Inactive [INFO/CHAT] AutoAnnouncer v1.7-03.23 - Send ads/announcements/messages [1.2.5]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by sharkale, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Dev Bukkit:

    Info below is outdated. Go to Bukkit DEV

    AutoAnnouncer - Global announcements every few minutes

    Latest Version: v1.6-03.03
    Tested with CB: 1.1-R4

    • /announcer help|? - Show help
    • /announcer on|off - Start/stop AutoAnnouncer
    • /announcer restart - Restart the AutoAnnouncer scheduler
    • /announcer interval <minutes> - Set interval time between announcements
    • /announcer random <on|off> - Set random or use consecutive announcements
    Default Settings.yml

    Supports Colors:

    Multiline feature:

    Permissions Node:
    If permission not found or not used only OP can use the commands.
    For all command:

    • Interval time adjustable.
    • Random/Consecutive setting.
    • Colors support.
    • On/Off AutoAnnouncer.
    • Commands in-game
    • Permissions support (Optional)
    • Permissions groups support.
    • Editable Tag.
    • YAML settings.
    Version: 1.3-06.25
    Goto bukkit dev for latest version

    Source Code:



    Version 1.3-06.25
    • Add editable Tag.
    • Add Permissions groups support.
    Version 1.2-05.01
    • Minor tweaks for MC 1.5.
    • Add multiline feature with &NEW_LINE;.
    Version 1.1-04.10
    • Finish reload, interval and random/consecutive commands.
    • Delete debug message.
    • Show message for commands in-game.
    • Minor bug fixes.
    Version 1.0-04.08
    • First release
    • Implement reload, interval and random command.
    • Ability to add, remove announcement ingame.
    • Ability to send announcement to specific grups.
    • Multiline in announcement.
    Do you have problems?:
  2. Offline


    Could be useful to add IG management - where you can list announcements, then use the ID from there to remove them; also a command to add fresh ones. I could find some good use for this with those commands.
  3. Offline


    what is IG? im not english native. but the ability of remove are great. other todo
  4. Offline


    I'd love the ability to only broadcast commands to certain grounds of people, via permissions.
    KillFce likes this.
  5. Offline


    Good request. other todo
  6. Offline


    ig means in-game
  7. Offline


    thanks for the info :p
  8. Offline


    Can you add an option to send it to certain groups? This would be great for new players but my current players HATE reading them.

    ** fuck me ** should have read above! :p
  9. Offline


    updated... sorry for not adding anything fancy, but im pretty busy.
  10. Offline


    So when I enter what I want it to say I get a long list of errors in console. What am I doing wrong? For Example I enter - '&DARK_GREEN;welcome!' And it does not work. :( I'm pretty sure I'm doing something stupid but I do need help :) ty
  11. Offline


    emm if you dont post the error log, i cant help you and post the complete yml config.
  12. Offline

    Josh Harwood

    13:55:17 [SEVERE] java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Boolean loading AutoAnnouncer v1.1-04.10 (Is it up to date?)
    java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Boolean
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.reload(
    at com.earth2me.essentials.Essentials.onCommand(
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
  13. Offline


    Is there a way to reload the settings.yml file from in game? I've tried reload, but that outputs nothing. Stopping and starting the scheduler with on/off does not seem to recache the file either. Changing the interval does not seem to work either.

    CB 670, v1.1-04.10
  14. Offline


    it weird. it works great for me in windows 7 and xp.

    @Josh Harwood
    problem to read the boolean value? you write fine? in the config file must be "key: true" without any type of quotes

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  15. Offline


    can u make it able to add announcements ingame with command? it would be nice so i dont have always to open the yml an put them in
  16. Offline


    add todo
  17. Offline


    Can't wait for the update for the specific group comes out.
  18. Offline


    Nice plugin. Would you be able to add a per-player command that will turn all messages off for that player only with permissions for this command?
    I would love that.
  19. Offline


    In your OP you wrote /announcer reload, it should be /announcer restart :)

    I thought I was doing something wrong for like 20 minutes lol.

    Thanks for the awesome plug in :)
    sharkale likes this.
  20. Offline


    Sweet plugin, using it for my server now. One question, is there a way to create line-breaks? My announces are quite big (thats what she said) and they cut words in half at the end of each line generally.
  21. Offline


    How do I add a next line so it can boardcast 3 messages?
  22. Offline


    Hi, I'm very eager to try this but I'm getting this error. Why?

    12:51:17 [SEVERE] while parsing a block collection; expected <block end>, but found Scalar loading AutoAnnouncer v1.1-04.10 (Is it up to date?)
    while parsing a block collection
     in "<reader>", line 12, column 9:
                - '&DARK_RED;Server Reload in 5  ...
    expected <block end>, but found Scalar
     in "<reader>", line 16, column 24:
                - '&DARK_RED;I'm making a note here.'
  23. Offline


    Press "Enter", four spaces, " - ", space, then type what you would like to be broad-casted. (I am using Notepad ++)

    - You are on a Bukkit 740 server.
    - You are playing Minecraft.
    - Build something!
    - High five.
  24. Offline


    I can't wait for the todo list update.
  25. Offline


    Finally a working one, thank you so much!
  26. Offline


    update release. i working in other plugin "milkAdmin", when i finish, i will start working on announcements for groups.
  27. Offline


    Awesome, finally one that works. Thanks a ton for the plugin!
  28. Offline

    Darien Dassis

    It says there are now announcements to do when I type "/announcer on" Kinda ridiculous, are my messages too long? My messages go on for 2 lines. is this all correct? Unlike the code box below, the messages touch the left side of the window at a certain points. (Does not have 4 spaces before it when they are too long) Is that a problem?

        Interval: 2
        Random: false
        Permission: true
        - '&DARK_RED;Be sure to check the update wall for &NEW_LINE;updates, located in sha city!'
        - '&DARK_GREEN;Type "/tuto Lockette Doors" to &NEW_LINE;learn how to lock doors! &GOLD;Also type "/tuto lockette more"'
        - '&GOLD;Type "/tuto Lockette Chests" to learn how &NEW_LINE;to lock chests!&GOLD;Also type "/tuto lockette more"'
        - '&DARK_BLUE;Leather boots allow you to crouch &NEW_LINE;then double jump, or fly. But careful when landing!'
        - '&DARK_PURPLE;Gold boots allow you to sprint! &NEW_LINE;Use food to replenish the sprint bar! Golden boots double energy and speed!'
        - '&DARK_AQUA;Type "/tuto Lockette Hookshot" to &NEW_LINE;learn how to use a grappling hook!'
        - '&GREEN;Ask Takato1 about buying property that &NEW_LINE;only you can edit in! Costs Coins to buy land!'
        - '&GOLD;Type "/money help" for help with money commands!'
        - '&YELLOW;Type "/home help" for help with home commands!'
        - '&GRAY;Don't forgot to sell items &NEW_LINE;to other players, such as string!'
        - '&BLACK;Minecarts go automatically on this server!'
        - '&RED;Crops cannot be trampled on this server.&NEW_LINE; And creepers dont blow up!'
        - '&DARK_RED;The saddle shop has now re-opened in town!'
  29. Offline


    you must have 4 spaces before each - in a list. This is a requirement of YAML, and will break your config files if you don't follow it.
    bigbuddy2932 likes this.
  30. Offline


    your yalm is broken in - '&GRAY;Don't forgot to sell items &NEW_LINE;to other players, such as string!'

    the ' of don't broke the yaml.

    yaml fixed:

        Interval: 2
        Random: false
        Permission: true
            - "&DARK_RED;Be sure to check the update wall for &NEW_LINE;updates, located in sha city!"
            - "&DARK_GREEN;Type '/tuto Lockette Doors' to &NEW_LINE;learn how to lock doors! &GOLD;Also type '/tuto lockette more'"
            - "&GOLD;Type '/tuto Lockette Chests' to learn how &NEW_LINE;to lock chests!&GOLD;Also type '/tuto lockette more'"
            - "&DARK_BLUE;Leather boots allow you to crouch &NEW_LINE;then double jump, or fly. But careful when landing!"
            - "&DARK_PURPLE;Gold boots allow you to sprint! &NEW_LINE;Use food to replenish the sprint bar! Golden boots double energy and speed!"
            - "&DARK_AQUA;Type '/tuto Lockette Hookshot' to &NEW_LINE;learn how to use a grappling hook!"
            - "&GREEN;Ask Takato1 about buying property that &NEW_LINE;only you can edit in! Costs Coins to buy land!"
            - "&GOLD;Type '/money help' for help with money commands!"
            - "&YELLOW;Type '/home help' for help with home commands!"
            - "&GRAY;Don't forgot to sell items &NEW_LINE;to other players, such as string!"
            - "&BLACK;Minecarts go automatically on this server!"
            - "&RED;Crops cannot be trampled on this server.&NEW_LINE; And creepers dont blow up!"
            - "&DARK_RED;The saddle shop has now re-opened in town!"

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