[INACTIVE][TP/MECH] Inception v1.04dev0.5 - World Layering and Overlapping [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Lihad, Jun 5, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Inception - From one world into another (into another, and another, and another)

    Just got back from honeymoon!!! woot!!!! I will be updating Inception for 1.8 as bukkit allows :) stay tuned!

    Most Recent Build

    [1060] - Version 1.04dev0.5 - Full
    [1060] - Version 1.04dev0.5 - jar only
    Past Builds
    [1060] - Version 1.04 - [->] 1.03, 1.02c, 1.02a, 1.01, 1.00

    Allows you to fall (or climb) from one world into another world by catching players that enter a y-coordinate that isn't in the normal range of play (or otherwise defined). With the addition of skyland environments, this plugin can be used to stop players from falling indefinitely, and instead make them drop in another world at the same x and z coordinates.

    Love Inception? Wanna help out a poor-ass college kid who is about to get married AND working his way through commercial flight school?! Donate!
    Other Plugins Worth Your Time!
    Inception works great with:



    Recent Fixes!For Version 1.04 & dev0.5

    - dev0.4 includes fixes for Exceptions casuesd by minecarts and mobs through Inception
    - dev0.4 allows mobs to not die by passing through Inception
    - dev0.4 includes a MAJOR fix fir a bug that occurred in 1.04 that rewrote parts of the config.yml, assuming there was none there (when there may have been).
    - .jar by itself will auto-generate a config.yml if none are detected :) Hooray!
    - New Developer API shtuff. I'll make a tab regarding info on it later tonight.
    - Bug fixes
    - More bugs
    - Mobs can now technically pass through inception layers IF they fall into a void. Working on this to fix it so it synchronizes with the set limits
    - Minecarts should be able to Inception
    - Boats should be able to pass through Inception layers
    - Console will yell at you more when you mess up stuff in the Inception config.yml, so I won't have to.
    - New command ./inception edit
    - And more stuff!

    Old Fixes!For Version 1.02delta & 1.03

    - Added options for syncing time in all worlds (this only works if time movement is normally enabled in a world type, and for that world)
    - Inception returns more information to the console on start up
    - The ground work for different fall damage has been laid, not Implemented Yet!
    - The config file is more forgiving and lets you use lower case in the environment type ;)
    - Fixed player getting pushed through stairs on inception (or half-blocks)
    - Fixed player getting stuck in the ground (100% success rate in testing, let me know if results differ)

    - Fixed player positioning on Inception being off a couple blocks x,z
    - Config editing commands now reload Inception upon completion automagically (no feedback)
    - Foreign worlds as a 'lowerWorld' aren't stubborn assholes any longer.

    - Fixed teleport looping
    - Fixed chunks being deleted in dynamicOverlapping
    - Colored blocks now reflect properly through an overlap
    - Block facing through dynamicOverlapping is fixed
    - Block facing through standard overlapping is ish-fixed. but not really.
    - Syncing of linked worlds by their spawns is added as an option in the config.yml
    - The exclusion of certain block types the are mirrored in an overlap is added as an option in
    the config.yml​
    - Water and lava pouring through an inception layer behaves more correctly
    - Inception passes priority of world creation with 'environment: null'
    - And other fixes


    Download the .zip and throw the contents into your plugins folder. Be sure to configure the config.yml file in the Inception folder or the plugin will fail! If updating from a previous version: Don't delete your old config.yml and expect a new one to generate! Use the new config.yml that is in the new version folder unless otherwise specified.

    Then, read the 'Setup' tab below for Detailed instrutions on the setup of Inception. For those new to the plugin, I don't suggest changing any values for anything outside of defining the worlds and environments for a single link. After you have the motion of Inception down, tweak the setting and add more links as you see fit.

    Setup (open)

    #Inception - Written By Lihad @ beyondminecraft.net

    ----- Using Inception
    Before using this plugin, be sure to backup your world files and etc. Inception has the potential to rewrite entire landscapes! Tread carefully.

    ----- The Initial Setup
    Download the latest .zip, or the one that suits your CB. And place the contents into your plugin folder.

    Be sure to modify the config.yml for Inception before the initial launch, it should look something like this to start:

                worldName: renameme
                environment: RENAMEME
                worldName: renameme
                environment: RENAMEME
            overlap: true
            enableFall: true
            enableClimb: true
            upperLimit: 128
            lowerLimit: 0
            overlapDepth: 5
    [INDENT=1]sync: false[/INDENT]
    autoInception: false
    fallDamage: false
    glassStep: true
    dynamicOverlapUpperToLower: false
    dynamicOverlapLowerToUpper: false
    exemptBlockID: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
    - Setting up your first link!
    Under link0, the options below exist:
                worldName: renameme
                environment: RENAMEME
                worldName: renameme
                environment: RENAMEME 
    Fill in the world you want to be top world in the worldName slot for the worldUpper key, as well as the environment type (most foreign world types created by other plugins are NORMAL in origin). The three main world types are NETHER, NORMAL, and SKYLANDS. Follow the same idea for the worldLower key, by adding in the world that you want to be 'below' your top. If your using another plugin to supply a foreign world type, use 'null' as the environment type and inception will pass priority to the corresponding plugin.

    Note: If you write the name of a world in either worldName slot that doesn't already exist, Inception will attempt to create it of the type Environment that you have specified.

    - Setting up your local link variables!
    Within link0, you will also see these options:
            overlap: true
            enableFall: true
            enableClimb: true
            upperLimit: 128
            lowerLimit: 0
            overlapDepth: 5
    [INDENT=1]sync: false

    Each does something different, set to maximize the performance you wish to get out of inception. 'enableFall' and 'enableClimb', if set to True, will allow your users to pass from the lower world to the upper world by climbing, as well as passing to the lower world from the upper world by falling. If you wish a player to only be able to fall from the upper world to the lower, but not climb back up, turn 'enableClimb' to false.

    To specify the 'y' coordinates that the inception between worlds takes place, define the values under upperLimit and lowerLimit. Once a player crosses this threshold, they will be beamed away to the other world.

    The 'overlap' is a tool used for those who wish to make their worlds seem to flow together. By turning 'overlap' to true, you are saying that the bottom and top of the worlds will share anything placed or destroyed by a user, within the distance specified by 'overlapDepth'. Thus, with an overlap depth of '5', y-coordinates 1,2,3,4 and 5 of the worldUpper will be shared with y-coordinates 123,124,125,126 and 127 of worldLower. Note: The transfer through normal overlapping will only work for blocks that are placed and destroy while the plugin is running.

    Also note that with overlapping, your lower and upper limits for said link must be equal in spacing. This is new to Version 1.o1.

    Lastly, turning 'sync' to true will line the linked worlds up by their spawns, instead of their x,z coordinates.

    - Creating More than One Link
    To create a second link, simply copy the entire link0:, and paste it under itself, renaming the new copy 'link1'. It would look something like this:
            overlap: true
            enableFall: true
            enableClimb: true
            upperLimit: 128
            lowerLimit: 0
            overlapDepth: 5
    [INDENT=1]sync: false[/INDENT]
            overlap: true
            enableFall: true
            enableClimb: true
            upperLimit: 128
            lowerLimit: 0
            overlapDepth: 5
    [INDENT=1]sync: false

    And of course, be sure to add the worlds you want to be involved in the new inception link, as well as changing/modifying any of your new local variables.

    - The Global Variables
    autoInception: false
    fallDamage: false
    glassStep: true
    dynamicOverlapUpperToLower: false
    dynamicOverlapLowerToUpper: false
    exemptBlockID: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
    These keys should only appear once in your config, and should be outside any keys. They are your global variables. 'fallDamage' is pretty obvious in wht it accomplishes.

    'autoInception', if turned to true, will have Inception automatically link all of your worlds for you in the standard manner (no overlap, limits at 0 and 128). This completely ignores any links you have specified. Very much the lazy-persons Inception tool.

    'glassStep' Is used for those who are travelling up to skylands and dont have a block to step on, or get caught in pesky inception loops. Turning this to true will give your user something to stand on when climbing up.

    'dynamicOverlap...' if turned on... be prepared for the shear power of inception to show itself. For every link that you have where 'overlap' is turned to 'true',. dynamic overlapping will take a snapshot (of height defined in 'overlapDepth') of a players current surroundings and places them in the world they are going to. Allows for EXTREMELY seamless transfer.... also has the potential to rewrite sections of worlds.

    'exemptBlockID' is any block id you wish to not be overlapped in an overlap layer.

    Commands (open)

    Only For Op

    Known Bugs (open)

    - Not Setting the config file correctly can cause weird things to happen
    - If a server's flymod catch is turned on, this can lead to players being kicked mid-transfer
    - Block facing is not always correct through overlapping
    - Signs don't overlap well
    - Chests don't overlap well
    - There may or may not be an issue with looping world Inceptions between two worlds that of Normal and Nether types. This has been known to cause issues with deleting chunks and etc. This issue is set for resolve in the next 1.02 release.
    will add more bugs to this section as they are noted and posted.

    Changelog (open)

    Version 1.04dev0.5[CB 1060]
    - Hotfix for dev0.4

    Version 1.04dev0.4[CB 1060]
    - dev0.4 includes fixes for Exceptions casuesd by minecarts and mobs through Inception
    - dev0.4 allows mobs to not die by passing through Inception
    - dev0.4 includes a MAJOR fix fir a bug that occurred in 1.04 that rewrote parts of the config.yml, assuming there was none there (when there may have been).

    Version 1.04[CB 1060]
    - .jar by itself will auto-generate a config.yml if none are detected :) Hooray!
    - New Developer API shtuff. I'll make a tab regarding info on it later tonight.
    - Bug fixes
    - More bugs
    - Mobs can now technically pass through inception layers IF they fall into a void. Working on this to fix it so it synchronizes with the set limits
    - Minecarts should be able to Inception (maybe...)
    - Boats should be able to pass through Inception layers (maybe...)
    - Console will yell at you more when you mess up stuff in the Inception config.yml, so I won't have to.
    - New command ./inception edit
    - And more stuff!

    Version 1.03[CB 1000]
    - Added options for syncing time in all worlds (this only works if time movement is normally enabled in a world type, and for that world)
    - Inception returns more information to the console on start up
    - The ground work for different fall damage has been laid, not Implemented Yet!
    - The config file is more forgiving and lets you use lower case in the environment type ;)

    Version 1.02delta[CB 977+/1.7.3]
    - Fixed player getting pushed through stairs on inception (or half-blocks)
    - Fixed player getting stuck in the ground
    - Fixed player positioning on Inception being off a couple blocks x,z
    - Config editing commands now reload Inception upon completion automagically (no feedback)

    Version 1.02charlie[CB 977]
    - Fixes Everything (almost)

    Version 1.02bravo[CB 977]
    - Technical Unreleased Officially

    Version 1.02alpha[CB 977]
    - Fixed player positioning on Inception
    - Fixed teleport looping
    - Fixed chunks being deleted in dynamicOverlapping

    Version 1.02[CB 953]
    - Overlapping works better and more correctly for block types
    - Added sync'ing
    - Added exclusions
    - Inception passes priority of world creation with 'environment: null'

    Version 1.01 [CB 953]
    - Upon Inception, player placement is now better suited to where they are coming from,

    especially with overlapping​
    - Defining a world in the Inception config.yml that doesn't exist will be automatically create

    by Inception​
    - Water and Lava within a overlap will no longer compound upon itself
    - Recursion was added (1.00), recursion was optimized (1.01)
    - Links now run by priority, and will not randomly place a player if multiple links share the

    same worldUpper or worldLower.​
    - Added more local variables per link.
    - Overlapping is better situated and follows the pattern suggest in 'overlapDepth' better.

    Version 1.00 [CB 953]
    - Rewrote the plugin for better optimization
    - Inception can now manage worlds without a crutch

    Version 0.9 delta [CB 917]
    - Fixed persistent Speed Hack kick

    Version 0.9 charlie
    - Split the dynamicOverlap node into two
    - Fixed an issue with overlapping

    Version 0.9 bravo
    - Added Dynamic Overlapping
    - Fix for 'lowerY' being less than '0'
    Version 0.9 alpha (does that even make sense?!)
    - Overlapping can now occur between links of your choice
    - Overlapping can occur between all Environment types
    - New command for specifying if a link should have overlapping or not
    - The ability to turn the glass block on and off!
    - SphereWorlds should finally be fixed (FINALLY!)
    - Overlapping works better

    Version 0.9
    - Added option for worldOverlay/rowOverlay
    - Fixed Inception identifying foreign world types
    - Fixed various other bugs

    Version 0.8
    - Added option for fallDamage (should already be in your config.yml) to either be on or off when fall damage occurs.

    Version 0.7
    - Added config options for setting the floor and ceiling of inception
    - Fixed '/inception list'
    - Added autoInception

    Version 0.6
    - Added a climbing inception (climbing to y=129 of a world allows a transfer)
    - Changed the config.yml
    - Changed the command '/inception modify'

    Version 0.5
    - Added in-game commands

    Version 0.4
    - If multiple links are created with the same 'worldUpper', it now randomly makes you fall to any of the 'worldLower' worlds under those links (instead of the first notable 'worldLower')

    Version 0.3
    - New config file!
    - The ability for multiple links to be made between worlds.
    - Cleaned some of the code up

    Version 0.2
    - Fixed falling into the nether
    - Fixed a few other minor bugs

    Version 0.1
    - Initial Build

    Special Thanks to: JorenCombs, Pherce, Kside, Annilyna and all the members of Beyond Horizon. For giving me testing grounds for Inception-izing you all (like you actually had a choice).
  2. Offline


    Keep me posted on this. Im at work so I cant give ur conditions any sort of backup test. What does concern me is this 7x7 area being altered.... Should be more like 25x25.... I wonder if sync is out of wack for the dynamics....
  3. Offline


    It might have something to do with my 'skytower' set up, its very enclosed, with at most 3 blocks high to stand in, and 2 blocks wide. its a 2x wide staircase, that spirals around a 1x1 central pillar, surrounded by a wall of glass.

    I uploaded a picture of the towers layout, taken from the bottom of the area that is missing, and a picture looking up to see the top row left over.

    Attached Files:

  4. Offline


    In testing, similar erases were present when a dynamic overlap from bottom ti top isnt done before going top to bottom. However... That is no excuse for the top layer remaining. ill def have to look into that one...
  5. Offline


    there may have been a 'not going from bottom to top first' scenario in my case. As I 'think' I might have been in the upper world, when I changed the sync setting and reloaded.
  6. Offline


    I notice water and lava falls no longer persist between worlds with dynamicoverlap. It looks like the flowing water is transferring but no source block is being placed to maintain it. Is this by design?
  7. Offline


    Yes, I figured it made falling water look more realistic when going through an inception layer. And they are source blocks at the top of the stream, they just shouldn't act like it. :)

    For sure :) That is the danger in dynamicOverlapping.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  8. Offline


    Ahh ok. It would be nice to have the option to have the falls persist (without the expanding effect), but I also know it is easier said than done!

    Fantastic work by the way. My and my users love it! Even if we can't dump lava on people from the world above ;)
  9. Offline


    That would require a big update.... sounds like a good 2.xx thing ;)
  10. Offline


    SO is there a special people's instructions on how to make this work? because I am apparently special... I can fall from my upper world down to my lower world but I still have no idea how to "climb" to the upper world. I built stars, I built ladders, I turned on flying... nothing happens.... sorry to be a whiner but I am just not getting how this works... maybe my perception of how this works is wrong.
  11. Offline


    lol, np. Show me your config.yml

    Version 1.02 is now reflected in the main post, I also mostly updated the setup spoiler. Enjoy . And use the new config.yml or modify ur existing one to use the new sync and exemptBlockID keys.:)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  12. I have a problem...
    I don't know if it is related to this plugin or to bukkit itself...

    It started yesterday with a bug in Inception, to be more precise, the following lines are repeated again and again really fast:
        at lihad.Inception.WorldInception.currentLocationUpperLink(WorldInception.java:28)
        at lihad.Inception.WorldInception.currentLocationLowerLink(WorldInception.java:23)
        at lihad.Inception.WorldInception.currentLocationUpperLink(WorldInception.java:33)
    I then upda te Inception to 1.02(was running 1.01) and the bug stopped.

    But now my skylands world is no longer "skylands", the clouds are at the top and the world is generated like a normal world.
    No errors are given and when I look at /inception list it says the environment is skylands...
    I don't know what has caused this but it is really annoying because we already put lots of work into our skylands world and it would be a shame to have to shut it down just because of this...
  13. Offline


    Show me your config.yml
  14. Here it is:
                worldName: world_skylands
                environment: SKYLANDS
                worldName: world
                environment: NORL
            overlap: false
            enableFall: true
            enableClimb: false
            upperLimit: 126
            lowerLimit: 0
            overlapDepth: 5
            sync: true
    autoInception: false
    fallDamage: false
    glassStep: true
    dynamicOverlapUpperToLower: false
    dynamicOverlapLowerToUpper: false
    exemptBlockID: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
  15. Offline


    amazing plugin, I love it :D I actually thought at first that the overlapping would draw the blocks above or below the normal building limits. So for example if I built a staircase leading up to y 128, when I reached the world above, I would be teleported at exactly y 1, and the entire staircase could be seen below y 1 extending all the way down to y-128, but I guess that's not possible ey? Still, awesome job on this!
  16. Offline


    Here ya go:
    worldName: space
    worldName: hamcraft
    environment: NORMAL
    overlap: true
    enableFall: true
    enableClimb: true
    upperLimit: 128
    lowerLimit: 0
    overlapDepth: 5
    sync: true
    autoInception: false
    fallDamage: false
    glassStep: true
    dynamicOverlapUpperToLower: false
    dynamicOverlapLowerToUpper: false
    exemptBlockID: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
  17. Offline


    The environment type for your lower should probably be NORMAL . Dont know what kind of a difference it will make... but since they are connected, who knows. I tried replicating your issue as well, to no avail. Is there another plugin that you are using for world managing as well?

    You have no environment type defined for your space world. Use 'environment: null'
  18. Offline


    Fixed and still not able to climb up. Do I need a world management plug-in besides inception?
  19. Offline


    if you're not able to climb up, change the upperLimit to something like 126 (setting upperLimit to 128 mean standing at the highest block and jumping to 129 to get inception to trigger)

    Oh yah, that would be pretty sweet! heck, I would try and reflect the entire world under you if I could :D haha ... ... ... maybe I should really look into that

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  20. Offline


    you have enable climb set to false.
  21. Marry me. Please. Just what i've been waiting for to be honest! Brilliant addition .
    - Dannie
  22. Offline


    Okay - I have inception into my skylands working great (you build a tower, the top of it is at the bottom of the skylands.)

    Im having problem with nether. My users cant break bedrock for one - so thats issue 1. Id like to overlap a block or two above bedrock. My 2nd issue is, if I break bedrock myself using worldedit, I get taken to the nether just fine (sometimes. Sometimes I warp to nether, then warp right back to world, but in the void.), but its not overlaped like my skyland is.

    Here's my config:

    Okay.. weird. I just dug a new hole and hit netherack. When I fell through tho, I was in the nether (red backdrop with no blocks) and then warped back to the top of my hole I dug. I think my setting must be ALMOST there.

    Well, played some more. I turned off sync and it worked. I dont really care where in the nether they land as long as when they dig back up they go home =P

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  23. Offline


    Im having the same problem as some1 was earlier i was wondering if anyone could help

    13:17:42 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_MOVE to Inception
            at lihad.Inception.WorldInception.currentLocationLowerLink(WorldInceptio
            at lihad.Inception.TDRPlayerListener.onPlayerMove(TDRPlayerListener.java
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$7.execute(JavaPluginLoader.ja
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.jav
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.j
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:163)
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet10Flying.a(SourceFile:126)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:84)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:451)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:361)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    Here is my configuration
                worldName: space
                environment: SPACE
                worldName: world-skylands
                environment: SKYLANDS
            overlap: true
            enableFall: true
            enableClimb: true
            upperLimit: 128
            lowerLimit: 0
            overlapDepth: 5
            sync: true
                worldName: world_skylands
                environment: SKYLANDS
                worldName: world
                environment: NORMAL
            overlap: true
            enableFall: true
            enableClimb: true
            upperLimit: 128
            lowerLimit: 0
            overlapDepth: 5
            sync: true
                worldName: world
                environment: NORMAL
                worldName: world_nether
                environment: NETHER
            overlap: true
            enableFall: true
            enableClimb: true
            upperLimit: 128
            lowerLimit: 0
            overlapDepth: 5
            sync: true
    autoInception: true
    fallDamage: false
    glassStep: true
    dynamicOverlapUpperToLower: false
    dynamicOverlapLowerToUpper: false
    exemptBlockID: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
    Also i am using 1.02
    Thanks for your help!
  24. Offline


    If you want ur users to be able to access the nethet without breaking bedrock. Adjust your upper and lower limits to 125 and 3 respectively, and set your overlapDepth to something greater than 6. Should have some good results from that :) just tweek till you get wht u like best :)

    'environment: SPACE' isn't valid as SPACE is not a valid inherit environment type. Change that to 'environment: null' and Inception will pass the loading of the world onto the plugin that the world is built off of :)

    sync is new to 1.02 so I wouldn't be surprised if the were some bugs along with it. glad to hear you got it working

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  25. Offline


    Im sorry i should have updated that but i already changed SPACE to null and it still has the same error
    inception is enabled perfectly in my server startup it just wont let me fall or climb and when i try to it produces that error
  26. Offline


    Oh. I have an idea . Turn autoInception to 'false' . Let me know what happens.
  27. Offline


    tried that still producing the same error, also tried setting sync to false(just for kicks) and same error
    heres my current conifg
                worldName: space
                environment: null
                worldName: world-skylands
                environment: SKYLANDS
            overlap: false
            enableFall: true
            enableClimb: true
            upperLimit: 128
            lowerLimit: 0
            overlapDepth: 5
            sync: true
                worldName: world_skylands
                environment: SKYLANDS
                worldName: world
                environment: NORMAL
            overlap: false
            enableFall: true
            enableClimb: true
            upperLimit: 128
            lowerLimit: 0
            overlapDepth: 5
            sync: true
                worldName: world
                environment: NORMAL
                worldName: world_nether
                environment: NETHER
            overlap: false
            enableFall: true
            enableClimb: true
            upperLimit: 128
            lowerLimit: 0
            overlapDepth: 5
            sync: true
    autoInception: false
    fallDamage: false
    glassStep: true
    dynamicOverlapUpperToLower: false
    dynamicOverlapLowerToUpper: false
    exemptBlockID: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
  28. Offline


    i'm sure your working on lots, but i have a suggestion for the plugin.

    could you make things like mobs,items,and triggered tnt to fall through the layer with you?

    i know nothing about plugin programming, but i can assume that this would be difficult. this is just an idea.
  29. Offline


    For all purposes I can tell your config.yml is correct....

    So as long as you:
    - Have a plugin that is creating your space world
    - Aren't using tabs in your config.yml

    .... you should be alright ... if not, redownload the config.yml fresh and build it up one link at a time... see which link is causing that exception and under what circumstances.

    Persistance such as this has been brought up before. Yes, I believe it is possible... however, it will require a Major update. So look to the release of 2.xx :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  30. Offline


    ok thanks ill try that!
  31. Offline


    Created a new world, with a new skylands 'above' it. With sync on, or off, when i enter the lower world, its about 120 blocks off, always the same spot (if i fall from the spawn).

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