[INACTIVE][MECH] DeathChest v1.33b - Protect your drops! [80]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by recanu, Feb 11, 2011.

  1. Offline


    DeathChest v1.33b (Build 480)

    When you die and there is a chest in your inventory, it will be placed where you die or in a free spot (searching upwards). The chest will be filled with as many items as possible and any item that does not fit in the chest will be dropped. If you got two chests in your inventory and the items in your inventory do not fit in a single chest, a double chest containing all your items will be created.
    If you've got a sign in your inventory, a memorial sign will be created above your chest containing the Sign Template (see below). If you rightclick this sign as owner of the chest, all items (leaving those which do not fit in the chest) will be transferred to your inventory.

    • Stores all your item drops in chests when dying if you have got a chest in your inventory
    • Creates a sign with configurable content! (/plugins/DeathChest/signTemplate.tmplt, see "Sign Templates" for further information)
    • Chest expiration! Chests are removed after a certain set of time which is also configurable in the config.yml!
    • When using the Permissions plugin, only users with the permission 'DeathChest.use' can drop DeathChest when dying. If not using it, everyone will drop chests.
    • Adds the Permission 'DeathChest.freeChest' to a group or player will remove the requirement to have a chest in their inventory. This way they will always drop a chest when dying. (They still need to have the 'DeathChest.use' Permission!)
    • Adds the Permission 'DeathChest.freeSign' to a group or player will remove the requirement to have a sign in their inventory to place a memorial sign above their chest.
    • LWC Support: protect chests & signs with LWC if this is enabled in the configuration
    • Local Permissions for non-Permissions users! Easy configuration of permissions with a permissions.yml file!
    • Sign quick loot: click the sign of your chest to loot your chest.

    # This is the configuration file of DeathChest
    # Lines with # are comments and are ignored
    # placeSigns: true if signs shall be placed, false if not
    # protectChests: true if LWC shall be used to protect chests
    # protectSigns: true if LWC shall be used to protect signs
    # expiration: Time (in minutes) when chests shall disappear with all items. 0 = never.
    # dropItemsOnExpiration: true if items shall be dropped when deleting an expire chest.
    # removeUponQuickLoot: true if chest and signs shall be removed when quicklooting
    # removeChestIfAvailable: true if chests shall be removed from the inventory of a user with the
    #                         freeChest permission if they have got one in their inventory
    # removeSignIfAvailable: the same as removeChestIfAvailable for Signs
    # permissionSystem: Sets the permission system that should be used: LOCAL, PERMISSIONS, GROUPMANAGER or detect
        placeSigns: true
        protectChests: false
        protectSigns: false
        expiration: 0
        dropItemsOnExpiration: true
        removeUponQuickLoot: false
        removeChestIfAvailable: false
        removeSignIfAvailable: false
        permissionSystem: detect
    This is the default configuration (located in /plugins/DeathChest/config.yml).

    The configuration is created when first time running the plugin.
    Editing the configuration is either done with an editor (like notepad) or with the in-game configuration editing. This requires Op rights when using a player or can be done through the console: just type in /dc config <node that you want to edit, ex: expiration> <a valid value: ex 0>
    Note that configuration files from older versions may be incompatible with newer versions and that you have to either delete and generate a new one or to edit the nodes.

    Sign Templates
    Line 1: +name+
    Line 2: +date+ +time+
    Line 3: +cause+
    Line 4: R.I.P.
    Date Format: MM-dd
    Time Format: HH:mm:ss
    This is the default Sign Template (located in /plugins/DeathChest/signTemplate.tmptl).
    At the moment there are 4 variables: +name+, +date+, +time+ and +cause+.
    +cause+ contains these strings:
    TNT, Cactus, Drowning, Zombie, Skeleton, Creeper, Spider, Ghast, Giant, Pig Zombie, Slime, the player name of the player who killed you, Falling, Fire, Lava, Suffocation and Suicide (when doing /kill).
    Date Format and Time Format define how time (or date) are formatted. Ex: MM-dd will give "08-15" (15th of August). The text will be shown on the signs above the chests.

    This plugin is compatible with Permissions 2.51 (All versions except 2.0 and below should work), GroupManager (0.99d+) and it's own local permissions system.
    These Permission Nodes are used with Permissions 2.51 and GroupManager:
    • 'DeathChest.use' - allows people to use DeathChest
    • 'DeathChest.freeChest' - deletes the requirement to have a chest (or two) in their inventory. (People with this Permission still need 'DeathChest.use' to use DeathChest.
    • 'DeathChest.freeSign' - same as freeChest for signs.
    • 'DeathChest.allowQuickLoot' - allows quicklooting when rightclicking the sign
    • 'DeathChest.protect' - Protects all chests and signs of this users (if enabled in the configuration and if LWC is installed) with LWC
    Note that when NOT having the Permission or GroupManager plugin, the local Permissions System (only avaible after v1.31b) will be used. It will be located in /plugins/DeathChest/permissions.yml. Read through the file and your questions will be answered.
    You can also switch the permission systems through the configuration node 'permissionSystem'. (See Configuration)

    • /dchest info|version - shows info about your DeathChest version
    • /dchest config - shows the current configuration
    • /dchest config <node> <value> - edits the configuration and changes the value of <node> to <value>
    • /dchest reload - reloads configuration and sign template.
    All Commands require Op rights.

    Download DeathChest(v1.33b)

    After releases with a configuration file changes, I suggest to delete (or rename) your old configuration and let the plugin generate a new one. This way it's more save for you to edit the file.

    Version 1.33b
    • Bugfixes
    • Code optimization
    • Permissions 2.51 and GroupManager are now both compatible.
    • You can choose your permission system in the configuration.
    • Fixed the permission node 'DeathChest.protect'; this is required for those users whos chests&signs should be protected
    *I maybe forgot some points here

    Version 1.32b
    • Updated to newer bukkit builds (tested with 438)
    • Changed commands: from /dc to /dchest.
    • Added new commands: /dchest info|version: Shows info about the DeathChest version, /dchest config: Shows the current configuration.
    Version 1.31b (300-347) (348+)
    • Fixed a second bug that caused errors when not using LWC
    • Added local permissions system located in /plugins/DeathChest/permissions.yml
    • Fixed for CraftBukkit build 348+
    Version 1.3b
    • Fixed a bug that caused errors when not using LWC
    • Added a new configuration node: chests.removeUponQuickLoot. See "Configuration" for further information
    • Added a command: /dc reload; This requires Op rights in-game. It reloads the configuration and sign template without clearing the DeathChest list (which happens when doing a server reload)
    • Added a new Sign Template variable: +cause+; See "Sign Templates" for further information.
    • Didn't add configurable sign position: postponed to v1.4.
    Version 1.21b (Note, this is a beta release and MAY contain bugs)
    • Fixed a bug that caused errors when placing single chests.
    • Added and modified configuration nodes. Notice that when updating from older versions that some nodes became inactive and were replaced by new ones. See "Configuraiton" for further information
    Added sign protection
    • Added Permission node 'DeathChest.allowQuickLoot'
    Version 1.2b (Note, this is a beta release and MAY contain bugs)
    • Added LWC support (new configuration node: useLWCProtection)
    • Added configurable Sign Template (/plugins/DeathChest/signTemplate.tmplt) See "Sign Templates" for more information.
    • Added quickloot sign: owners of DeathChest can click the sign above the chest to completely (or partially if the inventory can not hold all items) loot the chest
    • Added sign-consuming (now needs a sign in the inventory to place a sign above the chest)
    • Added new permission node: DeathChest.freeSign
    • Fixed Bugs: Chests now pick up armor and do not destroy blocks (if not necessary because of space problems) when being placed.
    Version 1.1
    • Added expiration timer.
    • Added configuration file.
    • Added Permissions suppport.
    • Added warnings when people destroy your DeathChest.
    • Added warnings before your DeathChest expires.
    Version 1.0
    • First public release.
    • The WorldGuard /slay command does not trigger a DeathChest - This seems to be caused by WorldGuard.
    If you experience bugs, please submit what doesn't happen right, the version of DeathChest you are using, which craftbukkit build #, the configuration file and the error stacktrace (if there is one).

    • Add configuration for the Sign Position - in progress for v1.4
    TODO nodes marked as 'Done' are already coded and will be added in future releases.

    The plugin was tested with craftbukkit build 300+. It may work with older versions, but this can lead to errors or other unwanted results. Also beta releases (marked with vx.xb) may contain bugs and lead to errors (or worse things).

    I'm open for suggestions!
  2. Offline


    hmm, same as this?
  3. Offline


    Ow, kinda missed that.. I searched for a plugin like that on the forums but didn't find one... well forget this then. =(
  4. Offline


    feel sorry for you [​IMG]
    maybe you cn turn this plugin into something else...
  5. Offline


    Wonderful plugin. Does it job!
    TombStone doesnt work with 300+
  6. Offline


    This is a promising plugin. There is no reason there can't be multiple plugins that do the same or similar things, creates healthy competition. I wouldn't give up if I were you considering the other plugin is broken atm. One feature I'd like to request is an expiration system, so that chest delete from the world after a set time. Don't really want abandoned chest to clutter the map.
  7. Offline


    Added that to my TODO list :)
  8. Offline


    Weird bug, signs only show text to yourself but not to anyone else.
  9. Offline


    I would like a config file where you can at least write usernames of people who should get free chests!
    (or support for Permissions with this :)

    Apart from this I really like DeathChest :)
  10. Offline


    Updated to version 1.1. See Changelog for further information.
  11. Offline


    thanks a lot for freeChest permission! :)
    Great plugin :D
  12. Offline


    When doing a large chest, do you do a check for a free space, or just overwrite a block beside the original chest?
  13. Offline


    At the moment it just overrides the next block on the X axis. In the next release I will rewrite this to search for a free spot.
  14. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    hi, already asked in the other thread... is it possible to integrate lwc to lock the chest?
  15. Offline


    Added to the TODO list. I'll work next on this.
  16. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    cool, just saw he also did that... looks we have even 3 plugins now out doing it..
  17. Offline


    hey I've just found a little bug, it places chests into rails (destroying them).
  18. Offline


    I'm experiencing an odd bug. When I am using this in conjunction with NetherGate(v 0.3), the chest and signs are not placed where I die. Instead, they are placed at the spawn points.

    If I die in the nether, the chest is placed at the spawn point in the nether. If I die in the normal world, the chest is placed at the spawn point in the normal world.
  19. Offline


    Looks like NetherGate also hooks into onPlayerDeath and teleports the player instantly when they die. That plugin is getting called before this one so it leads to things like this.
  20. Offline


  21. Offline


  22. Offline


    In Deadmanschest mod for hmod, there was a feature that rightclicking on the death sign would transfer all the contents of the chest to your inventory.
    Is that a feature or planned feature for this mod?
  23. Offline


    That's a great idea! (Although destroying the chest does exact the same thing :p) I will definately try to add this.
  24. Offline


    The right-click was an awesome feature of deadmanschest. It let one quickly get their materials in combat situations.

    Unrelated, one of the people on my server is reporting a bug: his armor never appears in a chest after death.
  25. Offline


    Added this, LWC Protection and some other things to the plugin with v1.2b. Note that v1.2 is a beta release and may contain bugs. Also if you are updating from a previous version, include the new line "useLWCProtection: false" to your config.yml.
  26. Offline


    Good thing there is another one doing this :) Will be trying this in a moment. Tombstone thingie didn't work for my taste as there are some annoying bugs. Hope this one works a lot better Keep up the good work either way :)

    A notify server feature with permission node would be awesome. Have an editable text for every event. Spice it up with teleport feature with cooldown. All flexible editable. And another variable to use on signs.

    Something like:

    Line 1: +name+
    Line 2: +date+ +time+
    Line 3: Death by +cause+
    Line 4: R.I.P.

    Where +cause+ is the cause of death. Either by falling, monsters, or by another player. It's like making a trophy for the killer to have his name writen on the target's "tombstone". ^^
    Qwert likes this.
  27. Offline


    Check out HeroicDeath: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/in...e-server-broadcasts-on-player-death-211.3255/

    Great work on this plugin, btw. It's great to have options with plugins.
  28. Offline


    Nice changelog for 1.2b!
    As you implemented quickloot Ill move to your plugin from Tombstone.
    --- merged: Feb 17, 2011 4:21 AM ---
    • Save the inventory layout on death and restore it after rightclicking the sign, would be imo SUPERB!
    • Only grant free signs and chest if the user as none in his inventory, would be great as I would like to give my mods freeSigns and freeChests but they dont want them to get spammed with chests and signs and prefer to not have this permission ^^
  29. Offline


    I am very impressed with your work on this. Kudos! I really enjoy it. Thanks for your hard work
  30. Offline


    oh and plz protect signs too =)
    (this feature is already added in LWC)

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