[INACTIVE][MISC] BananaMapRender 1.6 - generate a flatmap image render of your world [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by codename_B, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Offline


    a lightweight dynmap alternative - fater than ever

    • Player names and faces on a map
    • ZOOMING!
    • Gorgeous map rendering
    • Monsters on a map
    • Monster spawners on map
    • Signs on map if the first line of the sign is [BMR]
    • Shows time of day
    • Super light on resources
    • Super fast rendering
    • Full multithreading support
    • Worldguard Regions
    • Worldborder borders (circle and square)
    • Permissions support
    • Configure everything the way you want it
    • MultiWorld support
    • Toggleable icons
    Version: 1.6
    Download: Download Link
    Commands: /bmr [value between 1 and 4] /bmr length
    Example Render: Here

    Instructions: These assume that you are running BukkitHTTPD as the web server on your host. If this is the case you don't need to change anything. Otherwise, please configure the correct directory for your web server install.

    • Place in plugins/ folder along with all the included libs and extra folders in the zip. The plugin will not create its own if these do not exist!
    • Start the server, then type bmr 1 into the console - wait for this to complete then continue running your server as normal!
    • Players will automatically generate the entire map over a period of weeks as they explore it, but if you wish, you can forcefully render areas of the map using /bmr in-game.
    • Navigate to http://yourip/worldname/
    • If you wish to have certain signs displaying on the map - have the first line of the sign be
    is a
    Some more information:
    • The plugin keeps each 512px tile for 1 hour after creation. After this they are flagged for updating, either by your players as they wander around your map, or by you using /bmr [value]
    • Each bmr value is equal to (mcregion file+1)^2 so be careful when using large values as bmr 10 renders over 5k by 5k tiles!
    • The plugin will print a report when it is done rendering. It will look something like this.
    2011-08-04 14:31:37 [INFO] Map rendering: 1 1 DONE
    2011-08-04 14:31:37 [INFO] Rendering complete: Took 190s to complete : 288 chunks rendered in total
    Live Examples:


    Credit Where Due:
    • clone1018 for minotar.net
    • Nijikokun for suggestion I use leaflet as the map system, and for the css and coding help
    • Demonen for all the testing and for writing a couple of functions for me
    • All the folks on the United Banana Empire for being super patient with me as I tested this plugin
    • Protected for doing a complete rewrite of some of my code for 0.3 - thankyou so so so much - I don't know what I'd do without you on my team! ^^
    • K900 for all his anti-noob nyan work :)
    Coming soon: progress on GitHub

    • Fun filters (not done)
    • Fix wierd chrome bugs (possibly done)
    • Flash based site (partially done)

    • 0.0.1 - 01/06/2011 - released privately to beta testers.
    • 0.1 - 04/06/2011 - released publicly after adding lots of shiny features.
    • 0.2 - 06/06/2011 - implemented multiworld and added more entities.
    • 02.1 - 07/06/2011 - implemented biomes, changed mob formula, changed how ice looks to be more "icey" added sign and mob spawner display.
    • 1.0 - 09/06/2011
    • 1.1 - 15/06/2011 - added all sorts of anti-noob nyanerry - thanks K900!
    • 1.2 - 19/07/2011 - removed NMS references - increased performance - hopefully fixed sign bug
    • 1.5 - 04/08/2011 - new index.html - new rendering method - new chunksnapshot method increased performance - decreased lag
    • 1.6 - 16/08/2011 - reordered rendering logic, cleaned up memory leak, took out the cat, introduced the neighbors to my girlfriend, slowed down rendering so you don't even notice its happening when the server is running. Also it's a lot prettier.
  2. Offline


    yeah.. i did that.. ill just delete and BMR again..

    EDIT: Stil having that issue..
  3. Offline


    No idea why it would do that, I changed like 2 lines in my edit.
  4. Offline


    IDK, the version oliverw92 upped was called "BananaMapRender.jar" and had 27kb in size, the (possibly not current version ?) by codename_B was called "BMR.jar" and had 40-41kb in size. I'm not a coder/plugin-designer but maybe that means something.
  5. Offline


    He probably didn't include source in his release, I include source in mine.
  6. Offline


    Ohhhh I was wondering that too. It might help if you put version numbers or a date on the temporary one. I was really unsure about that link vs. the non-temporary ones.
  7. Offline


    Any update on a sign fix?
  8. Offline


    Expect one when I get off holiday - working on BMR code on an 8" screen is a no-no for me.
  9. Offline


    Haha, that's true, would cause nightmares.
  10. Offline


    How are we lookin' for 1000 there? :D
  11. Offline


    HUGE update coming - be patient as it's going to be awesome.
  12. Offline


    !WOOT! *backflip* :p
  13. Offline


  14. Offline


    I'm on the latest CraftBukkit (1000) updated my BMR this morning, turned signs back on, and it seems the bug is still there. I have massive amounts of signs showing up on the map.
  15. Offline


    Thanks for the heads up. Please keep signs disabled for now. At least it runs eh? ;)
  16. Offline


    I don't know if I'm doing this right, but I'm running the plugin on localhost, and it does all the render stuff, but I can't find a map file.

    EDIT Checked the config, and found the files. :rolleyes: never mind.
  17. Offline


    Just curious what is the resource usage of this plugin with BukkitHTTPD compared to running Dynmap? For a reference I am running 4 different worlds at the moment.
  18. Offline


    Absolutely right. The signs are just a nice additive, I'm just giving you a heads up. The plugin itself is running flawlessly and displays the map with perfect detail.
  19. Offline


    I have a user that's using a skin with a transparent head (...), and it doesn't show him on the map. I pulled up the avatar image it's trying to use and it also appears blank. This might not be something you can fix easily but just wanted to report it. His IGN is wolfpax181.
  20. Offline


    Okay. This seems to not want to work for me. I have set everything in my plugins folder and typed bmr 1 into my console. Everything loaded up in the console like it's supposed to (I assume), and I have all the files and folders for this in the plugins folder.
    However, when I type in the address that you gave as an outline, I get an internet explorer error.
    My world name is MCStudios. So this is the link I have been trying to use:
    I have bukkit 1000, and I just downloaded this plugin this morning. Is there anything else that I may be missing here? Thanks!
    *It seems to be working now. I just used the index file in the BMR folder.
  21. Offline


    Perhaps you're missing a webhost?
  22. Offline


    **Seems that the signs are still appearing all over my map despite me disabling them in the config file... :confused:
  23. Offline


    You need to update the render for them to disappear, it won't update unless you run a new render of that map.
  24. Offline


    I did update it. I restarted my server, typed bmr 4 into the console, waiting about 10 minutes, then loaded up the map via the index file. The signs are still being displayed.
    It's alright though. I probaly won't be using this plugin all that much anyhow. I miss the 3-D option that dynmap had. Seeing everything flat kind of takes away from the epicness of the buildings and towns that are on my server.
    Thanks for your help though, and best of luck to your future developing of this plugin.
  25. Offline


    That's alright - flatmap isn't for everyone :)
  26. Offline


    Hi, as Haduke wrote I've got the same problem with ver. 1.2 still. Too many signs: map won't even be shown in any browser because of the huge players.js file which gets created. Disabling the signs in the config, deleting the old map data from the BukkitHTTPD folder, new render, same problem :/. Back to the old version with the "g"-bug again for now. Thanks for the update anyways!

    Any idea why all of the sign data (text) is saved into the player.js file?

    I hope we (as in I'll try to help you if I can) are able to fix it as I really like the plugin.
  27. Offline


    For the next release I will temporarily (completely) comment out the sign section.
  28. Offline


    I'm having issues with this one. I follow the instructions and as I pull up the page in Chrome AND IE, it says "Page cannot be displayed" and "Link appears to be broken". Currently I am also using dynmap and just wanted to try this one out. Any solutions?
  29. Offline


    It doesn't provide its own webserver, if you read the instructions it'd explain this.
  30. Offline


    Is this a realtime thing or just a still image? because idk know exactly how to get it working :( , I have rendered it but idk what this BukkitHTTPD is and i dont know how to access the image properly I have tried http://myip/worldname and it loads a few images but thts all.


    Just found out what BukkitHTTPD is and now going to actually read before posting :). I'm blind help me
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