[INACTIVE][INFO/WEB] Minestats v0.85 - Webstatistics for Stats and Achievements [617]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Abadon84, Mar 14, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Minestats - Webstatistics for Stats and Achievements
    Version: v0.85

    An easy in use web interface based on the awesome plugins Stats & Achievements,
    see it in action here.

    • Easy multi language support
    • Still supported languages are english, german, french, spanish and 1337-Speak
    • Easy installation and configuration
    • List of all players with several stats on the start site
    • Language, search and sort function on the start site
    • Details for each player that shows all stats and achievements
    • Detail sections can be toggled visible and hidden
    • Pictures for almost each item and mob in the details (i'm working on the rest ;) )
    • Offset for times
    • Achievements can be turned off
    Download Minestats rar
    Download Minestats zip
    Installation (open)

    1. Download Minestats
    2. Unpack and copy it to your webspace
    3. Make configurations (you have to edit the config.php wich is self explanatory)
    4. done ;)
    Todo (open)

    • opacity and background control with the config
    • admin-interface to manually edit the stats and achievemets (i.e. db failures)
    • implement stats from icommerce and dynamic market
    • some other stuff :)
    Changelog (open)
    Version 0.85
    • Time offset
    • Make achievements optional
    • Implement wolfs
    Version 0.82
    • Make it work with s&a 0.9
    • Some Bugfixes
    Version 0.8
    • Code-cleaning (removed a lot of SQL statements, thanks to flames for the hint)
    • Added shortnames for day, hours, minutes and seconds in the language files
    • Opacity control in config
    • Added minecart and boatstats
    • Some bugfixes
    Version 0.7
    • Some changes in the configuration for more options
    • More items supported (for example the new repeater)
    • Release for entire community
    Version 0.6
    • Change in the language system for easier work
    Version 0.5
    • Better Design for the entire interface
    Version 0.4
    • Added sort function for the overview
    • Added more details
    Version 0.3
    • Added search function
    Version 0.2
    • Multi language support
    • Added more details
    • language selector
    Version 0.1
    • Overview of all players and details

    Bug reports, comments, and suggestions are always welcomed and donations appreciated.

    Chikken likes this.
  2. Offline


    The transparent scrolling through the header is kinda awkward... could probably do without the scrolling bookcase background too.
  3. Offline


    it is already on my todo list to add options in the config to change the background and change the opacity ;)
    ok, the scrolling background is fixed now...
    btw. do anyone know how to work with spoilers in the thread?
  4. Offline


    Use the [spoiler] and [/spoiler] just like any other tags.
    [spoiler="I'm a spoiler!"]Just like this if you want to include rename it.[/spoiler]
  5. Offline


    wait how do i install this???when you say unpack it into your web like my website ftp?
  6. Offline


    yes, just put it with ftp or something else to your webspace directory and edit the config.php.
    after editing the config.php with your values it should be work.
  7. Offline


    Thanks! this looks good. The other web stats plugin needed a bit of work, I'm going to try this one out.
    I get the following errors right off the bat:
    Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, array given in /home/bluffy/public_html/minestats/minestats.php on line 93

    Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, array given in /home/bluffy/public_html/minestats/minestats.php on line 97

    The parameters in question seem to be: $logout and $login
    Then when viewing a player I get this error:
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/bluffy/public_html/minestats/minestats.php on line 273

    This is the code on line 273-275:
    foreach($this->players['itemuse'] as $value){
    $this->players['itemuse_count'] += $value;
    Everything else seems to be working though.
    This may be related to deaths, achievements, and items used all being at zero for some users.
  8. Offline


    it should be fixed know, i didn´t noticed that because i don´t show warnings in my php^^ thanks for the input...
    i haven´t warnings jet, try it out and tell me if it works by you too.
    greetings abadon
    same problem fixed by itempickup and itemdrop
  9. Offline


    did you update the download file? i tried redownloading a couple of minutes ago and it is the same story.

    i commented out lines 93 and 97 on minestats.php, as that doesn't seem to do anything but throw an error. but still getting errors for "empty" stats (users who have not done anything interesting)
  10. Offline


    this is line 91 - 100 in the new downloadfile, it should be updated, i have tried it before a moment.
    the lines you commentet out check for light saving time.
            $this->query = ("SELECT `player`, `value` FROM `".$this->config['table_stats']."` WHERE `stat` LIKE 'lastlogin'");
    $login $this->fetch_array(1,'player');
            if (
            if (
    date("I",$login[0])){$login[0] += 3600;}
    $this->query = ("SELECT `player`, `value` FROM `".$this->config['table_stats']."` WHERE `stat` LIKE 'lastlogout'");
    $logout $this->fetch_array(1,'player');
            if (
            if (
    date("I",$logout[0])){$logout[0] += 3600;}
    where it throws the errors with empty stats? in the details?
  11. Offline


    i'll send you private message to my statistics page so you can see errors for yourself
  12. Offline


    ok it is working now with php warnings on... thanks for testing to GhostToast
  13. Offline


    minor bug - in English the 1-letter abbreviation for days (see "total time played"), would be "d" for "day". I believe it is retaining "t"... for "tag" (or is it "tage") from the German language.

    I will try to fix this in my own files, but for note in future update.

    ah. it is not in language file. it is in index.php. Just search for string "day" and you'll find it near there soon enough. Probably not worth trying to implement a way to change this except for personal preference by whomever is deploying it, as it's so minor. there's 2 instances of it. one for each player's screen, and one for main page. should look something like this:
    where d has replaced t.
    thanks much for this, liking it so far. going to try to get transparency/background changed now. Now if only i could get death statistics to register (problem with S&A i believe)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  14. Offline


    ok, its on the todo list. ithink its in the config for date-format in the next update. the opacity is controlled with the style.css in this version, but in later versions you can control it over the config...
    with the deaths you could look in the database if it is there... here it works fine
    greets abadon
  15. Offline


    Yes unfortunately I really want a "death ban" plugin. I was using Jigabot's deathBan plugin at first, and now am using GhostBuster. The death event is handed to HeroBounty and HeroicDeath, but not to Stats and Achievements. So no player deaths are logged, as the person is booted off the server before the event can register. I think maybe S&A is listening for a different event which never occurs.
  16. Offline


    so, that death achievements didn`t work, too... i think it is possible to change the usergroup by an achievement and so it is possible to ban i think that would make the death ban plugin useless and you could uninstall it...
  17. Offline


    the death ban (and ghostbuster, its successor) is designed to temporarily ban a player, not permanently. so if you die you are kicked from server for 15 minutes (definable) and then can rejoin after that time. makes things more exciting.
    i'm not understanding how a user group can accomplish a similar thing.j

    i could almost see it...like, player dies, which triggers an achievement that essentially "nerfs" the player or something...but not remove them from the server. unless you can ban an entire permissions group. but then how do they graduate from this group back to the normal one?
  18. Offline


    Great work, but the design really needs to be cleaned up a bit.
  19. Offline


    Here you can see my Webstatistic written for a German Server as a Joomla Component.
    Some Stats are not implemented (for example itempickup stats), because they are buggy (when ínventory is full, itempickup counts as long as the player is near the item).
    The Component is under development and some new features coming soon.
  20. Offline


    Gorgeous work man. Simply lovely. Any chance you want to develop a module for wordpress? =)

    actually if i could just get the source code for that when you're done =)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  21. Offline


    @Abadon84, thanks. nice work. any page we can preview your version?

    @Butzenbär, also nice work. any chance you share? so i can make it to a wordpress plugin :)
    but better you start your own topic.
  22. Offline


    @GhostToast and flames: im actually thinking of sharing my code. But as i said: the component is under development and some necessary features (playerlist, playersearch, multi-lanuage support) and some bonus features arent implemented yet. The component is completely written for a joomla based website (MVC Pattern, Joomla API, Routing, admin control), which means: its not that easy to make it compatible with wordpress. but... we will see.

    I dont want to spam abandons topic with my component (sry for that), so i will create my own topic, when i decide to publish it.
  23. Offline


    Abadon is not here in the moment but i m on the same server and a preview of the stats you can see under www.parallel-universe.de/minestats/
  24. Offline


    no problem, but you are right. its better to have your own thread ;)
  25. Offline


    so, here is a new update, i have cleaned up the code a bit (thanks to flames for the hint) and addet some stuff. for details check the changelog ;)
    i hope the spanish and french translation update is correct, i will check it tomorrow with some guys who didn´t have to use the google translator :)
    greetings Abadon
  26. Offline


    cool looking forward to trying it. nearly gave up on stats/achievements with all the lag i've been fighting. (unrelated)
  27. Offline


    This plugin is awsome ^^ . Makes mining on our server so much funnier. Thx alot to Abadon
  28. Offline


    Im getting a warning:
    Warningmysqli::mysqli() [mysqli.mysqli]: (28000/1045): Access denied for user 'netstats'@'localhost' (using passwordYESin /home/lsaoypcz/domains/lolmen.nl/public_html/stats/minestats.php on line 25
    Connect Error 
    (1045Access denied for user 'netstats'@'localhost' (using passwordYES)
    Also, I'm not hosting my website on the same machine as the server. Is that a problem? If so, is there a work-around?
  29. Offline


    its not a problem, if your s&a use mysql. you have to edit the config php and put in your mysql host, database user, pass and the tablenames used by s&a, then it should work...
    if the database is running on another server then your website, the database user have to accept connections from other servers (set the host of the user to % )...
    greetings abadon
  30. Offline


    Warning: minestats::require(config.php) [minestats.require]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/minestats/minestats.php on line 23
    Fatal error: minestats::require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/minestats/minestats.php on line 23

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