[INACTIVE][MECH] Alchemy v1.41 - combine items to make other items NEW:Permissions support [440+]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by lostaris, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Version: v1.41
    Now optional supports Permissions v2.0 link

    Allows users to combine one or more items into other items. The items you can combine are configurable and are stored in the AlchemyRecipes.properties file. This allows players to make items that are not available, such as items from the nether, or very rare like clay.

    Each recipe in the AlchemyRecipes.properties file must be in the following format:
    [Item name](amount to get)=[ItemId of item one],[amount]:[ItemId of item two],[amount] ..
    eg : CLAY_BALL(4)=12,16:3,16
    Which means to get 4 clay balls you must have 16 sand and 16 dirt
    There is a AllowedValues.txt file which contains all the items names you can use

    Permissions 2.0 is now supported. If the permissions plugin is not used the plugin will default to all users being able to use all commands.
    Available permission nodes (case sensitive):
    * Alchemy.all - Allows a user to use /alchemy all
    * Alchemy.reload - Allows a user to use /alchemy reload
    * Alchemy.alchemist - Allows a user to use /alchemy [item id] or [item id] ?

    /alchemy [item id] - combines the items needed to make this item if there is a recipe and you have the required items
    /alchemy [item id] ? - Gives you a list of the items needed to combine to give you this item if there is a recipe for it
    /alchemy reload - reloads the recipes file
    /alchemy all - shows all items that you can make
    Or use /alc instead of /alchemy

    Download v1.41
    for build 400+
    http://www.mdn.fm/files/271733_odicq/Alchemy v1-41.zip

    older build
    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    Finish iConomy support

    26/2 - v1.41
    * Updated for new bukkit version

    8/2 - v1.4
    * Added /alchemy all command
    * Added permissions 2.0 support

    5/4 - v1.3
    * Added reload command to reload the recipe config file
    * Added amount that you will get to the ? command

    31/1 -v1.2:
    * Fixed all commands always giving usage message
    * Fixed giving missing items message when you did have them
    * Changed name of AlchemyRecip<font color="rgb(255, 0, 0)">i</font>es.properties to AlchemyRecipes.properties

    30/1 - v1.1:
    * Added Accepted values txt file

    28/1 - v1.0:
    * Release
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2016
    clash likes this.
  2. Offline


    That looks cool, so If i had for example 16 dirt and 16 sand in inventory, typed /alchemy CLAY_BALL I would have 4 clay balls and no dirt and sand? And i dont set any id of the created item, just name?

    I hope i could mix some flowers with something to make healing potion, well now just apples I guess.
  3. Offline


    Link broken :/.
  4. Offline


    link works fine for me.
  5. Offline


    Ugg fixed did a last min update and forgot to update download link.

    Yes you would lose the dirt and sand and gain the 4 clay balls. The command uses the item id not the name though. so you would type /alchemy 337 (or /alc 337) - 337 is the item id of clay balls.
  6. Offline


    Thanks then <3
  7. Offline


    I want to use it, but it doesn't work. (I'm Korean, so I can't use English well)

    error.jpg is the error.

    WHAT SHOULD I DO???????????????

    Attached Files:

  8. Offline


    The alchemy folder that comes with the zip file needs to be located in the plugins folder. The error you get is because it cant find the AlchemyRecipies.properties file.
  9. Offline


    Can we get Permissions support? Would be nice to restrict this to an Alchemist class :D
  10. Offline


    I have the files located properly and i still get a stack error. Is there a file that the names are coming from? Items.db? Perhaps we could get rid of the need for an ITEM NAME and change it to item number, would make everythign far easier and less complex.

    ** EDIT **

    Removed my recipes and used your default one and plugin loaded fine. This means there was an error with the naming. So, i need to know where your pulling the names from.
  11. Offline


    Added text file with allowed names, added error message if the recipes file is missing.
    I was using names so you could better understand what each row was for, otherwise it would be just a pile of numbers.
  12. Offline


    perhaps make an option for both? love the plugin though, seriously so much fun! are you uploading the new version? I just downloaded the file again and no text file... i cant wait to test this out!
  13. Offline


    Heh forgot to update the post. Not in a great rush to change it so it can do both ids and names when names is a bit easier to read.
  14. Offline


    Thank you very much, i love this plugin already! :p

    Using bukkit 169

    No matter what, even with all mats it just repeats incorrect format and then gives you the syntax. There is no error in console, either. Not sure what is up
    --- merged: Jan 30, 2011 10:32 AM ---
    double post, sorry!
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    Did you upload a new version? I still see 1.1, unless you left the name the same, which is fine. I did notice you added glowstone to the config, but i guess that leads me to my next question. Cane we make custom recipes?

    You should also add some outputs, such as "You do not have the materials for this item" or something of that nature. For future updates, you could add in the possibility of failure as another variable.
  17. Offline


    Yeah kept the same name
    riuthamus likes this.
  18. Offline


    Command now says obsidian not found in recipe file. I have also tried Glowstone and when i do /alchemy 89 ? nothing shows up, no notification. When i type /alchemy 89 i get the Glowstone not found in recipe file. Although it is. **SIDENOTE** this plugin doesnt work with 169, so only 157 works with it.
  19. Offline


    Fixed and updated for latest craftbukkit version.
  20. Offline


    All works, maybe make a notification to say, Your alchemy has been completed. Also, for future plans, can you create a reload plugin. Its rather annoying to have to restart the server. This is the most talked about plugin on my server, and it will give great use to our economy. THank you so much!!!
    --- merged: Jan 31, 2011 10:31 AM ---
    I didnt mean reload plugin, i meant reload command! Sorry for the mixup
  21. Offline


    I am in the proccess of building an RP Server and would love to use this with permissions.

    Also, this would be very neat idea to possibly link with the iConomy so that maybe an "npc" that I place would do the alchemy for the player in need. I am not sure how all of this would go about, and if its even possible.

    If this is possible (either of them) please let me know, I believe it would be great fun to have an alchemist class.

  22. Offline


    Thanks for the awesome plugin, its a good work around until cauldrons come out again. ^_^
  23. Offline


    Done, also added amount you get the the text of the ? command.
    I will see about iConomy at a later date, and wont do permissions until the official bukkit ones are finished.
  24. Offline


    link still leads to 1.2. thanx.
  25. Offline


  26. could you add a show-Command that show all recipients
    example: /alchemy show

    CLAY_BALL - /alchemy 337
    GLOWSTONE - /alchemy 89
    GOLD_INGOT - /alchemy 266

    this would make the Plugin very simple to use
    --- merged: Feb 6, 2011 8:58 PM ---
    Because i really need this and you have the java-Files into your jar-File I make it by myself. Here is the Code if you like to add it:

    in Alchemy.java
    if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("reload")) {
    player.sendMessage("§3Re-loaded Alchemy config file");
    else if(split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("show"))
    HashMap<String, ArrayList<ItemStack> > recipies = getRecipies();
    for (String itemName : recipies.keySet()) {
    int id = Material.getMaterial(itemName).getId();
    player.sendMessage("§6"+itemName+" - "+"/alchemy "+id);

    Best wishes and thank you for the nice plugin
  27. Offline


    Done, but command is called /alchemy all

    Also added permissions support.
    iConomy coming soon [​IMG]
  28. Offline


    could u make this work on items with damage on them (specifically combining old damaged armors to make better armor) so say you combine a chestplate with 60% and one w/ 15% u get one w/ 75%
  29. Offline


    Hm... i typed it, you sure this works with the newest version of permissions?
  30. Offline


    Yes got a mate to try it on his server as well as further testing on my own server.

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