[INACTIVE][GEN] HelpPages 1.4 [612] Custom index and sub /help pages

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Jonbas, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. Offline



    This plugin overrides the /help command to allow a two tiered /help file that is fully customizable from a help.txt file.

    If a user types "/help" they will see something like the following:


    and then if they used "/help server" they would see this:



    The help.txt file is laid out like follows:
    [Server, <Page> - Server Commands]
    /help, <Page> - Shows a list of commands. 7 per page.
    /kit, [Kit] - Gives a kit. To get a list of kits type /kit
    /motd, - Displays the MOTD
    #add an extra text line and blank line to help page
    [;Some extra help text]
    [Position, <Page> - Commands for movement:mods]
    ;Commands for movement:
    /spawn, - Teleports you to spawn
    /home, - Teleports you home
    /sethome, - Sets your home
    /listwarps, - Gives a list of available warps
    /warp, [Warp] - Warps to the specified warp.
    /getpos, - Displays your current position.
    /compass, - Gives you a compass reading.
    Define your own help message by using the format:
    /command, your help message

    Lines that start with the ; character will just be added as plain text without checking for a command. This can also be used to add blank lines.

    In the config above the page server will be visible to the default user group and the page position will be visible to the group mods. More than one group can be added by separating the group names with a comma like so: vip,mods,admins


    Copy the HelpPages.jar to the plugins directory reload your plugins. It will create all the needed files the first time it runs. You can then edit your plugins/HelpPages/help.txt file to suit your server.

    Version History
    • Works on RB612 and with Permissions and GroupManager
    • Fixed GroupManager connections. Now supports Permissions 2.5 as well.
    • GroupManager integration added (optional)
    • Updated for craftbukkit 450 (Minecraft 1.3)
    • Using newest onCommand and plugin constructors
    • No feature changes, but required for craftbukkit compatibility.
    • Initial port from hMod
    • Removed implementation of groups and permissions
    • Fixed major bug. If you have downloaded the original version this is a required update or all of your other plugins will stop responding to player commands.
    Pallanas, Graloth and davispuh like this.
  2. Offline


    i will pay anyone or the owner of this plugin to make it compatible with permissions 2.5.5 phoenix
  3. Offline


    It is compatible. Permissions has a bug.
  4. Offline


    So how do I fix it? I made it so the groups did have access to view the pages but thats when I posted the problem.
  5. Offline


    so is it on permissions side so they could fix it?
  6. Offline


    Are any of the pages showing up at all? For anyone?
  7. Offline


    They were saying they could only access the help but not any pages...
  8. Offline


    Could they see all of the help or only certain items?
  9. Offline


    CB 617 and Permissions 2.5.5

    Yeah, I'm not getting anything useful out of /help at all.

    Even with all Groups specified, /help returns nothing to my screen but:

    #HelpPages Default Help File
    [General, <Page> - Server Commands:Guest,Resident,Moderator,Admins]
    /help, <Page> - Shows a list of commands. 7 per page.
    /motd, - Displays the MOTD
    /rules, - Displays the Server Rules
    [;Empty help line]
    #A help page for the group mods
    [Mod Travel, <Page> - Commands for movement:Moderator,Admins]
    ;Commands for movement:
    /getpos, - Displays your current position.
    /compass, - Gives you a compass reading.
  10. Offline


    What happens when you type: /help general ?
  11. Offline


    They said they couldn't access any pages except the normal /help. I even tried telling them how to work it and they were doing it right but it wouldn't show for them.
  12. Offline


    Well don't I feel silly. I just transitioned over from another Help system. I guess I didn't read carefully enough how HelpPages is supposed to work. It *does* appear to be working now. Thanks!
  13. Offline


    I may have missed it but whenever I type in one of the movement commands, it says that it is an Unknown Console Command. i.e. I type in /getpos, or any other command in the lists, and it says Unknown Console Command.
    Please Help!
  14. Offline


    I find this "/help pages" plugin better than tkellys "help".
    Good work.
  15. Offline


    I do too! "Help" is way too complicated for what it does... and only like 5 plugins support it natively.

    However, I really need HelpPages to support formatting and at very least... Minecraft color codes. I really want commands to be left justified with color while the descriptions are right-justified with a different color.

    I don't mind doing the justifying myself using spaces, but I need to specific my own colors. Cheers!
  16. Offline


    Those are just example commands. You need to have the plugins loaded separately that give you those commands.
  17. Offline

    Steve Cole

    are you planning/working on adding any new feature.
    most people including myself would really like to see color support
    and most would like a way to format their pages but i don't think thats as easy as it sounds with minecraft's console.
    but a feature i would really like is sub menus for categories so complex plugins like worldedit or minecart maina can have their own category and related commands for that plugin can have their own sub categories.
  18. Offline


    Thanks for the post,

    I will look into colors here soon. But, i'm not planning on adding sub-sub pages. For my own server I've broken the WE commands up into individual pages called things like WES, WER, WEC. Mostly matching the headings from the command wiki
  19. Offline


    Does this plug-in actually filter what commands are visible? I've been able to set the categories visible via groups but what I would actually like is for any commands a user doesn't have access too, to be hidden in each of the categories. So I can make all my categories based on plug-ins or actions rather than based on group permissions. Also colours would be excellent! XD
  20. Offline

    Steve Cole

    no i don't think you can do that, but i put a line at the beginning of the help screen to let people know that they might not be able to use all commands they see.

    @Jonbas Can't wait for color support and yea I just have all commands for worldedit in one section right now but i might have to do what you did or just leave out help for worldedit. crashed my server a couple times trying to make a huge dam and sea with it so i might make my player the only one who can use that plugin.
  21. Offline


    I have problem!
    I have in permissions groups Gracz and this groups don't use /help
    Please, help me!
    I use Permissions 2.5.5
    # System is no longer used, but may become used in the future
    # Copies is for multiple-world support
    #   Put the name of the world you wish for it to be a clone of, otherwise leave it empty.
    #   If this file is for your default world (the one in server.properties) then you must
    #   leave copies blank.
    #  Example: copies: Derp    -  This will clone the permissions of the world Derp
    # Make sure to rename this file to the name of the world that is in sever.properties under
    # level-name.  So if it is level-name: world  then this should be world.yml and in the
    # plugins/Permissions directory (ie. plugins/Permissions/world.yml)
    # NOTE: Do not use tabs while editing this document.  Use only spaces.  A good way to avoid
    # doing this is to use Notepad++ and replace the tab with 4 spaces.
            system: default
    # AntiBuild is included with this.  To disable a group from being able to build then
    # set the build: flag to false (build: false).  If you want a group to be able to build
    # then set it to true.
    # Groups can contain inheritance.
    #   To make a group inherit the permissions from another
    #   group simply place the groups name in the "inheritance:" like so:
    #   Example:
    #       inheritance:
    #           - Default
    #   All permissions including the asterisks must be placed in single quotes.
    #   like so:
    #       - 'foo.bar'
    #   Otherwise errors will happen!
    #   Globalized Permission settings:
    #       If a permission contains periods (.) you can denote a globalized parameter:
    #           - 'foo.*'
    #       This will allow you to use all general commands.
    #   Single Asterisk denotes all commands:
    #       - '*'
    #   If you give a group this permissions, do not have the group inherit any permissions
    #   from other groups.  Any users assigned to this group should NOT be given any additional
    #   permissions either.
    #   To exempt a node use the - prefix like so:
    #       - '-foo.bar'
    #   prefix: and suffix: do not do anything on their own.  You need another outside plugin
    #   such as iChat or HeroChat in order for these to do anything.
            default: true
                prefix: ''
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                - 'warpz0r.warp'
                - 'warpz0r.list'
                - 'warpz0r.home'
                - 'warpz0r.sethome'
                - 'PrivateWarp.pw'
                - 'lwc.protect'
                - 'lockette.create.*'
                - 'commandbook.who'
                - 'commandbook.motd'
                - 'commandbook.rules'
                - 'commandbook.spawn'
                - 'commandbook.msg'
                - 'commandbook.say'
                - 'commandbook.whereami'
                - 'iConomyChestShop.shop.create'
                - 'iConomyChestShop.shop.use'
                - 'iConomyChestShop.shop.sell'
                - 'iConomy.payment'
                - 'iConomy.access'
                - 'iConomy.rank'
                - 'iConomy.list'
                - 'uQuest.CanQuest'
                - 'uQuest.CanDropQuest'
                - 'wolfpound.use'
            default: false
                prefix: '&e'
                suffix: '&c'
                build: true
                - Default
                - '/help'
                - 'warpz0r.*'
                - 'commandbook.*'
                - 'lwc.protect'
                - 'PrivateWarp.pw'
                - 'iConomyChestShop.shop.create'
                - 'iConomyChestShop.shop.use'
                - 'iConomyChestShop.shop.sell'
                - 'magiccarpet.mc'
                - 'iConomy.payment'
                - 'iConomy.access'
                - 'iConomy.rank'
                - 'iConomy.list'
                - 'uQuest.*'
                - 'worldedit.wand'
                - '/region'
                - 'wolfpound.*'
            default: false
                prefix: '&9'
                suffix: '&a'
                build: true
                - '*'
    # Users denote which users are included in which group.
    # NismonS is in the Admin group
            group: Admin
            group: Moderator
    and HelpPages 1.4
    [CommandBook, <Page> - Podstawowe komendy:User,Moderator,Admin]
    ;CommandBook komendy:
    /who -Online
    /motd -Wiadomosc powitalna
    /rules -Regulamin
    /spawn -Miejsce spawn
    /msg -Odp na wiadomosc
    /say -Napisz wiadomosc
    /pos -Twoja pozycja
    [iConomy, <Page> - Bank:User,Moderator,Admin]
    ;iConomy komendy:
    /money  -Saldo
    /money pay [Nick] [Ilosc] -Zaplac
    /money rank (Nick) -Twoja obecna pozycja w rankingu
    /money top (Ilosc do ilu graczy) -Top najbogatrzych graczy
    /money ? -Pomoc w ang
    [LWC, <Page> - Zabezpieczenia:User,Moderator,Admin]
    ;LWC komendy:
    /lwc -create  -Utworz zapezpieczenie
    /lwc -info  -Informacje o zabezpieczeniu
    /lwc -remove  -Usun zapezpieczenie
    /lwc -unlock  -Odblokuj
    /lwc -p -Utworz zapezpieczenie
    /lwc -Pomoc w ang
    [PrivateWarp, <Page> - Prywatne miejsca:User,Moderator,Admin]
    ;PrivateWarp komendy:
    /pw -Wyswietl info o swoich PW
    /pw set <nazwa> -Utworz pw
    /pw del <nazwa> -Usun pw
    /pw goto <nazwa> -Przejdz do wybranego pw
    /pw catselect <nazwa> -Wybierz kategorie.
    /pw catcreate <nazwa> -Utworz kategori
    /pw catdelete <nazwa> -Usun kategorie
    /pw help -Pomoc w ang
    [uQuest, <Page> - Misje:User,Moderator,Admin]
    ;uQuest komendy:
    /q give -Rozpocznij quest
    /q done -Zakoncz quest
    /q info -Informacje o trwajacym quest
    /q stats -Twoje statystyki
    /q -Pomoc w ang
    [Warpz0r, <Page> - Publiczne miejsca:User,Moderator,Admin]
    ;Warpz0r komendy:
    /warp <nazwa> -Tp do miejsca warp
    /listwarp -Lista dostepnych warp
    /home -Tp do walsnego domu
    /sethome -Utworzenie tp swojego domu
    [MagicCarpet, <Page> - Latajacy dywan.TYLKO MOD I ADMIN:User,Moderator,Admin]
    ;MagicCarpet komendy:
    /mc -Podstawowy dywan
    /mc 3/5/7 -Dywan o wymiarach 3 lub 5 lub 7
    [Cuboid, <Page> - Zabezpieczenie terenu.TYLKO MOD I ADMIN:User,Moderator,Admin]
    ;Cuboid komendy:
    //wand -Siekierka do zaznaczania
    /region -Opcje Cuboid
    Sorry for me English ;)
  22. Offline


    okay so i fianlly got it to work for all of my groups except the default people cant receive it. i put the group default in it and they still cant see the messages can someone plz help me. im using permissions 2.5.5 phoenix
  23. Offline


    I get this error randomly... at random times.
    Nvm new version 1.4

    19:55:17 [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'help
    ' in plugin HelpPages v1.2
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:37)
            at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:80
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:2
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.c(NetServerHandler.java:596)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:559)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:553)
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(SourceFile:24)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(NetworkManager.java:198)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:72)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:368)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:283)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:375)
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
            at net.centerleft.helppages.HelpPages.performHelp(HelpPages.java:126)
            at net.centerleft.helppages.HelpPages.onCommand(HelpPages.java:65)
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:35)
            ... 12 more
  24. Offline


    k someone actually help the important comments like my last one and nismons!
  25. Offline


    sign someone a solution to this persistent problem?
  26. Offline


    I don't know about it is because this plugin only have been updated for 612 ord What it is. But every time I use a command from this plugin there comes a red error in the chat. Please help me:)??
  27. Offline


    Where you have 'User' in your help text change it to 'Gracz' or change the group 'Gracz' in the permissions file to 'User'

    I had the same issue. I fairly certain that even thou a user who isn't in a group fall into the default group. They are not actually in the group and help pages gets the info it needs from the actual users list in permissions. If you actually add the user to the group default then it will work. But if your looking to have help files that a new user can read the best way would be to have no group permissions in the help.txt category.
  28. Offline


    I have a quick question, is there any other way I can get this plugin? I'm in China and the government has blocked dropbox... I really would like to have this plugin so let me know if it's at all possible.
  29. Offline



    still not working. maybe some suggestions?
  30. Offline

    Steve Cole

    do you get any errors in the console/terminal window at start or when typing help?
    if you did what chuchzilla said it should work. all users would be in the Gracz group by default unless they are moved to another group but as long as you have all the groups added to the categories you should be able to see them.

    try removing the groups from the categories and see what happens.

    is the file where its suppose to be?
  31. Offline


    i have in console:
    21:54:30 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.4
    21:54:30 [INFO] Loading properties
    21:54:30 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on
    21:54:30 [WARNING] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Be
    21:54:30 [WARNING] While this makes the game possible to play without internet a
    ccess, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username the
    y choose.
    21:54:30 [WARNING] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.set
    tings file.
    21:54:30 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-612-
    g4c7a9e7-b617jnks (MC: 1.4)
    21:54:30 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
    21:54:30 [INFO] Preparing start region
    21:54:30 [INFO] 144 recipes
    21:54:31 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 73%
    21:54:32 [INFO] LWC     Loading shared objects
    21:54:32 [INFO] LWC     Native library: plugins/LWC/lib/native/Windows/x86/sqlit
    21:54:32 [INFO] Invalid config file found and converted to proper name/format.
    21:54:32 [INFO] [Permissions] (Phoenix) was Initialized.
    21:54:32 [INFO] [AfkBooter] Permissions detected, attaching.
    21:54:32 [INFO] [AfkBooter] Version 0.7.1 is loaded.
    21:54:32 [INFO] [AfkBooter] Kick timeout 300 sec, exempt players: NismonS
    21:54:32 [INFO] [AuthMe] Using flatfile as datasource!
    21:54:32 [INFO] [AuthMe] Cache for registrations is enabled!
    21:54:32 [INFO] [AuthMe] 2 registered players loaded in 0.014 seconds!
    21:54:32 [INFO] [AuthMe] Version 0.71 was successfully loaded!
    21:54:32 [INFO] [AutoMessage] version [1.5] loaded
    21:54:32 [INFO] [Citizens]: Permissions enabled.
    21:54:32 [INFO] [Citizens]: Loaded 0 NPC's
    21:54:32 [INFO] [Citizens]: version [1.07e_5] (Helpers) loaded
    21:54:32 [INFO] CommandBook 1.2.1 enabled.
    21:54:32 [INFO] CommandBook: 0 banned name(s) loaded.
    21:54:32 [INFO] CommandBook: 1 kit(s) loaded.
    21:54:32 [INFO] CommandBook: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plug
    in for permissions.
    21:54:32 [INFO] CraftBukkitUpToDate version 2.4.4 is enabled!
    21:54:32 [INFO] [Permissions] version [2.5.5] (Phoenix)  loaded
    21:54:32 [INFO] CommandBook: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plug
    in for permissions.
    21:54:33 [WARNING] CraftBukkitUpToDate: Can't connect to ci.bukkit.org.
    21:54:33 [INFO] Loading map 'org.dynmap.flat.FlatMap'...
    21:54:33 [INFO] Loading map 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap'...
    21:54:33 [INFO] Loading renderer 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRenderer'...
    21:54:33 [INFO] Loading renderer 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.CaveTileRenderer'...
    21:54:33 [INFO] Activated world 'world' in Dynmap.
    21:54:33 [INFO] Loading map 'org.dynmap.flat.FlatMap'...
    21:54:33 [INFO] Loading map 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap'...
    21:54:33 [INFO] Loading renderer 'org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRenderer'...
    21:54:34 [INFO] Dynmap WebServer started on null:8123
    21:54:34 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] FalseBookBlock.properties successfully loaded.
    21:54:34 [INFO] FalseBookBlock v0.80alpha by GeMo enabled
    21:54:34 [INFO] [FalseBook Cart] Settings successfully loaded.
    21:54:34 [INFO] FalseBookCart v0.80alpha by GeMo enabled
    21:54:34 [INFO] [FalseBook Extra] FalseBookExtra.properties successfully loaded.
    21:54:34 [INFO] FalseBookExtra v0.80alpha by GeMo enabled
    21:54:34 [INFO] [FalseBook IC] FalseBookIC.properties successfully loaded.
    21:54:34 [INFO] FalseBookIC v0.80alpha by GeMo enabled
    21:54:34 [INFO] HelpPages: Permissions found.
    21:54:34 [INFO] HelpPages: Version 1.2 is enabled!
    21:54:34 [INFO] [iChat] Found Permissions (v2.5.5)
    21:54:34 [INFO] iChat (v2.2.2) enabled
    21:54:34 [INFO] [iConomy] Logging is currently disabled.
    21:54:34 [INFO] [iConomy] v4.65 (Kenzi) loaded.
    21:54:34 [INFO] [iConomy] Developed by: [Nijikokun, Coelho]
    21:54:34 [INFO] [iConomy] hooked into Permissions.
    21:54:34 [INFO] [iConomyChestShop] version 1.0a8 initialized!
    21:54:34 [INFO] [iConomyChestShop] Successfully linked with iConomy.
    21:54:34 [INFO] Lockette version 1.3.4 is being enabled!  Yay!
    21:54:34 [INFO] Lockette: Detected craftbukkit build [617] ok.
    21:54:34 [INFO] Lockette: Linked to Permissions plugin version 2.5.5
    21:54:34 [INFO] Lockette: Ready to protect your containers.
    21:54:34 [INFO] LWC     Loaded 107 locale strings (0 overrides)
    21:54:35 [INFO] LWC     Using Nijikokun's permissions plugin for permissions
    21:54:35 [INFO] LWC     Loading SQLite
    21:54:35 [INFO] SQLite  Using: Native
    21:54:35 [INFO] LWC     At version: v2.11
    21:54:35 [INFO] [MagicCarpet] MagicCarpet version 1.5.2 is enabled!
    21:54:35 [INFO] [MagicCarpet] Take yourself wonder by wonder, using /magiccarpet
     or /mc.
    21:54:35 [INFO] [MagicCarpet] Using Permissions.
    21:54:35 [INFO] [MultiVerse] - Version 1.6 (Permissions 2.5.5) Enabled
    21:54:35 [INFO] [MultiVerse] Loading World & Settings - 'world' - NORMAL
    21:54:35 [INFO] [MultiVerse] Loading World & Settings - 'hellworld' - NETHER
    21:54:35 [INFO] [MultiVerse] 2 - World(s) loaded.
    21:54:35 [INFO] [MultiVerse] Loading Portals
    21:54:35 [INFO] [MultiVerse] 1 - Portal(s) loaded.
    21:54:35 [INFO] Loading PluginControl Version 0.55
    21:54:35 [INFO] Using Nijikokun's Permission plugin
    21:54:35 [INFO] Read level-name: world
    21:54:35 [INFO] PluginControl started
    21:54:35 [INFO] PW: Start loading of PrivateWarp 1.4.5
    21:54:35 [INFO] PW: Starting initialization of PrivateWarp
    21:54:35 [INFO] PW: Copyright: Wrecker Technologies
    21:54:35 [INFO] PW: PrivateWarp 1.4.5 initialized
    21:54:35 [INFO] PW: Just got enabled
    21:54:35 [INFO] Unknown Command version 1.4 is enabled!
    21:54:35 [INFO] [Hawox's uQuest] Loaded with Flatfile!
    21:54:35 [INFO] [Hawox's uQuest] v1.03 enabled! With 53 quests loaded!
    21:54:35 [INFO] [Hawox's uQuest] Successfully linked with iConomy.
    21:54:35 [INFO] Warpz0r version 1.1.1 is enabled
    21:54:35 [INFO] [Warpz0r] Found Permissions (v2.5.5)
    21:54:35 [INFO] [Warpz0r] Found iConomy (v4.65)
    21:54:35 [INFO] [WolfPound] - Version 0.7 Enabled
    21:54:35 [INFO] [WolfPound] using iConomy Economy!
    21:54:35 [INFO] [WolfPound] using Permissions
    21:54:35 [INFO] WorldEdit 4.3 enabled.
    21:54:35 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin
     for permissions.
    21:54:35 [INFO] WorldGuard: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugi
    n for permissions.
    21:54:35 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) Single session is enforced.
    21:54:35 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    21:54:35 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    21:54:35 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) Lava fire is blocked.
    21:54:35 [INFO] WorldGuard: (world) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    21:54:35 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'world"
    21:54:35 [INFO] WorldGuard: (hellworld) Single session is enforced.
    21:54:35 [INFO] WorldGuard: (hellworld) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    21:54:35 [INFO] WorldGuard: (hellworld) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    21:54:35 [INFO] WorldGuard: (hellworld) Lava fire is blocked.
    21:54:35 [INFO] WorldGuard: (hellworld) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    21:54:35 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'hellworld"
    21:54:35 [INFO] WorldGuard: 0 regions loaded for 'world'
    21:54:35 [INFO] WorldGuard 5.0-alpha5 enabled.
    21:54:35 [INFO] Done (0.522s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    21:54:40 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] 0 Areas loaded.
    21:54:40 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] 0 Bridges successfully loaded.
    21:54:40 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] 0 Doors successfully loaded.
    21:54:40 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] Gates successfully loaded.
    21:54:40 [INFO] [FalseBook IC] plugins/FalseBook/Transmitter.db not found.
    21:54:40 [INFO] [FalseBook IC] plugins/FalseBook/Receiver.db not found.
    21:54:40 [INFO] [FalseBook IC] plugins/FalseBook/SensorList.db not found.
    21:54:43 [INFO] Available help categories (Page 1 of 2):
    21:54:43 [INFO] Usage: /help [category] <page> - [] required <> optional
    21:54:43 [INFO] CommandBook <Page> - Podstawowe komendy
    21:54:43 [INFO] iConomy <Page> - Bank
    21:54:43 [INFO] LWC <Page> - Zabezpieczenia
    21:54:43 [INFO] PrivateWarp <Page> - Prywatne miejsca
    21:54:43 [INFO] uQuest <Page> - Misje
    21:54:43 [INFO] Warpz0r <Page> - Publiczne miejsca
    21:54:43 [INFO] MagicCarpet <Page> - Latajacy dywan.TYLKO MOD I ADMIN
    21:54:43 [INFO] CButD: Plugin-Update-Check started
    21:54:44 [INFO] No source for AuthMe-0.71.jar ask the Author to give me one
    21:54:44 [INFO] No source for AutoMessage.jar ask the Author to give me one
    21:54:44 [INFO] No source for CommandBook.jar ask the Author to give me one
    21:54:44 [INFO] No source for FalseBookBlock.jar ask the Author to give me one
    21:54:44 [INFO] No source for FalseBookCart.jar ask the Author to give me one
    21:54:44 [INFO] No source for FalseBookExtra.jar ask the Author to give me one
    21:54:44 [INFO] No source for FalseBookIC.jar ask the Author to give me one
    21:54:44 [INFO] CraftBukkitUpToDate.jar changed, but you have it in your Update-
    21:54:45 [INFO] No source for MultiVerse.jar ask the Author to give me one
    21:54:47 [INFO] No source for Warpz0r.jar ask the Author to give me one
    21:54:49 [INFO] CButD: Plugin-Update-Check finished

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