[Inactive][SEC/FUN/INFO/CHAT/TP] Towny v0.71 Community Edition [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by croxis, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Plugin: Towny
    Version: v0.71

    Many thanks to all contributers including, but not limited to: @ElgarL, @LlmDl, @SwearWord, and others!

    So this has been asked for many times so i decided to finally make this thread. This is related to Shade's brilliant Plugin Towny. Since Shade has been MIA for a while now and Fuzz is quite busy with jobs and classes, I and others are continuing the work of adding features and bug fixing.

    • Permissions 2 or 3 (or offers a Permissions bridge like Group Manager)

    • Questioner
    • iConomy
    • Essentials
    How it works/Features

    See Original Towny Page for Instructions on how to setup and Permissions.

    Read this page to learn what everything in the config does!

    All versions .71 and after will require Permissions. When making this initial transition it is HEAVILY advised that you back up your Towny directory. I tested as well as i could with various functionality within Towny and it seemed to be working as expected. Please review the permissions flags above and apply appropriately.

    • Essentials 2.3
    • Permissions 2.7.4, 3.1
    • iConomy 5.01
    Download | Source

    When reporting bugs, please use /townyadmin set debugmode on. Then perform the action and post or send me the log from your server. This will assist me in being able to fix the issue 10 faster, just simply saying "People can do X in my town when they shouldnt be able too" doesnt really help me at all and is impossible to replicate.

    • Permission cache errors
      • You didnt install Permissions properly, it creates a RENAMEME.yml file or something of the like when first started. This must be renamed to match your world name(for most people world.yml). Also you CANNOT have spaces in your world name. Test World is not an acceptable folder name, TestWorld is. Both towny and permissions dont like the Permissions YML file to have spaces.
    • /town top money causes exception
      • Your iConomy database is likely setup to still use sqlite. Ensure that your iConomy config file is setup to use database Type: H2SQL or MySQL. A lot of people had issues with the sqlite to H2 conversion, if you still experience this error with it set properly your db may be corrupt. Back up your iConomy db and configs, then delete them all and allow iConomy to recreate them and see if it still happens. If it doesnt, your going to have to manually regrant people cash somehow as your iConomy database was corrupt.
    Permissions (open)

    • towny.admin: User is able to use /townyadmin, as well as the ability to build/destroy anywhere. User can also able to make towns or nations when set to admin only.
    • towny.town.new :User is able to create a town
    • towny.town.claim : User is able to expand his town with /town claim
    • towny.nation.new :User is able to create a nation
    • towny.wild.*: User is able to build/destroy in wild regardless.
    • towny.wild.build
    • towny.wild.destroy
    • towny.wild.switch
    • towny.wild.item_use
    • towny.wild.block.[block id] : User is able to edit [block id] in the wild.
    • towny.spawntp :Use /town spawn
    • towny.publicspawntp : Use "/town spawn [town]" (teleport to other towns)
    TODO (open)
    Fix /towny top money from crashing towny

    Move to yml configuration with converter
    Move to SQL database with converter
    Modularize towny into sub plugins if possible
    Bugs (open)
    • /town spawn will not charge players
    • Some people are reporting a lot of [SEVERE] warnings related to Player_Item and Player_Move, i believe these are being triggered by other mods. If you are having this issue please list your other plugins.
    Changelog (open)

    • Version 0.71
      • The following configs are depreciated and now in Permissions
        • NATION_CREATION_ADMIN_ONLY is now set by: towny.nation.new
        • town_creation_admin_only is now set by: towny.town.new
        • unclaimed_zone_build is now set by: towny.wild.build
        • unclaimed_zone_destroy is now set by: towny.wild.destroy
        • unclaimed_zone_switch is now set by: towny.wild.switch
        • unclaimed_zone_itemuse is now set by: towny.wild.item_use
        • unclaimed_zone_ignore is now set by: towny.wild.block.[block id]
        • allow_town_spawn is now set by towny.spawntp
        • allow_town_spawn_travel is now set by towny.publicspawntp
        • /townyworld set wild* commands are no longer availiable
        • Broken line chat bug should now be fixed
    • Version 0.70
      • Permissions 3 support
    • Version 0.69
      • Chat fix for iChat compatability
    • Version 0.68
      • Compiled for CB818 (Minecraft 1.6.6)
      • Disabled town renaming (finally)
      • Do not use Permissions 3.0.x with Towny yet, there are still some MAJOR issues with the rework they are doing and a ton of people are nerd raging on their thread. I couldnt even get it to create my config or default files they were always blank, and i guess a ton of other people are having the same issues. Still didnt work when following instructions on how to make the file yourself. Because 2.7.4 works perfectly fine with CB818 im not in a rush to upgrade until they figure out their issues. Sorry if this causes plugin conflicts if some require Permissions 3.x but i doubt it will as not many mods are moving to it in its badly broken state. Because Towny is so heavily dependent on a lot of Permissions nodes being read properly i decided to stick with 2.7.4 for now. Ill work on a 3.x permissions build as soon as i feel its functioning properly.
    • Version .66
      • Compiled for CB766
      • Players no longer need to /town set spawn, when a player does /town spawn they automatically go back to their town. Need to figure out how to re-implement the essentials teleport timer cooldown they changed their API
    • Version .64
      • Updated to use iConomy 5.0+, BACKUP YOUR DATABASE FILES BEFORE UPGRADING.
    • Version .63
      • Really fixed /town spawn!
    • Version .62
      • First Official Release by Fuzze!
      • Fixed /town spawn INVESTIGATING
      • Fixed /towny map
      • Verified all permissions are working properly. I ran it on my test server and tested resident build/destroy/switch and outsider build/destroy/switch by using /town set perm and turning them on and off and trying them out. ALL the permissions acted as they should. This should put to rest a lot of bugs people are having with people building. This doesnt mean Towny is using the default_town_build=false config lines properly for new towns, thats next. It does mean if your mayor sets the options manually it works.
    • Version .061R6
      • Disabled /towny top money for towns/nations until able to fix bug related to null iConomy accounts, I have a feeling its related to iConomy databases that were SQLite and transitioned to H2 like my own. It *should* work fine for Residents, so far i havent seen null resident returns.
    • Version 0.61R5
      • Updated to work with CB670
  2. Offline


    Nice I'm excited to work on this.
    By the way Spoiler-ize that massive change log and other stuff. I always hated scrolling down on the other Towny thread.

    I have some time I'll do it.
  3. Offline


    Sweet, thanks for continuing the work. I would like to donate right away if possible.

    Also, you mention the iconomy and h2sql. Does it have to be h2sql to properly link? Later on down the road when you change the flatfile system to mysql, will that also mean we can use iconomy in mysql form?
  4. Offline


    Cleaned up the original post, here's the BB code.
    [B]Plugin: [/B]Towny
    [B]Version:[/B] v0.71
    Many thanks to all contributers including, but not limited to: @ElgarL, @LlmDl, @SwearWord, and others!
    So this has been asked for many times so i decided to finally make this thread. This is related to Shade's brilliant Plugin Towny. Since Shade has been MIA for a while now and Fuzz is quite busy with jobs and classes, I and others are continuing the work of adding features and bug fixing.
    [*]Permissions 2 or 3 (or offers a Permissions bridge like Group Manager)
    [B]How it works/Features[/B]
    See Original Towny Page for Instructions on how to setup and Permissions.
    Read this page to learn what everything in the config does!
    All versions .71 and after will require Permissions. When making this initial transition it is HEAVILY advised that you back up your Towny directory. I tested as well as i could with various functionality within Towny and it seemed to be working as expected. Please review the permissions flags above and apply appropriately.
    [B]PLUGINS COMPILED/TESTED AGAINST (Recommended Versions)[/B]
    [*]Essentials 2.3
    [*]Permissions 2.7.4, 3.1
    [*]iConomy 5.01
    [B][URL='http://minecraft.croxis.net/plugins/Towny.jar']Download[/URL] | [URL='https://github.com/croxis/Towny']Source[/URL][/B]
    When reporting bugs, please use /townyadmin set debugmode on. Then perform the action and post or send me the log from your server. This will assist me in being able to fix the issue 10 faster, just simply saying "People can do X in my town when they shouldnt be able too" doesnt really help me at all and is impossible to replicate.
    [*][B]Permission cache errors[/B]
    [*]You didnt install Permissions properly, it creates a RENAMEME.yml file or something of the like when first started. This must be renamed to match your world name(for most people world.yml). Also you CANNOT have spaces in your world name. Test World is not an acceptable folder name, TestWorld is. Both towny and permissions dont like the Permissions YML file to have spaces.
    [*][B]/town top money causes exception[/B]
    [*]Your iConomy database is likely setup to still use sqlite. Ensure that your iConomy config file is setup to use database Type: H2SQL. A lot of people had issues with the sqlite to H2 conversion, if you still experience this error with it set properly your db may be corrupt. Back up your iConomy db and configs, then delete them all and allow iConomy to recreate them and see if it still happens. If it doesnt, your going to have to manually regrant people cash somehow as your iConomy database was corrupt.
    [*]towny.admin: User is able to use /townyadmin, as well as the ability to build/destroy anywhere. User can also able to make towns or nations when set to admin only.
    [*]towny.town.new :User is able to create a town
    [*]towny.town.claim : User is able to expand his town with /town claim
    [*]towny.nation.new :User is able to create a nation
    [*]towny.wild.*: User is able to build/destroy in wild regardless.
    [*]towny.wild.block.[block id] : User is able to edit [block id] in the wild.
    [*]towny.spawntp :Use /town spawn
    [*]towny.publicspawntp : Use "/town spawn [town]" (teleport to other towns)
    [/spoiler][spoiler=TODO]Fix /towny top money from crashing towny
    Move to yml configuration with converter
    Move to SQL database with converter
    Modularize towny into sub plugins if possible
    [*]/town spawn will not charge players
    [*]Some people are reporting a lot of [SEVERE] warnings related to Player_Item and Player_Move, i believe these are being triggered by other mods. If you are having this issue please list your other plugins.
    [*]Version 0.71
    [*]The following configs are depreciated and now in Permissions
    [*]NATION_CREATION_ADMIN_ONLY is now set by: towny.nation.new
    [*]town_creation_admin_only is now set by: towny.town.new
    [*]unclaimed_zone_build is now set by: towny.wild.build
    [*]unclaimed_zone_destroy is now set by: towny.wild.destroy
    [*]unclaimed_zone_switch is now set by: towny.wild.switch
    [*]unclaimed_zone_itemuse is now set by: towny.wild.item_use
    [*]unclaimed_zone_ignore is now set by: towny.wild.block.[block id]
    [*]allow_town_spawn is now set by towny.spawntp
    [*]allow_town_spawn_travel is now set by towny.publicspawntp
    [*]/townyworld set wild* commands are no longer availiable
    [*]Broken line chat bug should now be fixed
    [*]Version 0.70
    [*]Permissions 3 support
    [*]Version 0.69
    [*]Chat fix for iChat compatability
    [*]Version 0.68
    [*]Compiled for CB818 (Minecraft 1.6.6)
    [*]Disabled town renaming (finally)
    [*]Do not use Permissions 3.0.x with Towny yet, there are still some MAJOR issues with the rework they are doing and a ton of people are nerd raging on their thread. I couldnt even get it to create my config or default files they were always blank, and i guess a ton of other people are having the same issues. Still didnt work when following instructions on how to make the file yourself. Because 2.7.4 works perfectly fine with CB818 im not in a rush to upgrade until they figure out their issues. Sorry if this causes plugin conflicts if some require Permissions 3.x but i doubt it will as not many mods are moving to it in its badly broken state. Because Towny is so heavily dependent on a lot of Permissions nodes being read properly i decided to stick with 2.7.4 for now. Ill work on a 3.x permissions build as soon as i feel its functioning properly.
    [*]Version .66
    [*]Compiled for CB766
    [*]Players no longer need to /town set spawn, when a player does /town spawn they automatically go back to their town. Need to figure out how to re-implement the essentials teleport timer cooldown they changed their API
    [*]Version .64
    [*]Updated to use iConomy 5.0+, BACKUP YOUR DATABASE FILES BEFORE UPGRADING.
    [*]Version .63
    [*]Really fixed /town spawn!
    [*]Version .62
    [*]First Official Release by Fuzze!
    [*]Fixed /town spawn INVESTIGATING
    [*]Fixed /towny map
    [*]Verified all permissions are working properly. I ran it on my test server and tested resident build/destroy/switch and outsider build/destroy/switch by using /town set perm and turning them on and off and trying them out. ALL the permissions acted as they should. This should put to rest a lot of bugs people are having with people building. This doesnt mean Towny is using the default_town_build=false config lines properly for new towns, thats next. It does mean if your mayor sets the options manually it works.
    [*]Version .061R6
    [*]Disabled /towny top money for towns/nations until able to fix bug related to null iConomy accounts, I have a feeling its related to iConomy databases that were SQLite and transitioned to H2 like my own. It *should* work fine for Residents, so far i havent seen null resident returns.
    [*]Version 0.61R5
    [*]Updated to work with CB670
    AS1LV3RN1NJA likes this.
  5. Offline


    Good work everyone. I'd just like to say if I could pick any database it'd be an H2 one (already using it for iConomy.) MySQL could be too much of a hassle for some server admins.
  6. Offline


    Oh and was the updated questioner merged with towny? or can we post the link on main post?
  7. Offline


    I thank you guys immensely
  8. Offline


    thanks a bunch.

    there's still the


    when i switched to .71 it doesn't read this right? because i set all my permissions to what i want.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  9. Offline


    Very nice :) I'm so glad you guys have taken on keeping this plugin updated! If ever in the next millenium I have some extra cash to spare, I'll be sure to donate a bit :)
  10. Offline


    Good luck with the project, only wish i had more time!

    I still think the biggest thing Towny needs is to be converted to DB somehow, but doing so is just a big project(to do it right)...
  11. Offline


    I have 1 suggestion

    Right now to prevent outsiders from using chests it must be added to the switch permission. Unfortunantly that means that the outsiders cant use levers, buttons, doors.

    You should be able to prevent use of individual ID's instead. So if in my town I want someone to be able to open doors, but not open chests then I can do that, right now its not possible.

    Thanks for bringing towny back!!!
    AS1LV3RN1NJA likes this.
  12. Offline


    when i make a town pvp doesn't work between residents in the same town. is this supposed to be like this? i would like pvp to work between residents who are in the same town.
  13. Offline


    Very excited to see the development of this Community Edition! Thanks for your hard work!!
  14. Offline


    Go into config.properties and find friendlyfire
  15. Offline


    oh right. forgot XD
  16. Hello! Can towny 0.71 now kick member from a town that are offline? That never worked before...
    thx for reply!
    Keep up the good work, its an awesome plugin!
  17. Offline


    you can just delete the resident file from towny and do a server reload. i think that'll work. but im not to fully sure.
  18. Offline


    well, i don't know of a way to do it automatically, but you can do /r delete fred.
  19. Offline


    You can also add a + to the word in order to kick an offline player.

    Ex: /t kick+ nameofplayer
  20. Offline


    THANK YOU!! I am so glad towny is being worked and updated. It is one of my favorite plugins. I appreciate the hard work and will gladly test the newest build, installing now
  21. I'm almost done converting the config.properties handling to a config.yml, with auto creation. It was a fairly major rewrite, but db and offline player handling won't be too difficult once this is out of the way.
    LegendarySandwich likes this.
  22. Offline


    thanks for continuing work on Towny guys, REALLY appreciate it.
  23. Yes, exactly - i give all my players access to the root server.... *facepalm*
    Tip, first think- then post...
  24. Offline


    hi im new to towny, is it possible to make something like a neutral starting city?
    the problem i have is, im the mayor of this town but i also would create my own town because im not only admin im also player :-P but im not allowed to create a new one because im already a mayor
  25. Offline


    I have a bug where for a while outsiders cannot build (with outsiderBuild set to off) then they can build until I do an on / off cycle.

    This happens with all four permissions for outsiders

    permissions 3.1.5
    towny .71
    Bukkit 860
  26. Offline


    Wow thanks guys, I would to help as well if you guys ever need another team member :)
  27. Offline


    how do i set up the towny title with ichat? :confused:

    cant imagine anything under this:

    name_filter_regex=[ /]
  28. Offline


    Unfortunately I'm still seeing this in town chat (/tc). Like I mentioned back in the other thread, lines that wrap are preceded by a b and color is lost.
  29. Offline


    Can you provide more details on when they are suddenly able to build?

    Whoops. Looks like I forgot to fix it and nationchat. I just made the fixes and they should be in the next version
    Fazuul likes this.
  30. Offline


    Great. ;)

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