[INACTIVE][SEC/FUN] CatchMe - The Capture Region plugin [740]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Scorpia, Apr 17, 2011.

  1. Offline


    CatchMe - The Capture Region Plugin
    Version: v0.4.0

    This is a PvP plugin in which you have to gain control of an area!

    If your group controls an area, you will be periodically rewarded with money.
    But, be careful! Any other group can steal this area from you.

    You or one of your group's members must occupy an area defined as a WorldGuard region.
    If uninterrupted during a short timer, your group will capture the area and will periodically earn money in the form of iConomy currency.

    If an enemy enters during the capture phase, it gets cancelled, and you will be forced to clear the area and start again. Unoccupied areas return to neutral status after a period of time.

    Most everything is configurable.

    Download CatchMe

    Source available

    Any Problem ?
    Open a new issue.

    • Commands

      /cm info <area_name>
      /cm addarea <area_name>
      /cm removearea <area_name>
      /cm addgroup <area_name> <group_name>
      /cm removegroup <area_name> <group_name>
      /cm flag <area_name> <flag_name> <value>
      /cm save
      /cm list [#page]

      Be Careful
      If you use Permissions, you've to give the permission 'cachme.cm'

    • The Catching Area

      How to define it ?
      Show Spoiler

      A catching area is defined with 'flags':
      • duration : number of periods before becoming neutral(default value: 1)
      • period : delay in seconds between each earn money (default value: 900)
      • time-catch : delay in seconds before capturing the area (default value: 30)
      • money-amount : money earned after each period (default value: 0)
      • ffa : if set true, groups'players are allowed to capture the area for their own profit. (default value: false)
      And catchgroups which will be the only groups allowed to capture the area.

      You can define it with ingame commands or manually.

      In-game commands

      To define it, just open the chat and write : '/cm addarea myarea'

      You'll have to set groups with : '/cm addgroup myarea mygroup1' '/cm addgroup myarea mygroup2' (groups must exist !)

      And if you want to change default options : '/cm flag catching-<flag> X' (see flags in the next part)


      CatchMe integrate Lists, Permissions and Factions.

      You can specify as a group, any group created via those plugins.

      Warning : with Factions, if you change the tag of a faction, the modification will not be applied in catchgroups.

      Editing config file

      To define it, edit catchme/worlds/your-world/regions.yml (replace your-world by your current world name), or create it if it doesn't exist.

      The file is structured as follows :

                              flags: {catching-area: Y, catching-duration: X, catching-period: X, catching-time-catch: X, catching-money-amount: X, catching-flag: Z}
                              catchgroups: [myGroup1, myGroup2]
                              flags: {catching-area: Y, catching-duration: X, catching-period: X, catching-time-catch: X, catching-money-amount: X, catching-flag: Z}
                              catchgroups: [myGroup1, myGroup3, myGroup4]
      Y is allow or deny
      X is a positive integer value.
      Z is on/true/yes/1 or off/false/no/0.
      If you don't specify one of theses flags, the default value will be used.

      For catching-duration, if you use 0 as value, the duration will be infinite.

      Show Spoiler

                              flags: {catching-area: allow, catching-period: 10, catching-time-catch: 5}
                              catchgroups: [myGroup1, myGroup2]
                              flags: {catching-area: deny, catching-duration: 30}
      In this example, the region totoReg will be an enabled catching area with these caracteristics :
      • duration: 1 periods (default)
      • period: 10 seconds
      • time-catch: 5 seconds
      • money-amount: 0 (default)
      The region titi will not be a catching area because of catching-area: deny.

      By default, a WorldGuard region not explicitly tagged (in CatchMe regions file) with catching-area: allow will be considered as deny

    • The Lang file
      Show Spoiler

      You can redefine all ingame messages.
      To do that, create path /catchme/lang/ (if not exists) in directory plugin.
      Then, create file lang.yml. Now you have MyMinecraftServer/plugin/catchme/lang/lang.yml

      Copy/Paste the following code (here are default values).

                            receive-money: You receive
                            now-controls: now controls
                            from: from
                            enter-catchzone: You enter the catchzone
                            controlled-by: controlled by
      You don't have to specify all lines, just the ones you want to change the default text.

      Then, you just have to replace the sample text by whatever you want.

    • All file modifications need a reload of all plugins or a reboot to be taken in count.
    • If you have a problem with the YAML (files with .yml) syntax, check out this website http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/
    Show Spoiler

    • Add decreasing time depending on team's players number
    • Add area catpure effects (which ?)
    Non priority
    • Add dependencies system (an area can be captured only if related areas are already captured)
    • Add chunk as region alternative

    • CraftBukkit 740 (mandatory)
    • WorldGuard 4.0 (mandatory)
    • Permissions 2.7
    • iConomy 4.6.5
    • Lists 0.1.0
    • Factions 1.1.7
    Show Spoiler

    Version 0.4.0
    • Add Factions integration
    • Add FFA flag
    • Remove message if money-amount is 0
    • Change default values :
      • money-amount from 5 to 0
      • duration from 12 to 1
    Version 0.3.0
    • Add Lists integration
    • Add ingame commands
    • Add system messages & ingame messages
    Version 0.2.1
    • Fixed region loading bugs
    • Fixed minor bugs if plugin disabled (fail to load for any reason)
    Version 0.2
    • Change catch area flags and group in a proper file (catchme/worlds/"my-world"/regions.yml)
    • Add infinite duration
    • Re-structured file README
    Version 0.1
    • First Release
    Raijojp and Piquemal like this.
  2. Offline


    that sounds like fun :D
  3. Offline


    Theres a perfect hill for this in my world. My only question is how do you define the groups? Is it the permissions groups? If so,I would much like a change where people could create/join groups within the plugin instead, because my permissions groups are not suited for this.
  4. Offline


    Regions are from WorldGuard (defined with WorldEdit).
    Groups are from Permissions.

    I think, i will add an internal group system if needed.
  5. Ok so I have four teams and each starts out with a corner of the map. I want to divide each territory into 16 squares
    each square being 50x50, so that's 64 squares over an area 800x800 which I dont want to set by hand. (will it lag?)
    Im also wondering if there could be a way to set the "time" to 2 hrs and decrease it by one second for each player in the area. (so 6 players will only take 20 secs to cap) and making it so a team with no territory left loses.
  6. Offline


    I was looking for something like that. It looks really fun :). But I would appreciate an internal group system too. And I have a suggestion :

    - A points system would be cool, each team controlling areas during a period would gain 1 point per area and the first team reaching a previously set score would win the game. Then the winners would be rewarded by money or items.
    The reward part is not really necessary, an admin or a moderator can do it, but it would be convenient.

    I know that's a pretty big suggstion but it's really what I'm looking for ;).
  7. Offline


    Thanks for all your suggestions.

    I've considered every ideas and i'm working on.

    Just take a look at the TODO list ;).
  8. Offline


    Very nice plugins !

    Thanks ;)
  9. Offline


    So do we need worldedit/guard or just this plugin? Sounds really neat
  10. Offline


    You will need Worldedit/guard because this plugin use worldguard's region ;)
  11. Offline


    an easy way to do this is just hook it in with Towny, and let the groups be Nations
    so each money gain would just deposit money into the controller's nation's bank

    Or is there a way to let the money only go toward an individual's bank, and he can split it however he wants with his cohorts?

    also, please add me up on skype, i'd like to sponsor this plugin

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
    LlmDl likes this.
  12. Offline


    Yes WorldGuard is mandatory.

    Also, it's possible to add a choice between giving money to specific(s) player(s) or to group players directly.
    Then I can add a choice between distributing a total amount (of money or points) divided to all group's players or give a fixed amount to each player.
  13. Offline


  14. I REALLY don't like the idea of adding WorldGuard and WorldEdit to my hardcore PvP anything goes/ no whining server. I would perfer something like a grid or even just chunks.
  15. Offline


    I'd like to second the towny integration, but instead suggest using the towns instead of nations to select groups.
    Towny is a basic flatfile, you could pull users from: /towny/data/towns/townname.txt
  16. Offline


    I really would like this to work using every chuck as a region, having to define lots of regions and setting lots of flags to build=allow... I prefer not to (I have lots of areas of interest to conquer on my server).

    Could you add is as an option? 'use chunks, not WG regions: true'?

    perhaps the 'factions' plugin is better suited for your needs?
  17. Maybe, but factions has a lot of features that I dont plan on using. If I knew how to use java, I could go through and butcher the source to get what I want, but I dont want to mess up my server.
  18. Offline


    Same here, Catchme doesn't have enough (yet?), and factions has way to much.
  19. Offline


    hey, I haven't caught you on skype but

    maybe you can make this plugin be free for all? that'll save server admins a lot of trouble when doing groups
    the plugin will simply track points by each individual player. they can still work in teams, the winning player would just divide up the money with his unofficial team afterward
  20. Offline


    Ok, thanks for all your recommandations.

    I've waiting for the bukkit release for minecraft 1.5 before announcing the new release.

    I've included the Lists plugin integration, added all ingame commands and the Permission node 'catchme.cm'

    I am working now on how to create a points-based match system.
  21. Offline


    nice, keep up the good work!
  22. Offline


    This looks pretty good. One question, does this plugin take a lot of memory, this seems like a good, lower memory alternative to war if so.
  23. Offline


    Any ideas about how this could be integrated with factions?
  24. Offline


    I've not run charge tests but, i think it doesn't use pretty much memory. (i'll do it and paste the results)

    About factions, i'll see how i can integrate it in the next release.

    I need to now what capture effect can into this plugin (for example, earning 1 dirt or slay all ennemies, etc ...).
  25. Offline


    Very nice, very nice. Im eagerly waiting factions support.
  26. Offline


    any chance of an FFA option soon?
  27. Offline


    This would be good in Faction based servers, Like WoW with Tower's?

    Good stuff, I'll have to test this out!

    Edit: How would one specify groups... Does it need to be defined?

    Can only X AND Y Join and not Z?

    AKA 2 Factions - Cookie and Dip
  28. Offline


    @2bucks: a FFA option ... why not. I'll see what could be done.

    @BioRage: Yes, it's analog to WoW's Towers (or Domination in Battlefield)
    To define a group, just use Permissions's groups or Lists's groups

    For example :
    /ls create myList
    /ls add myList myPlayer1 myPlayer2

    (select your region)
    /region define myRegion myOwner

    /cm addarea myRegion
    /cm addgroup myRegion myList

    (if a Permissions's group myGroup exists with myPlayer3 for example)
    /cm addgroup myRegion myGroup

    Then you can configure your flags as you want.

    Everyone can enter the region but the event is only enable for myList against myGroup
  29. Offline


    This is the type of video I like to make on my Arena. If you can release an FFA option I'm definitely going to use CatchMe for one of these videos.
  30. Offline


    CatchMe v0.4.0 released !

    • Add Factions integration
    • Add FFA flag
    • Remove message if money-amount is 0
    • Change default values :
      • money-amount from 5 to 0
      • duration from 12 to 1

    Now i want to know possible effects i can add to my plugin ;), any ideas ?

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