[INACTIVE][SEC/MECH/FUN] Electric Fences v1.4.1 - Shock your intruders [928]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by darksoft, Jun 5, 2011.

  1. Offline


    So yeah, I looked around for a plugin like this and could not find anything close to it!
    So I decided to make my own and submit it here as I thought I should give something back to the community. This is my first submission to Bukkit.org, so please don't flame me for it!
    Working on the latest builds, no issues found as of yet, but if you find any, don't be afraid to shout!
    If you have any requests, post them here and I'll be sure to let you know.

    • Configurable Damage (See config files)
    • Picks up a current from up to two blocks away.
    • Does not cause spreadable fires.
    • Electric fences can be up to 10 high.
    1.4 Beta Features
    • Electrocutes players near the fence for a customizable amount of damage.
    • Option for a specific block the have to be under the electric fence (For example Iron Ore as suggested by a user)
    • Changes to the configuration file

    If you're having issues with the video loading (EG Country content restrictions) then use this link:

    Review by the user jamescosten on the 1.1 release (Highlighted issues contained have now been fixed as of 1.3)

    Example Usage of Fence:
    A current can be acquired up to two blocks below, or one block on any side and then running a current through.
    Then, just wait for someone to try and get through your fence!

    - First Version
    - Fences cannot be broken, unless using a super pick
    - Fires from the lightening do not spread
    - Actually stopped the fences from being broken
    - Added XML settings to allow the user to change the damage dealt.
    - Fences are now electrified up to 10 blocks high from the point of the redstone wire.
    - The configuration file is now automatically created for you, and is found at /plugins/ElectricFence/ElectricFence.conf
    - [BUG] Permissions have been added. If you have the permission ElectricFence.bypass or you are an OP on the server, you can now avoid being damaged by the lightening and can destroy the electric fences.
    - Removed permissions section due to bug issue, expect it to come out in 1.3.2
    - Electrocutes players near the fence for a customizable amount of damage.
    - Option for a specific block the have to be under the electric fence (For example Iron Ore as suggested by a user)
    - Changes to the configuration file
    - Fixes OP/Player shocking permissions
  2. Offline

    Omri Barak

    This looks fun: I'm wondering though, can you put the redstone under the fence so people can't always see? Also, can you make a permission for enabling electric fences, against griefers?
  3. Offline


    Sure thing! I'll have those ideas done as quickly as possible!
  4. video is removed on youtube ... :/
  5. Offline


    Video is still working here, I only just uploaded it so it may just be because it's new?
  6. Offline


    Does the video have music on it? I'm in Germany too, and it's very much a no-go via youtube.
  7. If music is on your video this is the reason for german people :)

    Works fine but it ignores God Mode :D
  8. Offline


    Uploaded a silent version of the video for people with content restrictions in their countries!
  9. ok video works now. is it possible to get the creeper power entity around the fence this would look better ?
  10. Offline


    can you not do so you only loses lifes insted of to be killed
  11. Offline


    Added in v1.1, this was an important feature, so I did it before all the rest!

    I've made it so it can get a current from redstone wire up to TWO blocks away, so you can put it under fences now!
    Like so:
  12. Offline


    Looks nice it is worth a shot.
  13. Offline


    Thanks! Looking for more ideas to include next too.
  14. Offline


    cool now i will try this.
  15. Offline


    Can you have connected fences "carry" the current by a configurable distance, one of the ideas behind this is I can combine this with other plugins (FenceStack + Portcullis) to create an electrified (and unbreakable) gate
  16. Offline


    Sure thing, I'll get that done.
  17. Offline

    tha d0ctor

    could you add a config option where there isnt a redstone check so all fences are electrified?

    please and thank you, bad ass plugin btw!
  18. Offline


    Oh god, this plugin is so awesome, actually electric too, not just hurting and killing you in unnatural way. Lightning for the win.

    You need to fix your header and changelog first, though.
  19. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    That is absolutely, incredibly awesome.
  20. Offline


    This is absolutely brilliant!
  21. Offline


    Thanks for all the lovely feedback! I do appreciate it all!
    I'm still working on the other features now, including:
    • Permissions
    • Fence Conductivity
    • Re-made configuration files (Some people don't understand XML! )
    So expect an update sometime soon!
  22. Offline


    please update do latest recommended CB
  23. Offline


    This plugin works great for my server, but I'd love to see a configurable change.
    For my situation, id rather not cause damage at all on the first attempt, or very little, and have something similar to a warning zap on a nearby square.
    (I keep thinking of how my electric dog fence works. It beeps when they get too close first, then shocks them if they proceed further.)

    Otherwise its a really neat plugin. :D
  24. Offline


    Sure thing!

    Yeah, I was thinking of trying to incorporate something along those lines.
    Although I don't know how I could go about doing it without causing masses of lag.
    I'll get thinking! Thanks!
  25. Offline


    Very interesting plugin maybe you and this guy named darklust should team up making these death traps! You guys are awesome I tested these in my server but few of them are placed due to complaints but they do keep them away :D I wish this gets approved! good luck!
  26. Offline


    Thanks for your approval! If you have any ideas or changes you'd like me to make, just ask!
  27. Offline


    I do have one suggestion, can you make it have webs between and each fences so it will look like an electric wire but if its complicated to code its fine i think fences are cool.
  28. Offline


    That would mean you would have 2 fence posts and connect them by web, it sounds like a good idea but you then lose the whole 1.5 blocks high thing that fences have going for them
  29. Offline


    Yeah, I am trying to find a way of making electric fences stand out from normal fences, but I am unsure how!

    And that is very true! It would eliminate the point of even having a fence.
  30. Offline


    Hmm, how about this (continuing @Th3Controller line of thought), if the block directly above the fence is air, then turn it to web, this would have a 2 pronged degree of success
    1) It makes the fences stand out
    2) You are stuck on top of a fence that wants to kill you = Your screwed

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