[INACTIVE] [MECH/DEV] SpoutBackpack v2.3.6_3 - Give your players a Backpack [1317]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by NeatMonster, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Please now use BukkitInventoryTools which contains SpoutBackpack.
    This thread is now useless, please don't post any longer on it.
    You can find the Bukkit Dev' thread HERE.
    Please use it, this thread will no longer be updated.

    SpoutBackpack v2.0.1
    Give your players a Backpack w/ Spout.

    Because pictures / video are always better than thousand words:
    (Unofficial video by IAMWIN but outdated: v1.9.5)​

    • Pressing a key to open your backpack ;
    • Economy widget if you want it ;
    • Not just backpack, workbench too ;
    • Drop on death (configurable) ;
    • Permissions and economy plugins support ;
    • Allow your players to expand their Backpack ;
    • Restictions of upgrades & commands ;
    • Multiworld support with different Backpacks ;
    • Hooks into WorldGuard, MobArena and Jail ;
    • Key and name can be customized ;
    • API for developers ;
    • Backpacks are saved on server ;
    • Works even on reload.
    • Spout and Spoutcraft - Required to launch and use the plugin.
      Tested with RB # of Spout and RB # of Spoutcraft.
    • (OPTIONAL) Permissions - Required if you want to customize the size or upgrade.
    • (OPTIONAL) PermissionsBukkit - Required if you want to customize the size or upgrade.
    • (OPTIONAL) PermissionsEx - Required if you want to customize the size or upgrade.
    • (OPTIONAL) GroupManager - Required if you want to customize the size or upgrade.
    • (OPTIONAL) iConomy - Required if you want to upgrade.
    • (OPTIONAL) BOSEconomy - Required if you want to upgrade.
    • (OPTIONAL) Essentials Economy - Required if you want to upgrade.
    • (OPTIONAL) MultiCurrency - Required if you want to upgrade.
    • (OPTIONAL) WorldGuard - Not required but compatible.
    • (OPTIONAL) MobArena - Not required but compatible.
    • (OPTIONAL) Jail - Not required but compatible.
        PositionY: 5
        PositionX: 3
        Enabled?: true
        UseGroupManager?: false
        UsePermissions?: true
        UsePermissionsBukkit?: false
        UsePermissionsEx?: false
        Name: Backpack
        Key: B
            '45': 40.0
            '36': 30.0
            '18': 10.0
            '54': 50.0
            '27': 20.0
        - region1
        - region2
                UpgradeSize: 54
                Size: 54
                UpgradeSize: 27
                Size: 9
                UpgradeSize: 0
                Size: 0
            InventoriesShare?: true
                UpgradeSize: 45
                Size: 27
                UpgradeSize: 36
                Size: 18
        Enabled?: true
        Key: W
        NeededInInventory?: false
        Log?: false
        Interval(InMinutes): 5
    For PermissionsBukkit and PermissionsEx, you need to add permissions backpack.worldname.groupname. You also need to order your groups in the configuration file (eg. Admins, then Mods, then Players and then Guests). I'm sorry of this but those two plugins doesn't have the methods I need.

    • backpack.workbench : Allow the player to open a virtual workbench.
    • backpack.nodrop : No drop of the items in the Backpack on death.
    • backpack.clear : Allow the player to clear his own Backpack.
    • backpack.clear.other : Allow the player to clear others inventories.
    • backpack.info.other: Allow the player to show info about others.
    • backpack.upgrade.other: Allow the player to upgrade others' Backpack.
    • backpack.open.other : Open other players' Backpack.
    • backpack.reload : Allow the use of the /backpack reload command.
    • NOTE: If you use OP system, size for not-Op players will be 9 and 54 for OP players.
    • /backpack clear (Player) : Clear your / player's inventory.
    • /backpack info (Player): Show information about your / player's Backpack.
    • /backpack open [Player] : Open player's Backpack.
    • /backpack upgrade [Player]: Upgrade your /player's Backpack.
    • /backpack reload : Reload Backpack's configuration.
    • NOTE: /backpack's alias is /bp.
    Highly recommended:
    • The portage from BukkitContrib to Spout of this plugin was made by kazimir!
    • All credits go to captainawesome7 for his awesome BCBackpack plugin!
    • Permissions support ; DONE IN 1.3
    • Configuration of the key ; DONE IN 1.3
    • Multiple chest sizes ; DONE IN 1.4
    • iConomy integration ; DONE IN 1.6
    • MobArena hook ; DONE IN 1.6.1
    • BOSEconomy support ; DONE IN 1.6.2
    • PermissionsBukkit support ; DONE IN 1.6.3
    • Multiworld support ; DONE IN 1.7
    • Separate inventories ; DONE IN 1.7
    • WorldGuard regions support ; DONE IN 1.7.1
    • GroupManager support ; DONE IN 1.7.2
    • Workbench ; DONE IN 1.8
    • Jail support ; DONE IN 1.8.1
    • Add an option to disable workbench ; DONE IN 1.8.2
    • Restriction on Workbench ; DONE IN 1.8.4
    • Support of Essentials economy ; DONE IN 1.8.5
    • Economy widget ; DONE IN 1.9
    • Command to clear Backpack ; DONE IN 1.9
    • Restrictions on upgrades ; DONE IN 1.9
    • API ; DONE IN 1.9
    • Setting for the widget position ; DONE IN 1.9.2
    • Lookup in others' Backpack ; DONE IN 1.9.2
    • Support for PermissionsEx ; DONE IN 2.0
    • Handle deaths without Spout client ; DONE IN 2.0
    • Upgrade other players' Backpack ; DONE IN 2.0
    • Furnaces.
    • If you put something in your Backpack and close Minecraft by clicking the "X" without closing your backpack, all items you put in since opening your Backpack are lost. That's not a bug - It's a feature to prevent duping.
    You want to hook into SpoutBackpack? Fine, I have what you need.
    1. Import SpoutBackpack.jar as a library in your project ;
    2. Import me.neatmonster.spoutbackpack.SBHandler ;
    3. In your main class, add this object creation :
          public SBHandler spoutBackpackHandler;
    4. Somewhere on your onEnable, add this line :
    5. So, this is the setupSpoutBackpack function :
          private void setupSpoutBackpack() {
                                                      if (spoutBackpackHandler != null) {
                                                      Plugin spoutBackpackPlugin = this.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("SpoutBackpack");
                                                      if (spoutBackpackPlugin == null) {
                                                      spoutBackpackHandler = new SBHandler();
    6. To check somewhere in your code if SpoutBackpack is enabled, use :
              if (spoutBackpackHandler != null) {
    7. And finally to use a method of SpoutBackpack :
      You can find all the methods HERE.
    8. If you need more methods, or if I made a mistake, do not hesitate to contact me.
    Version 2.0.1
    • PermissionsBukkit & PermissionsEx fix.
    Version 2.0
    • Improved Backpacks' save system ;
    • PermissionsBukkit full support ;
    • PermissionsEx full support ;
    • Bug fix when client doesn't use Spoutcraft ;
    • Upgrade other players' Backpack.
    Other versions (open)
    Version 1.9.5
    Other versions (open)

    • Added methods for the API.
    Version 1.9.4
    • Fixed API.
    Version 1.9.3
    • Removed debug messages.
    Version 1.9.2
    • Setting for the position of the widget ;
    • Command to open other players' Backpack.
    Version 1.9.1
    • New method added to the API.
    Version 1.9
    • Economy widget when you opens your Backpack ;
    • Commands to clear Backpack(s) ;
    • Restrictions on updates ;
    • Creation of an API ;
    • Bug fixes with economy.
    Version 1.8.5
    • Support of Essentials Economy ;
    • Support of MultiCurrency.
    Version 1.8.4
    • Option to only use workbench if you have one in inventory.
    Version 1.8.3
    • No more saves when nobody is online ;
    • Fixed bug on upgrade.
    Version 1.8.2
    • Workbench toggle in the config.
    Version 1.8.1
    • Jail support.
    Version 1.8
    • Now with you can give your players a virtual workbench ;
    • You can close the workbench with the same key ;
    • Now the workbench will not appear when typing in the chat.
    Version 1.7.3
    • GroupManager full support.
    Version 1.7.2
    • GroupManager support ;
    • Permission for drop on death.
    Version 1.7.1
    • You can specify WorldGuard region where Backpacks will be disabled ;
    • More, more, more and more keys.
    Version 1.7
    • New multiworld support ;
    • Separate inventories ;
    • Common inventories ;
    • Reload command ;
    • Smart detection of plugins you've installed ;
    • Some code rewrite = more proper code.
    Version 1.6.3
    • Added PermissionsBukkit support with configuration options.
    Version 1.6.2
    • Support for BOSEconomy, no configuration needed ;
    • More anti-cheat messages and information for users.
    Version 1.6.1
    • Hooks in MobArena : when a player is inside an arena, I can't open his BackPack ;
    • For more security, it checks if iConomy is installed.
    Version 1.6
    • Added iConomy support & /backpack commands, which allow your players to expand their Backpack by paying some iConomy money (configurable in config.yml) ;
    • Minor bug fixes & code cleanup.
    Version 1.5
    • Added support for multiword (see in config.yml).
    • More and more help in the config.yml.
    Version 1.4
    • New permissions for different sizes.
    Version 1.3
    • Closing you backpack will now saves his content.
    • Permissions support.
    • You can now change the key used to open the backpack in the configuration.
    Version 1.2
    • Original version.

  2. What's the difference between spout and spout craft?
  3. Offline


    When upgrading this, should I delete my config aswell, or just replace Jar? (same with the debugger?) Before shutting down and having to restart a few times, figured I'd ask first.

    By the way, I greatly appreciate your support. You go a lot further to help people out than most have. Mad props for this awesome plugin, lightning quick updates, and your support. Good luck with the group based permissions, if you decide to do it (do more important stuff first, of course).

    For information on Spout Plugin and Spoutcraft launcher, checkout the Spoutcraft topic.
  4. Offline


    Can't wait for furnaces :D
  5. Offline


    15:56:11 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] [Debug] Okay, you've got Permissions and...
    15:56:11 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] [Debug] ...you can open your backpack.
    15:56:11 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] [Debug] So finaly, you can open your backpack.
    15:57:12 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] [Debug] Okay, you've got Permissions and...
    15:57:12 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] [Debug] ...you can open your backpack.
    15:57:12 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] [Debug] So finaly, you can open your backpack.
    15:57:12 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] [Debug]You don't have an economy plugin,
    15:57:12 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] [Debug]so you can't use this command.

    Pressing B does nothing. I got the info above when I ran /bp and /bp info
  6. Offline


    You need to delete the debugger and replace the .JAR. I recommended to remove the configuration, launch the server to generate configuration, stop the server and edit configuration.

    I'm having a lot of issues with furnaces. :'(

    When you press B, nothing from the debugger is printed in the console?
  7. Offline


    Nope. Nothing happens or is printed. In fact, None of the keys (B, W, or N) do anything. On top of what I have listed in previous posts I am also running Spoutcraft Launcher 1.0.1.

    EDIT: I just tried removing EVERY plugin except Permissions 3.x, PermissionsBukkit, Spout and SpoutBackpack to see if there may be a conflict. Still nothing.
  8. Offline


    Okay. Redownload the debugger version, try to press a key. If no message "[INFO] [SpoutBackpack] [Debug] Key pressed <KEY>." appears in the console, it's a Spoutcraft issue.
  9. Offline


    Nothing was printed to the console so I think it is a Spoutcraft issue. I do not know what that issue could be though. I am running Spout With the Spoutcraft Launcher 1.0.1. Anyone else tested the backpack with these versions? I stopped being able to access the backpack since I updated spout on my server from the last version.
  10. Offline


    Personally, it's working with Spout v1.0.2.155 and Spoucraft
    Try to install Spoutcraft manually (cf. Spout thread).
  11. Offline


    Yeah I just updated to the latest dev build of the launcher and its working. Thats strange. I guess Ill just use for now. Thank you for all your help. You are awesome :).
  12. Offline


    Where's the blushing smiley? :D
  13. Offline


    This noob doesn't know the emoticon lol
  14. Offline



    Thank you Google.
  15. Offline


    The light verson is greatly appreciated and i ment no disrespect (i have players on my case for slip ups spout has made and all sorts at mo)
    if it makes you feel better im on an internet dongle stuck at work guarding a carpark (i will test the light verson when i get home)
    i really ment when i said "seeing what you can do is good enough (much better then "thats impossible" )" i know text can come off sarcastic but it was ment sincere. i really didnt expect a fix so fast (very appreciated) the mere fact someone is working on a solution is good :)
  16. Offline


    So I misunderstood you, sorry. If you need anything, ask me. It's always a pleasure to talk with users.
  17. Offline


    no prob, text is not the most easy of mediums, and im somewhat dyslexic so explaining things are never easy lol
  18. Offline


    Okay, I finally got all the Spout nonsense figured out.

    Startup log throws this; (Double loads).
    2011-08-16 16:40:27 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] PermissionBukkit found, will use it.
    2011-08-16 16:40:27 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] Version 1.8.3 is now enabled.
    2011-08-16 16:40:27 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] Inventories loaded.
    2011-08-16 16:40:27 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] iConomy found, will use it.
    2011-08-16 16:40:27 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] PermissionBukkit found, will use it.
    2011-08-16 16:40:27 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] Version 1.8.3 is now enabled.
    2011-08-16 16:40:27 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] Inventories loaded.
    2011-08-16 16:40:27 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] iConomy found, will use it.

    And I get this;
    2011-08-16 16:42:14 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] [Debug]You don't have an economy plugin,
    2011-08-16 16:42:14 [INFO] [SpoutBackpack] [Debug]so you can't use this command.

    Using 1.2.118 Spout Plugin, latest launcher update, and SpoutBackpackDebug 1.8.3
    All permissions are set correctly. Using Iconomy 5.0.1.

    Here is my Config:
    LogTheSaves?: true
    PriceToUpgradeToThe45Backpack: 10000.0
    KeyUsedToOpenTheBackpack: B
    EnableTheWorkbench?: true
    UseGroupManager?: false
    IntervalInMinutesBetweenEachSaving: 5
    NameOfTheBackpack: Backpack
    - world
    - world_nether
    PriceToUpgradeToThe54Backpack: 15000.0
    UsePermissionsBukkit?: true
    - pvp001
    PriceToUpgradeToThe27Backpack: 5000.0
    PriceToUpgradeToThe18Backpack: 1000.0
    UsePermissions?: false
    KeyUsedToOpenTheWorkbench: C
    SeparateInventories?: false
    PriceToUpgradeToThe36Backpack: 7500.0

    Edit: Both the Workbench and Backpack open.

    Edit: I'll go ahead and replace debugger with the normal one, after I switch permissions from PermBukkit to Permissions and try that.

    Edit: Forgot to mention that this is for /bp upgrade.

    Edit: With Permissions, I was able to get it to take away money again, but no backpack size upgrade registered. Will having someone listed as an OP or a * node under admin interfere with this, or maybe the * node?

    Going to try enabling both permissionsBukkit and Permissions in config, since I'm using the bridge aswell, and see how that works.

    Edit: The upgrade seems to work if I add permissions for another size up, but it will automatically go to the largest size but tell me it upgraded to the next.
  19. Offline


    People can upgrade there backpacks and see them but when they upgrade nothing changes for them. It says they have 18 slots but they only have 9.
  20. Offline


    First, you can only upgrade with (Permissions OR GroupManager) AND (iConomy OR BOSEconomy).
    It's because there is an API in Permissions and GroupManager to remove and add nodes to users.
    When you do an upgrade, the plugin is searching for your actual size node (backpack.size9 for example), try to remove it, and add the new node (backpack.size18 for example).
    I don't think the bridge can simulate those functions so that's is probably why the size isn't upgraded.
    You can try with the real Permissions 3.1.6.
    If you enable Permissions and PermissionsBukkit in configuration, only Permissions will be used.
    For you last edit, I don't know.

    I need more information:
    • What Permissions plugin are you using?
    • What version?
    • How is your configuration file?
    • What economy plugin are you using?
    • etc.
  21. Offline


    I'm not trying to offend you or blame you for assigning the 'W' key for workbench since I know you don't use a QWERTY keyboard, but it was seriously hilarious and confusing when moving straight (W is move forward on a QWERTY keyboard).
  22. Offline


    Yes, it was a little error. :oops:
  23. Offline


    Haha don't worry about it. It was funny.
  24. I love this plugin and is the primary reason why everyone in my server uses spoutcraft. However i have 1 problem/request. The workbench kinda kills ever having to make the crafting table. could you make it so that you can only use the virtual crafting table only if you have a crafting table somewhere in your inventory. Thankyou
  25. Offline


    Nice suggestion. Added to my TO-DO list.

    Enjoy! :cool:

    P.S. : It hasn't been tested, so tell me if it works.
  26. the dowload link doesnt work 4 me
  27. Offline


    Working for me with my 5 ko/s connexion. :p
  28. lol k probs my internet being retarded :)

    kk tested. Afraid it dont work. I dont need a workbench in my inventory to access the virtual workbench.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  29. Offline


    Do you have toggled the option to true in the configuration?
  30. yea soz bout tht it does work :) thanks
  31. Offline


    You're welcome!

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