[INFO/ADMN] WelcomeNewPlayers v0.5.3 - Global welcome message on new player join [1818]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by cmastudios, Nov 10, 2011.

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    This plugin uses BukkitDev, go there for downloads and more info.
    This plugin is dedicated to the Public Domain.

    This plugin is a simple way to have a message appear when a brand new player joins the server. I don't use essentials so the only way I can tell if a player is new to the server is by looking at the console. This plugin is totally customizable right from the game! The commands are OP-only, but can be configured to only allow the console to (Don't need your admins messin with your messages). It even has a separate message that is only sent to the new player that joined. Supports colors!
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    Nice! One suggestion, make a waypoint where the new users get teleported to. Useful for tutorials.
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    Yeah. I recommend HeroSpawn for that though, as I never intended for this to be used for teleportation, only to send welcome messages.
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