[INACTIVE][WGEN/MECH] StyxSpace v1.1 [TheOne] - Go to space! BananaSpace coming soon. [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Styx Reborn, Jun 13, 2011.

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  1. Offline

    Styx Reborn

    StyxSpace - Version 1.1 [TheOne]
    What is StyxSpace, what can it be used for?
    StyxSpace is a plugin that allows generation of worlds that are "space", empty. Say you want to make a space station and some planets, you can do so with StyxSpace. We offer you space to build in, you make space really look like space. Freebuild servers (like Styx Reborn!) can use StyxSpace to give their players a world they can freely wander around and build amazing space
    related builds. Survival servers can use StyxSpace to give players a new world to explore.

    StyxSpace is very lightweight. It only offers a single command for everything. You can use other plugins like Inception to offer players a brand new way to
    go to space. For extra realism we have added spacehelmets & spacesuits to the plugin - without a
    helmet/suit you won't be able to survive in space for long! StyxSpace has a great amount of
    configuration to make your space worlds feel exactly how you want them. You might be wondering what the space StyxSpace creates looks like.. Below are some screenshots with planets, asteroids and all that good stuff StyxSpace has to offer!
    Screenshots of StyxSpace (open)

    As you can see from the last screenshot, StyxSpace now has Pail (a Bukkit GUI) support. From there you can change StyxSpace settings and save them. This feature is still a work in progress but should be finished soon!

    StyxSpace also has Spout-support. If you have Spout installed, and your players use Spoutcraft, you can now remove clouds from spaceworlds! This is toggleable in the configuration file though, so don't worry.
    Download StyxSpace v1.1 [TheOne]
    Download dev builds or older versions
    Before asking questions, please read the wiki here!
    (includes installation instructions!)

    Full permission node and command list (open)

    2. commands:
    3. space:
    4. description: Go to space, back to earth etc.
    5. usage: |
    6. /<command> <enter> [spaceworld] - Go to a space world
    7. /<command> <back> - Go back where you were
    8. /<command> <help>

    Permission groups
    • styxspace.* - Access to all StyxSpace commands
    • styxspace.teleport.* - Access to all teleportation commands (/space enter, /space back etc)
    • styxspace.portal.* - Access to portal creation, usage and removal
    Single permissions
    • styxspace.portal.use
    • styxspace.portal.create
    • styxspace.portal.remove
    • styxspace.teleport.enter
    • styxspace.teleport.exit

    How to report bugs!
    Please use this form when reporting bugs:
    [b]StyxSpace Version:[/b]
    [b]CraftBukkit Version:[/b]
    [b]Description of bug:[/b]
    [b]How to reproduce:[/b]
    [b]Errors in log about StyxSpace? If yes, paste it here:[/b]

    Version 1.1 [TheOne] The biggest update ever.:
    -Added support for multiple space worlds
    -Added glowstone generation, configurable spawning chance
    -Added "asteroid" generation, configurable spawning chance
    -Added nethermode, makes space have nether environment (it's a lot of fun!)
    -Added a tiny little Spout feature, no clouds. Requires Spout & Spoutcraft (client mod)
    -Added Pail (Bukkit GUI) support.
    -Added permission nodes to plugin.yml
    -Added SpaceWorldHandler and SpaceConfigHandler (API)

    -Changed config.yml a lot. Please make a new config when updating from older versions to 1.1.
    -Planet generation configuration is in its own file now, global
    -Helmet block id, armortype, and givehelmet/suit are now global
    -Changed some commands because of multiple space world support
    -Changed some permission nodes, added permission groups (SuperPerms)
    -Changed the API around a bit for multiple space worlds (API)
    -Cleaned the code up a cheeseload

    -Removed some old code that is no longer used
    -Removed /space reload as it didn't work like it should
    -Removed teleporting others to space as it was a hacky command
    -Removed a command no one has yet found, added sometime in 0.4
    -Removed SpaceHandler (API)
    -Removed some old methods because of code changes (API)

    Version 1.0 [Graduation]:
    -Added /space help & reload (permission nodes under download link)
    -Possibly patched some problems with area detection
    -Started new plugin, 'StyxFlight'
    -Expanded & modified the API, more info
    -Prepared coming API changes (SpacePlayer)
    -Made plugin "open source", more info


    Older versions of StyxSpace (open)

    Version 0.9_5 [Netherrack]:
    -Readded spawn block generation on teleport to space removed in 0.5
    Version 0.9_4 [Netherrack]:
    -Fixed errors if a player dies while suffocating in space
    Version 0.9_3 [Netherrack]:
    -Changed the way helmets are handled
    Version 0.9_2 [Netherrack]:
    -Implemented Bukkit's permission system
    -Added hasPermission(String permission, Player player) to API (SpacePlayer)
    Version 0.9_1 [Netherrack]:
    -Fixed only ops or players with permission being able to break a sign
    Version 0.9 [Netherrack]:
    -Added portals, more information here
    -Added spacesuits (just as configurable as helmets)
    -Added /space playername to teleport other players to space, permission node:

    -Implemented a few missing API methods
    -Fixed errors when changing world while suffocating
    -Fixed some problems with message order (permissions)
    -Removed unused configuration for messages
    -Changed colors of other messages to red/green

    Version 0.8_1 [Adventor]:
    -Fixed helmet given regardless of configuration settings
    Version 0.8 [Adventor]:
    NOTE: Please delete your configuration file for a new one to be generated!
    -Rewrote most of the code for optimization
    -Organized configuration file
    -Pumpkinhelmet replaced with blockid
    -Fixed endless loop of errors when a player quits while in 'drowning' mode
    -Implemented most of the API, more information here

    Version 0.7_4-9:
    -Implemented API (for usage)
    -Fixed /space back working regardless of the permission node
    Version 0.7_3-9:
    -Added API, for more information, click here
    Version 0.7_2 (URGENT):
    -Fixed fix of errors with /space
    Version 0.7:
    -Added new config setting, helmetrequired: true/false: defaults to false
    -Givehelmet now defaults to false
    -Gave the death a drowning effect
    -Cleaned up code

    Version 0.6:
    -Made messages configurable
    -Fixed dying after dying for having no helmet

    Version 0.5:
    -Added planet generation, extremely configurable, defaults to on
    -Added /space back, permission node: styxspace.teleport.exit
    -Cleaned up the code
    -No more forced spawnblock, generated only once
    -No bugfixes, sorry

    Version 0.4_2:
    -Fixed errors with breathable areas
    Version 0.4_1:
    -Fixed internal server errors when leaving space
    Version 0.4:
    -Brought back settings for hostile and neutral mobs
    -Breathable areas, don't use glass helmets anymore!
    -Fixed material duplication bug
    -Fixed configuration file resetting to default on reload
    -Removed BukkitContrib requirement
    -Made helmet checks more efficient
    -Prepared for 0.4_1 later this week
    -New permission node for /space: styxspace.teleport.enter, preparing for new commands

    Version 0.3_2:
    -Fixed BukkitContrib loading after StyxSpace
    -Fixed grammar errors
    Version 0.3_1:
    -Made chunk generator lightweight
    Version 0.3:
    -Pumpkins as spacehelmets
    -Configurable autogive of spacehelmets
    -Fixed players running out of "air" to breathe when clicking a spot in their inventory (without
    actually removing the helmet)
    -Attempted fix of BukkitContrib problems
    -Any teleport to space will be recognized and will show welcome messages etc.

    Version 0.2
    -Configurable weather (true/false)
    -Configurable mobs (true/false)
    -Configurable night only (true/false)
    -Configurable world name
    -Configurable space helmets (true/false)
    -Space helmets, if you take it off your head you will die
    -Fixed void kicking for flying

    Version 0.1_3:
    -Only pigs spawn in space
    -No rain/thunder/snow in space
    Version 0.1_2:
    -/space now defaults to OP if Permissions is not installed
    Version 0.1_1:
    -Spawngriefprotection will replace the following: sign, ladder, water, lava with stone
    -Disabled /space when the player is in space (configurable in v0.2)
    Version 0.1:
    -Initial release of StyxSpace
  2. Anyone else notice considerable cpu increase when using this plugin?
  3. I just say that plugin and thought: good work. Will install that for sure. :)

    But I have a few questions:
    1. Could you have a talk to the dev of MeteorShower? Maybe together you could implement that, if boot plugins are installed, meteores fly randomly (not like on a normal wold) through the space?
    2. If I install the dev version of your flight plugin, how stable will it be?
    3. For what exactly can I use the fly API? I really see no sence there (but I didn't had a look into it and am extreme tired at this moment) because players can still fly with that plugin enabled. So what should a third party plugin do?
    4. Please do away the "stars", because real stars are planets far away and we have still stars on the sky. In reallity nobody could go to a star, would see that it's just a little bit bigger than him, ...
    5. I didn't had a look on the timeline in this thread but when can we hope for a final release? What are your future plans right now?

    //EDIT: 5. I just had a look at your license and... WTF?!? Please go to your lawyer and rework that because I don't think you will win a process with that. Also: I can fork with the git fork, but I don't have the right to publish this fork? Then it's no fork, so I don't have the right to fork it, but wait, you sayed I have, ... You see what I mean? :)

    But of course I know what you license want to say: Do what you want but ask me before you release it. This is a nice idea, but to create a legal licence you need more than a few sentences saying what you want. :)
  4. Offline


    only when creating new chunks.
  5. Offline


    i was asking aboute if you could add gas skyes and there was a link to how a gass sky could look and sorry for bad english
  6. I tried out the dev version o Stylx Flight right now and got kicked from the server because flying is not allowed.
    Seems like it's not ready yet but without it I can only reach 2 planets (with WoldGuards compass). :(

    //EDIT²: Get kicked a few secounds after reconnecting: Flyling not allowed.
    After a few reconnects I died, respawned... In a planet? (I see only stone in front of me but I'm not dieing like I would if I were really in) ... and a few moments later: disconnected cause of time out. Since then I couldn't reconnect (time out).

    Only message in log is from WorldGuard:
    I don't now when exactly this happend but I think it was there when I flyed (the first time?).

    Please tell me where this bug is related to. Is it right here (because StylexSpace/Flight triggeredit) or do I have to inform the WG team (because it's their plugin going crazy (at least I think so, because of the 100% CPU load and not responding of the server).

    2011-07-28 23:17:16 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_MOVE to StyxFlight
    	at me.iffa.styxflight.StyxFlightPListener.onPlayerMove(StyxFlightPListener.java:32)
    	at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$7.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:286)
    	at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:58)
    	at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:338)
    	at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:164)
    	at net.minecraft.server.Packet10Flying.a(SourceFile:126)
    	at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
    	at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:85)
    	at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:451)
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:361)
    	at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    I don't think that plugin is ready for use yet, is it? ;)

    //EDIT³: If you're searching for a dev which is willing to help, PM me.
    I don't know how much spare time I can give to that task but I really want StyxFlight soon! :)

    //EDIT4: I have high CPU load since the first error, too. It's constantly and nobody is on the server, so I don't think it's releated to a wold creating task of StyxSpace. But I think it's related to StyxFlight, so I don't want to count that to the previous poster with an an similar problem.
  7. Offline

    Styx Reborn

    hm, first of all you could try enabling flying. I didn't understand the rest.
  8. Offline


    Hello fellow crafters..!
    I need your expert help...

    Does anyone here know if it is possible to use this Stargate plugin to travel to and from Space using the Styxspace plugin?

    I understand that there are sign portals in Styxspace, but I would like to use a Stargate to travel to and from Space.

    I would appreciate your help.

    AWESOME plugin by the way!!!
  9. as I sayed: I'm extremly tired and my body says I should have gone to bed long before. Also my english is not the best.

    What do you mean with "enabling flying"? I typed in the command and flyed around, than the stuff I (tried to) reported happens.

    Let me try to explain it again:
    I toggled flying mode on (with the command of StyxFlight) and started flying. A few moments later the swrver kicked me (I'm the owner) with the message that flying is not allowed. When I re logged on the server I was still flying and get kicked cause of that again. After a few tries to go on my server without reloading i got it. But I died almos istantly and respawned in something strange. I think I was inside of blocks (do you know how it looks like= It looked so) but I didn't die as you would if you are inside of blocks. I was wondering what was going on but then I get kicked again: Time out.
    So I tried to reconnect but I couldn't: connection time out.

    After all that happend I had a look to the server logs. The only thing I found was the error message from WorldGuard. This error was there around the same time I started flying/get kicked (not sure because I had no look at a swatch at this time)

    Then I waited and after around 10 minutes the server was responsible, again. I could log me on again and of course after the experience before I had a look at the console output. But almost instanty after I logged me on I saw the message
    2011-07-28 23:17:16 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_MOVE to StyxFlight
    	at me.iffa.styxflight.StyxFlightPListener.onPlayerMove(StyxFlightPListener.java:32)
    	at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$7.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:286)
    	at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:58)
    	at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:338)
    	at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:164)
    	at net.minecraft.server.Packet10Flying.a(SourceFile:126)
    	at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
    	at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:85)
    	at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:451)
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:361)
    	at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    looping in the console/log.

    I hope I coulf explain what happened. But as I sayed: I'm extreme tired (tend to sleep on the keyboard) and my english is not the best. Also a friend visited me a few hours ago and brought some beer. So at the moment my concentration is not the best. :(

    //EDIT: After I got kicked the first time the server consumed 100% of one cpu core. This behavior was there till I stopped the server (around one hour aho, the friend visiting me wanted to look a move so I had to kill memory/CPU consuming tasks).
  10. Offline


    By "enable flying" he means go into the servers server. properties file and set allow-flight= true
  11. Offline


    What do you mean like server logs?! Server ain't showing anything unusual. My PC specs are: Processor Intel Dual Core 2,4 GhZ, 4GB RAM memory, Ati Radeon HD 3600 series, motherboard Gigabyte GL-EP35-DS3L
  12. Okay, that could be a workaround. But that's not how a flying plugin should work. Because the option in the config file should prevent client-side flying, too. I think a plugin has to temporary take out the no-fly mode for that one player or something similar, but I didn't had a look into such a task before.

    And I have a new error after a server restart:
    011-07-29 11:29:19 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'space"
    2011-07-29 11:29:20 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2011-07-29 11:29:20 [SEVERE] 	at com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.FlagStateManager.run(FlagStateManager.java:84)
    2011-07-29 11:29:20 [SEVERE] 	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftWorker.run(CraftWorker.java:34)
    2011-07-29 11:29:20 [SEVERE] 	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:679)
    again: StyxSpace or WorkldGuards bug?

    Also I flied around in space a bit but the space was really empty. I did see 3 planets till now, all in the near of the spawning point (one of it is the spawning point). Is this normal? Are planets so rare that I have to search for them?

    //EDIT: I disconnected while I was flying, reconnected, saw something which could be a star made out of sand? Couldn't move, started dieing, enabled godmode to prevent dieing and suddenly I saw exactly the same stones infront of me as I sayed in an earlier post (where I thought I'm inside of a planet)
  13. Offline

    Styx Reborn

    You've got a fucked up server. WorldGuard error
  14. How can I bring it down again? Remove the space world and the StyxSpace folder while the server is offline and then restart it?

    //EDIT: Shouldn't the world folder be called world_space and not only space?

    //EDIT²: The newly generated space has more planets now. :)
    But the NPE eror of WorldGuard is still there.
  15. Offline

    Styx Reborn

    I have no clue about the WG NPE. About your first edit: Maybe.
  16. Offline


    Is it possible to put back your helmet ( if it's another block, like Glass)?
  17. Offline

    Styx Reborn

  18. Offline


    So you can't make this happen? Ohh...:(
  19. Hey. Players seem to be able to travel space without spacesuit, and without dying if they have ½ heart left
  20. Offline

    Styx Reborn


    :O In exactly 2 weeks:
    The number on the right is the download count. Whoever was the 2000th, gz to you aswell. Now I must work on 1.1 and StyxFlight.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  21. Offline


    Congrats!! Thanks for all of your hard work! Love this plugin
  22. Offline


    Can you add some asteroids, just like planets, configurable, but with different shapes?
  23. Offline

    Styx Reborn

    Probably not - some glowstone will be around in the future though.
  24. Offline


    What does the enablegravity setting does ? its not in the settings of the wiki picture and i tried on and off but it doesnt seem to change anything. So could you explain what it does and how to enable it ? thank you and btw your mod is pure awesomeness =3
  25. Offline

    Styx Reborn

    I believe I said this a few pages ago: something I forgot in 1.0, www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnVIdwxn6gw - it will be StyxFlight, and that option will probably be removed later on.
  26. Offline


    ok so it'll be a like a server-side fly mod i guess, well ok :) my dream (even though i highly doubt this is possible with the minecraft engine) would be that either we get long jumps and slow falling or also a real gravity on planet (you run around it like on a real planet, stuck on the faces even though you're upside down)
  27. Offline


    I'm having an issue on my server with 3 people. I'm using inception. When someone leaves space and falls down to the regular world... none of us can take our helmet off inside our space station. I restart the server and then we can all take our helmet off safely again.
  28. Offline

    Styx Reborn

    Uhh...? Can't take a block off your head?
  29. Offline


    Would probably be possible with client-mods. Otherwise you would be facing up no matter where you go. But I don't know if gravity increasing when close to planets would be possible.
  30. Offline


    sorry I should have been more clear. If we remove our helmet we start to take damage from there being no "oxygen". This only happens after someone falls to another world. Then I must restart server to fix it. Using latest version of styxspace bukkit and inception.
  31. Offline

    Styx Reborn

    Oh, okay.
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