Inactive [INACTIVE][FUN] SkyBlockMultiplayer v0.58 alpha - SkyBlock for Multiplayer [1.2.5-R1.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Seadragon91, Mar 7, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Due to incompatibilities of the player info saving method between the versions 0.45 and 0.53, the player folder has to be deleted manually within the plugin folder if exists.
    That means the player will loose their island and inventory. To save the inventory each player can to put the inventory into a chest before the update.
    The island itself can be given back after the update: Use the stick to click on an island to get the island number. Then use /skyblock setOwner <island number> <player> - to change the owner of the island.

    just saying for people that doesn't read the readme in the zip folder

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    I have a problem, when I do /skyblock tower, I will teleport to the tower but I die instantly....
  4. Offline


    Ty, for that, can not cofirm that. But will add a check for that.
  5. Offline


    How am I meant to know who had which island? since the new update everyone loses islands?
  6. Offline


    just ask them, or you needed to make a list before you removed the folder.....
  7. Offline


    I've got over 600 islands....
  8. Offline


    Damned. That is very angry, you have deleted the folder players directly? If yes, sorry then I see no option to help you...
  9. Offline


    OMG, how can you have over 600 islands?!
    and maybe the folder is still in your recycle bin
  10. Offline


    I haven't deleted it. yet.
  11. Offline


    for me work but buggy and i can creata a new island ... so players ho die with items ..they ANT GENERATE A NEW ISLAND in same spot ... becouse /skyblock newisland no work
    and all command i enter ... it give error in console
  12. Offline


    Could you please open a ticket on bukkit dev page? Please add there, the commands and what you think what there is wrong and please add the errors from the console, too.
  13. Offline


    Yo seadragon, I sitll got 600 islands. I haven't updated yet, fancy helping me out ;)?
  14. Offline


    bukkit dev no work i will put here
  15. Offline


    maybe a good idea is a sort of converter to convert your files in the folder (or something like that)
  16. Offline


    I know next to nothing about Java.
  17. Offline


    ok ... ex 1 player have lava buket and he fall ... how he can get back ? /skyblock newisland no worck... i tipe and noting happend and no error in console .. at some players /skyblock start no work and kill them...
  18. Offline


    they're meant to do /skyblock newisland, then /skyblock home
  19. Offline


    I ment that seadragon could make that
  20. Offline


    Oh. He is working on it for me.
  21. Offline


    So it seems that I (admin) when I /skyblock leave I get my old inventory back, but when I /skyblock join it lets me keep my current inventory?

    running CB 1.2.5 atm with Essentials, worldedit/guard, PEX, utilityhats, and mcmmo.

    one thing I think would also be a benefit is to have the ability to reset economy when you join/leave the world.
  22. Offline


    Yes only when you type /skyblock start you should get the island inventory, exp, level, food, health.

    Sorry what do you mean with reseting economy?
  23. Offline


    When I type "/skyblock set language deutsch" it says
    "An error occurred: unacceptable character " (0xFFFD) special characters are not allowedin "<string>", position 978"

    Checked the file but it seems ok, no ä. ö,ü or ß.

    Position 978 is " commands:" btw. (no its not a tab)
    Whats wrong?
  24. Offline


    Approved, and updated title for you
  25. Offline


    really nice plugin, but for my server I'm trying to give the option to the people in the server to do the skyblock how do i give acces?
  26. Offline


    this is called reading:

  27. Offline


    It won't create an island for people even if I'm OP and it sais they don't have permission.....
  28. Offline


    new version 0.54 alpha:
    • fixed issues if allowContent is true
    • fixed issues player could have after leaving, joining SkyBlock 0 health, food
    • fixed problem with the generator, if you running multiverse on your server, if you have a older version of SkyBlock use:
    • - /mv import SkyBlockMultiplayer normal -g SkyBlockMultiplayer
    • leaving of SkyBlock only works now from tower, do first /skyblock tower then the command with that you want to leave SkyBlock
    • Don't get anymore messages outside from SkyBlock, only with permissions skyblock.messages and if setting messagesOutside is true
    • fixed language reading and saving
    • updated language
    If you running minecraft on linux and the language is looking bad, replace the language file with them from the zip file.
    The problem with multiverse by the generator should been now fixed. If you using SkyBlock the first time, multiverse should automatically load the generator from SkyBlock.
  29. Offline


    Come you from Germany?
  30. Offline


    Possible way to edit default skyblock island? And alias for /skyblock to /sk.

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