[INACTIVE] SimpleGod v1.2 - Godify yourself and others + permissions [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by captainawesome7, Apr 30, 2011.

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    INACTIVE - For new versions, click here.
    SimpleGod - Make people gods!
    Version: 1.1/1.2
    SimpleGod is a very simple plugin that I whipped up in 1 hour when @Fortifier42 contacted me and asked for a god plugin (something about previous ones being outdated). Anyways, all this does is make yourself a god, and a mortal again when you want to be. (it currently is not persistent). You can make yourself or other people gods!
    /sgod <playername> - makes the player a god, if no name specified, makes the sender a god
    /usgod <playername> - makes the player a mortal, if no name specified, makes the sender a mortal
    Permissions nodes:

    • Godify yourself and others!
    • Mortalize yourself and others!
    • Permissions!
    • Automatic god mode if you have the permissions node simplegod.use
    The source code is included in the .jar (SimpleGod.jar/me/captain/SimpleGod/)

    Planned Changes
    Version 1.2
    • Removes all commands, etc. If you have the node simplegod.use you are invincible
    Version 1.1
    • Added the option to god other people!
    Version 1.0
    • Official Release!
    [​IMG] To me to support my plugins :)
    AS1LV3RN1NJA likes this.
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    Um..... What?
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    Download v1.2, it does what you want
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    Oh cool, thank you, that fixes the problem. And um... Not to be picky, but just as a mere question.... Will you ever re-add the ability to disable/enable it for yourself/others, but still have it by default on login? I personally wouldn't even think about un god-moding myself but one of my Admins is stubborn about not using it..... Its ok if you don't lol im in no rush but I was just wondering...
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    I can add that later, just a simple onPlayerJoin that adds you, but you can still turn it off if you want.
  6. Offline


    Alright cool, thanks! This is just the godmode plugin I was looking for :)
  7. could you add an onteleport disable god if you don't have permits to have it on in the destination world?

    It would also be nice to be able to alias these commands. I prefer /god to toggle rather than /sgod and /usgod.
    I'm loooking at ditching essentials and Worldguard and need a decent /god replacement.
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    Works on CB 1000. Feel free to update the title ;).
  9. Offline


    I cant turn off the godmode. Writing /usgod <nick> and isn't working.
  10. Offline


    Version 1.2 doesn't support commands.
  11. Offline


    So how can i enable god mode ?
  12. Offline


    give urself the node
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    hey its a good mod but i deleted it when i was in god mode now im stuck in god mode :( how do i fix i tried reinstalling it and turning it off no work plz help
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