline



    Just fwi to anyone who uses this plugin (if any, lol): I am currently on vacation, and when I return I will be starting school, so I may be unable to update right away.
  12. Offline


    Plugin now officially works with 1060 (it already did, as expected). I don't plan to continue to add new features to this plugin. However, if anyone actually uses this plugin, feel free to request more features and I will look into adding them. (I will continue to keep the plugin working with the latest builds however)
  13. Offline


    A demo video would be nice. I cant get it to work D:
  14. Offline


    It is sad to see this plugin get active. I liked how playerscan check the donation bar ingame.
  15. Offline


    Perhaps I should change that to semi-inactive (I actually put that there myself cause no-one seemed to use this) Anyways, I went ahead and took the three minutes to update it to use superPerms so it should work with the latest bukkit :)
  16. Offline


    This looks awesome. Would love to use it.

    Could I get some screenshots maybe?
  17. Offline


    Sure, Ill post some as soon as I get home.
  18. Offline


    I know, interesting definition of "As soon as I get home" (sorry I sort of forgot :() but heres some pics

    Pictures (open)




  19. Offline


    Looks like a good plugin :) I'd use it if I still had a public server.
  20. Offline


    I would like to see some screenshots or a video on this.
  21. Offline


    Update! I've never heard of it before but now it seems cool!
  22. Offline


    @andrewpo Thanks!
    @Stephen92 Check the screenshot spoiler in the first post
    @8Keep Thanks, it seems to work on 1240, tell me if you find any bugs
  23. Offline


    Looks awsome
    With the colors and stuff.
  24. Offline


  25. Offline


    Please update to latest RB :)
    I love your work :)
  26. Offline


    Meters don't seem to be working on the latest RB.
  27. Offline


    Update coming soon. I'm really busy with school work and didn't notice the new recommended build until now! I'll update as soon as I get a chance.
  28. Offline


    I tested the plugin on my local machine, but was unable to reproduce any issue with the meters.
    If you could provide more details on exactly what is broken, I will see if I can reproduce it, but so far I've had no luck.
  29. Offline


    Turkey day here is the US so I'll get to it tomorrow :)
  30. Offline


    Yea, I'm posting this from my phone in the car on the way to go eat turkey :)
  31. Offline


    I might of found a possible issue: 1) The zip download is corrupt for me (although due to the filesize and if DM creates all its needed files automatically there isn't much of a need for a zip download).
    2) The plugin.yml in the direct jar link says 0.4, is it 0.4 or were you just lazy updating the version number :p ?

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