[INACTIVE][SEC/FUN] Factions v1.1.7 - Guilds, War and user-controlled antigrief [733]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Olof Larsson, Feb 6, 2011.

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    Olof Larsson

    Factions - Guilds, War and user-controlled antigrief :)
    By Olof Larsson and Brettflan.

    Current version: 1.1.7
    Download: https://github.com/oloflarsson/Factions/tree/master/releases
    Source: https://github.com/oloflarsson/Factions
    Read the full userguide here: http://mcteam.org/plugins/factions

    This plugin will allow the players on the server to create factions/guilds. The factions can claim territory that will be protected from non-members. Factions can forge alliances and declare themselves enemies with others. Land may be taken from other factions through war.

    The goals of this plugin:
    • The players should be able to take care of anti-griefing themselves.
    • Inspire politics and intrigues on your server.
    • Guilding and team spirit! :)
    Fork me on github!
    I would be glad to code on this plugin together with you :). Please fork me on github and do a pull request. Read more here:

    There will be cake if you join me in the coding [cake] :)

    Read the full userguide here: http://mcteam.org/factions <-[cake]

    The chat console command is:
    • /f
    This command has subcommands like:
    • /f create my faction name
    • /f invite my friends name
    • /f claim
    • /f map
    • ... etc
    You may also read the documentation ingame as the plugin ships with an ingame help manual. Read the help pages like this:
    • /f help 1
    • /f help 2
    • /f help 1
    Note that you may optionally skip the slash and just write
    • f
    1. Download: https://github.com/oloflarsson/Factions/tree/master/releases
    2. Put Factions.jar in your plugins folder
    If you have Permissions installed you will need to configure it. Read more here.

    Current ToDo list:
    1. More admin controll, for example reassign faction admins.
    2. Command to reload config file.
    3. Give factions a limited number of separate territories. "You may only claim at the border of your territory". Purpose of this is to stop players from claiming land in a scattered way. Factions will be more stationary. This will encourage factions to build one main town.
    Version 1.1.7

    • Package structure changed to move it out of com.bukkit.* namespace (Olof Larsson)
    • Removed Help plugin support as that plugin is not updated. (Olof Larsson)
    • Changed name for No Faction to Wilderness (Olof Larsson)
    • New unclaimall command (/f unclaimall) to unclaim all of the faction's land (Olof Larsson)
    • Safezone claiming command now has optional radius input (/f safe [radius]) to claim a larger safezone area at a time (Olof Larsson)
    • Added check to make sure chatTagInsertIndex is valid before using it, to prevent triggering an exception (Brettflan)
    • Players who aren't currently in a faction should no longer get "Person left your faction" messages when others join a faction (Brettflan)
    • Attempt at simple workaround for error related to NPCs from Citizens plugin (Brettflan)
    • Placement and removal of paintings is now prevented if you're in another faction's territory (Brettflan)
    • /f map has been updated to fit inside the new Bukkit line-width limits (39 tiles wide instead of 49) (Brettflan)
    EDIT: by the way, you do need to have build 726 or newer of CraftBukkit (RB 733, for instance) since the painting events were added then.
    More changelog:
    Show Spoiler

    Version 1.1.5 (By Brettflan)
    • Fix for left-clicking on wooden doors not being detected
    • Fix for null faction home location when loading factions data
    • Added "factions.adminBypass" permission which will allow players with that permission to bypass the building/destruction and usage limitations inside faction territory
    • New boolean config options territoryBlockTNT (default false), safeZoneDenyBuild (default true), safeZoneDenyUseage (default true), safeZoneBlockTNT (default true).

    Version 1.1.3 (By Brettflan)
    • updated to work with RB 600/602
    • handled a couple of potential NPEs, one caused when saving faction info, and one where it could try sending messages to a player who is offline or otherwise doesn't currently exist for whatever reason
    • fix/workaround for bucket usage not always being detected if 2-3 blocks away
    • faction-tagged chat messages sent to the console and log now have crufty color tags (like "§f" and such) stripped out
    Version 1.1.2
    • bugfix - admins could not place signs etc in safezones (Olof Larsson)
    • Added some missing instaDestroyItems (painting and flowers) (Olof Larsson)
    • Added ability to load old pre-1.1 data files (board, factions, followers) if they exist and new files don't (Brettflan)
    Version 1.1 (by Olof Larsson)
    To upgrade: Remove you Factions folder
    I'm sorry about that. There just are so many changes to the save files.
    • Permissions plugin support
    • Help plugin support
    • Faction homes
    • Better save file format
    • Inactive players are kicked from their faction
    • SafeZones - PVP and monster safe areas
    Version 1.0 beta7 (by Brettflan)
    • Fix for enemy attacks potentially healing people in their own territory due to armor calculations, instead of correctly just giving reduced damage.
    • Placement/use of these items inside another faction's territory is now prevented: redstone wire, sign, flint&steel, bucket (empty, water, and lava).
      Code is also in place to prevent placement of beds and repeaters, but CraftBukkit doesn't properly detect those yet.
    • Fix for destruction of certain blocks not previously being detected and prevented: torch, redstone torch, repeater, redstone wire, sapling, crops, sugar cane.
    • Minor spelling and grammar fixes
    • Added options "territoryBlockCreepers" and "territoryBlockFireballs" to configuration file (conf.json). These both default to disabled. If enabled, they will respectively prevent creepers or ghast fireballs from destroying blocks if they explode inside faction owned territory. These can prevent griefing by way of luring creepers into another faction's territory.
      Note that both explosion types will still hurt nearby players and mobs, they just won't destroy blocks.
      Also note that "territoryBlockFireballs" only works in CB build 557 and higher, where fireball detection was added.
    Version 1.0 beta6
    To upgrade:
    Factions now use world name instead of world id for the board files.
    Nothing will be claimed when you start the server. Change the board file name(s)
    from something like 234978619762348768.json to something like world.json.
    • Updated to work with Craftbukkit 493 (by Brettflan)
    • Paginated faction listing (by Brettflan)
    • Single jar install (by Brettflan)
    • Board files now use world name instead of world id (by Olof Larsson)
    Version 1.0 beta5
    • Updated to work with Craftbukkit 450, which means Minecraft 1.3 compatibility :)
    • For now messages like these are removed: "Playername tried to use Wooden door in your territory". They could be used for chat spamming.
    Version 1.0 beta4
    To upgrade: Start and stop the server once with the new jar. Paste the content from board.json into the newly created file in /plugins/Faction/boards/. After this you can delete board.json.
    • MultiWorld support.
    • Faction chat is now something you turn on and of.
    • Arrows are now included in the friendly fire filter.
    • Some stability fixes.
    Version 1.0 beta3
    To upgrade: Delete conf.json and rename the "name" field to "tag" in every faction.json file.
    • Greatly improved chat and messaging system! :D
      Cooperates well with other plugins. Tested with Essentials and iChat so far.
    • New faction chat command
    • More config options
    • Bugfix: You can now claim land from enemies :p
    • ... and a lot of other fixes
    Version 1.0 beta2
    • There is now a config file where you may alter chat colors, dynamics of war etc.
      I will add documentation on the config soon...
    • Made the color formating a bit more understandable.
    • There is now a broadcast when a new faction is created.
    Version 1.0 beta1
    • The first release
  2. Offline


    Work for me. Set tag limit to 4 and new factions can only set max 4. One thing I did see and I'm not sure if I'm just doing it wrong but I wanted the Faction Tag and Faction Name to be two different things. We have one larger faction Name is "Clock Work Legion" Tag that shows in Chat to keep things short should be "CWL" but changing the tag name looks to be the same as changing the faction name. Any help on this would be great.

    Other things I have seen TNT when launched into a protected faction still blows stuff up. Not sure if this can be fixed without turning off TNT for everyone. From what I understand is a bukkit/minecraft issue. TnT shows as environment if I remember right.

    The rules on claiming land don't seem to be working right I need to do more testing but I have factions that are broken up into many small plots. Started to be an issue when 2 factions wanted to claim the same floating island.
    Looked something like this
    AAA                                BBB
    AUA (Started like this)            BBB
    AAA                                BBB
    AAA                              BBB
    ABA (Ended like this)            BAB
    AAA                              BBB
    A=faction1 B=faction2 U=unowned land. From my understanding this should not have happend. Caused one hell of a war. Fun but not how I expected it to work.

    Last is a request. I have a Raiders faction that will take from any faction. The problem is and the same thing happend in a war. raider can't get anything because people just lock up the chests. So I turned off the chest protection, well then they just put dirt on top of the chests and moved all chests to the very center of the faction. As I still want to use factions as a anti grief plugin I request a Raider or some such flag for a faction if you set your faction as a raider faction you would be auto set to at war status to all other faction. All members of the Raider faction would have bypass on area protection at the cost of no area protection for Raider lands. Example: I'm a Raider I have my little 10chunk base and it is time to go get some goods from other factions. Because I'm at war with every faction by default I can break in and take anything I want. The Down side I have no "safe" place to take it back to. And anyone I run into on the server is going to try and kill me.
    Sorry that was long just an idea. Making raiders a closed faction with a max member count = to the number of factions on the server could help keep them in check.
    On this same note anyway to make it so that factions at war with each other can bypass area protection ?
  3. Offline


    People can't be hurt in their own claimed chucks, why is this and how can i fix it?
      "colorMember": "GREEN",
      "colorAlly": "LIGHT_PURPLE",
      "colorNeutral": "WHITE",
      "colorEnemy": "RED",
      "colorSystem": "YELLOW",
      "colorChrome": "GOLD",
      "colorCommand": "AQUA",
      "colorParameter": "DARK_AQUA",
      "powerPlayerMax": 6.0,
      "powerPlayerMin": -10.0,
      "powerPerMinute": 0.2,
      "powerPerDeath": 3.0,
      "prefixAdmin": "**",
      "prefixMod": "*",
      "factionTagLengthMin": 3,
      "factionTagLengthMax": 10,
      "factionTagForceUpperCase": false,
      "chatTagEnabled": true,
      "chatTagRelationColored": true,
      "chatTagInsertIndex": 1,
      "chatTagFormat": "%s§f ",
      "factionChatFormat": "%s§f %s",
      "allowNoSlashCommand": true,
      "autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity": 7.0,
      "homesEnabled": false,
      "homesTeleportToOnDeath": false,
      "territoryShieldFactor": 0.5,
      "territoryBlockCreepers": false,
      "territoryBlockFireballs": false,
      "territoryBlockTNT": false,
      "safeZoneDenyBuild": true,
      "safeZoneDenyUseage": true,
      "safeZoneBlockTNT": true,
      "territoryProtectedMaterials": [],
      "territoryDenyUseageMaterials": [
  4. Offline


    Hi Olof Larsson!

    This is very awesome plugin! thank you..

    I Like faction :D

    BUT i would like, using border.json, integrate this plugin to pigmap and dynmap
    FOR see the claimed zones

    i'm a good php programmer but I do shit in javascript.

    Sorry for my english!

    i wait reply ;)

  5. Offline


    Took me 30 min to find this permission node :p
    Think someone could get it up on mcteam.net (or watever it is) with the other permission nodes?
    Would prolly save a lot of other people a lot of time :D
  6. Offline


    Hi !
    Plz, can you help me ?
    How to protect an area from players who are not in any faction ??

    help plz !

  7. Offline


    Hey could u add a command to close a faction for admins and a command to remove players from a faction so if i ban someone i can remove them. Also if you could adding like bonus power to admins or players would be nice for if someone plays alot or something.
  8. Offline


    “territoryShieldFactor”: 0.5
    If a player is hurt by an enemy in it’s own territory the player will not take full damage. The damage will be reduced with this factor. Set it to 1.0 and it will be impossible to kill someone in their own territory.
  9. Offline


    Is there a way to have an admin override for disbanding dead factions, and for unclaiming faction land? Even using a permissions node similar to the bypass allowing admins to destroy in faction land? We have one faction in particular in which about 5 people have been banned and the players who haven't are never online. They've also claimed land in areas where it's against the rules to claim land. Just wondering if it's possible to have some kind of bypass so these things can be done in-game by a server admin. Thanks.
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    works well with 677 but can u add the features that player have to pay with iConomy or other for creating clan and claim region? beacuse i have tryed with Command iConomy but on your plugin seem doesnt work!
  12. Offline


    Sorry if this is already answered somewhere, but if so I could not find it. Are there admin commands? Like for example, in my server I dont let people make factions with under 2 people. If they do, I have to go to the factions.json file to take it out. Is there an easier way to do this?
  13. Offline


    dead plugin?
  14. Offline


    works fine for me on CB670, prolly works on the latest as well,
  15. Offline


    oh lol.. "facepalm"..
    ty :)
  16. Offline


    need some new features like, players without clan can not be killed by anyone. or set safe zone with worldedit..
  17. Offline


    already has safe zones, just without world edit
  18. Offline


    We keep getting this over and over and over again, like.... 10 - 15 entries a second.

    2011-04-21 02:57:01 [SEVERE] Could not pass event ENTITY_DAMAGE to Factions

    It's only when I'm in my safe zone that I've defined. Any ideas what's causing it?

    Ok, scratch that, I've figured out the problem. Apparently it's related to having a damaged NPC from the plugin Citizens in my safe zone. Apparently a skeleton hit an NPC that was stationed JUST inside the safe zone, and it set off this continual chain of errors until I removed the NPC.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  19. Offline


    Can you provide the full error message? It might be something we can check for to improve compatibility.
  20. Offline


    i known but in this way is very hard to delimit a safe zone.. this is a fantastic plugin, but not all of my players would do pvp someone want only to build and explore, but in the config file of this plugin there isnet an option to configure some like this.

    only player that stay in guild can do pvp, free player is turned pvp off, its possible?
  21. Offline


    When will this be updated to cb 709
  22. Offline


    Never. Do it yourself. Olof has left and he's never ever coming back.
  23. Offline


    True ?

    This plugin was a good one for guild and territory gestion...
    Not supported anymore then, sigh

    Any other one to replace ?
  24. Offline


    It will probably be up by tomorrow.
  25. Offline


    Ah still updated then ?

    I'm loving it to much... i could learn java language and use eclipse only to update this pluging... right now i juste DL src and Eclipse to begin :D

    My server is based on faction... so without no reasons to be !
  26. Offline


    Every time I edit the conf.json and reload the server it reverts back. Im wondering what I'm doing wrong.
  27. Offline


    When the server run you can't edit, faction save his 'running' conf when you stop the server, and you edit the 'starting' conf:

    1) stop the server and make sure stopped (see server.log (tail -f /path_of_bukkit.jar server.log) or console in windows
    2) edit your conf
    3) start.
  28. Offline


    this plugin is dead or not ?
  29. Offline


    hope not.. this is a fantastic plugin, maybe with some more feature could be the best one of clan managment!
  30. Offline


    use iconomy command, cost 0 and cooldown xxxx sec ;), its a good hint !
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