[INACTIVE][ECON] DynamicMarket v. - Versatile Shop Plugin [440-480+?]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by HaloInverse, Feb 2, 2011.

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    DynamicMarket - Dynamic Global Shop Plugin

    Version: 0.4.8
    Built against: Bukkit 0.0.1 build #412
    Works with: CraftBukkit 0.0.1 builds #440-480 or thereabouts.

    • Permissions 2.5
      • Very recommended, but now optional! See "DynamicMarket.settings" below.
    • iConomy 4.1
    • Either of:
      • SQLite (easiest to set up, reccomended)
      • MySQL (more troublesome, more powerful)
    Buy items, sell items, admins set prices, et cetera. However, there's a lot going on under the hood...

    Seriously. (open)

    This plugin has a great deal of flexibility, but the price of more flexibility is more command options to control that flexibility. Computers just aren't very psychic.

    While in-game help exists for commands, the output from /shop help (<topic>) is intended to be a quick reference, not exhaustive documentation. Full instructions simply won't fit on the MineCraft client's tiny text display.

    You should read and understand the following sections before installing this plugin and setting up your shop. If not, you should at least read and understand the following sections while you are setting up your shop items.

    The big feature: Dynamic pricing. Items can be set to increase in price as they are purchased from the shop, and decrease in price as they are sold back, simulating open market conditions. The initial prices of items are just considered a starting point - user transactions will eventually adjust an item's price to a near-ideal level, based on actual value vs. rarity.

    However, as of 0.4.5, the configuration fields are now flexible enough to allow a range of behaviours, from fixed pricing with no stock limits, to fully-dynamic pricing with finite stock levels.

    This is by no means "complete" in the sense of "finished adding features", but it is complete enough to be functional and usable.

    Current Features (open)

    New & Current Features:
    • Buying and selling of items:
      • Item prices can be set to dynamically adjust according to supply and demand. This is highly adjustable, including the rate of price increase/decrease per transaction, optional hard overstock/understock limits, price ceilings/floors, etc. Leaving all the extra features turned off makes an item's price fixed and always-in-stock, like a basic "flat rate" shop.
      • Subtypes of items are fully supported.
      • List of items in the shop is broken into pages, accessible by number.
        • Partial-name searching! "/shop list wood" shows everything with "wood" in the name.
      • Item names for buy/sell/info also use partial substring matches.
      • A dynamically-priced item might cost more for 10 items than the cost of 1 item multiplied by 10, due to stock depletion. So, the "/shop <id>" command now takes an optional ":<count>" parameter, so you can get a quote for the actual buy/sell price of larger numbers of items.
    • Administration:
      • Shop items are edited via a "tag" system, so you don't have to re-enter every field for each small change. Plus there's a few utility tags which do other things to an item's record...
      • Item names are now editable, and will persist (independent of items.db) until the item's record is deleted.
        • This also makes items.db a convenience instead of a necessity, since items can be added by ID and then immediately renamed.
      • A "Default" item exists in the shop, which cannot be bought or sold, but serves as the base data for any new items you add to the shop. Any tags not supplied when you add an item will be copied from whatever you put into "Default".
      • Basic sanity-checking on input data has been added. Also, adjusting an item's bundle-size will rescale its price automatically.
      • Items can be set to be purchasable but not sellable, or vice versa. (Set either price to -1 to disable that transaction type for that item.)
        • Tags like "canbuy:n" and "nosell" can now be used.
      • An extended in-game help system. "/shop help" lists available commands and help topics. "/shop help <topic>" gives help on a shop command or other shop-related topic listed in the main help.
      • The list of commands displayed is filtered by the user's current permission level.
      • Shortcuts for all commands (except for database reset).
      • All commands except for "/shop buy" and "/shop sell" can be accessed through the Bukkit console. No need to log in to add or update items!
      • Access to the entire shop is now restrictable by permission.
      • Highly informative error messages, to help reveal why your database exploded. (Which really shouldn't happen, but you never know...)
      • The shop DB can now be exported to a .csv file, edited in your favorite spreadsheet, and re-imported back into the database, making large-scale changes easier.
      • NEW: The revenue/cost of transactions can now be transferred to another account. With the basic plugin, this can be an admin's iConomy account, or a dummy "GovernmentBank" account. (Don't use that name, or some bright spark will register that username and exploit you.) With a wrapper plugin, this can be set to link a shop's funds directly to an owning player's iConomy balance.
      • NEW: Transaction logging to a comma-delimited file, ready to import into a spreadsheet for nefarious financial analysis!

    Market Mechanics (open)

    Quick Market Mechanics Description:
    • Instead of a "buy price" and a "sell price", items now have a "base price" and a "sales tax". The "buy price" is based on the base price (adjusted by stock, if set to do so), and the "sell price" is based on (<buy price> - <sales tax%>). So if the sales tax is set to 25, then an item's selling price will be 75% of its purchase price. (The sales tax is entered as a number from 0 to 100, representing 0% to 100% tax.)
      • Using the old "/shop add <id> <buyprice> <sellprice>" format still works - the plugin just calculates the base price and sales tax, so that the buying and selling prices come out right.
    • Shop items have a "stock level", which is not necessarily a literal count of items in stock. By default, the stock level is considered an offset from baseline, rather than an absolute count.
      • Items with stock near zero are considered to be in "average" supply, and will be priced at their base price.
      • Items with a positive stock are considered "in surplus", and will be priced below their base price.
      • Items with a negative stock are considered "understocked", and will be priced above their base price.
      • This interpretation of stock levels can be made to behave like literal counted stock, by setting an item's StockFloor to zero, which prohibits negative stock.
    • Items have a "volatility", which indicates how quickly the price changes based on changes in stock level. It represents the percent increase in an item's price per item purchased, multiplied by 10000. V=1 (the lowest level) means that 100 items would have to be purchased to raise the price by 1%. V=10000 (the highest level) means that 1 item purchased would raise the price by 100% (doubling the price). (More examples in tags.txt)
      • There is also "inverse volatility", which represents the number of items needed to be bought in order to double the buying price (or halve it, if selling). This is more convenient for some people's mindsets, and is converted into volatility when entered.
    • The "sell price" is actually calculated from the buy price at the current stock level + 1, rather than the current stock level. This is to prevent gaining endless money by buying an item (driving the price up) then immediately selling it back (dropping the price) - if <sales tax> = 0, then buying-then-selling like this produces zero net gain/loss (as it should).
    • The tag presets "fixed", "float", "finite", and "flat" allow you to quickly set up common options. If used with the "Default" item before adding items to your shop, this will allow you to set the overall behaviour of the shop easily. See Tag Reference for further details.

    Commands (open)


    <Angle Brackets> denote parameters.
    (Round Brackets) denote optional sections.
    The brackets themselves are not part of the command; they are just used to describe syntax. Brackets should not be typed.
    If executing shop commands through the Bukkit console, leave off the initial slash.

    /shop - Shows the main help page. Lists commands and shortcuts.
    /shop help - Ditto.
    /shop help <topic> - Shows help on the given command or subject.
    /shop help tag <tagName> - Shows help on the given item tag.
    /shop <id>( :<count>) - Shows current buy/sell information on the given item.
    <id> can be an item name or a type number with an optional subtype:
    <id> = <itemName> | <itemID> | <itemID>,<subtypeID> | Default
    If <count> is used, shows the total price for the given number of items/bundles.
    /shop list (<partname>) (<pageNum>) - Lists a page of items in the shop. Default page = 1.
    If <partname> is used, lists only items with <partname> as part of their name.
    /shop buy <id>( :<quantity>) - Purchases an item. Default quantity is 1 bundle.
    /shop sell <id>( :<quantity>) - Sells an item. Default quantity is 1 bundle.
    /shop add <id>( :<bundleSize>) (<buyPrice> (<sellPrice>)) <tagList> - Adds an item to the shop list.
    <buyPrice> and <sellPrice> are accepted for convenience, and are internally converted to BasePrice and SalesTax.
    Unused tags will have their data copied from the Default item.
    Transactions will be in multiples of <bundleSize>. Default quantity is 1 item per bundle (unless overriden with the Default record)
    /shop info <id> - Shows much more detailed information about an item in the shop, such as stock level, volatility, etc.
    /shop update <id>( :<bundleSize>) (<buyPrice> (<sellPrice>)) <tagList> - Edits an item's shop data record.
    Data is first copied from the old record, then tags are applied in order of entry.
    NEW! <id> can be "all", applying changes to all items in the shop list.
    /shop remove <id>- Removes an item from the shop list.
    /shop reload - Reboots the plugin, reloading the configuration file and items.db.
    /shop reset - Deletes and recreates the shop database from scratch. Asks for an extra confirmation before doing so.
    /shop exportdb - Exports the shop database to a .csv file. The name and location are configured in SimpleMarket.settings. (Default: Plugins/DynamicMarket/shopDB.csv)
    /shop importdb - Imports a .csv file into the shop database. Same file location as used by the exportdb command. Note that the previous contents of the database are NOT cleared out before importing, so you may want to do a "/shop reset" before importing. The file's format MUST match the format of the exported file (except for quote marks, which are stripped out on import).

    Tag Reference
    Tag Usage Examples
    Permissions (open)


    'dynamicmarket.access' : Grants basic access to the root /shop command.
    'dynamicmarket.buy' : Grants purchase rights.
    'dynamicmarket.sell' : Grants selling rights.
    'dynamicmarket.items.add' : Grants the ability to add new items to the shop.
    'dynamicmarket.items.update' : Grants the ability to edit items in the shop.
    'dynamicmarket.items.remove' : Grants the ability to remove items from the shop.
    'dynamicmarket.admin' : Grants the ability to delete-and-rebuild the shop database, and to reboot the plugin.

    Installation/Setup (open)

    • If you haven't already done so, install Permissions and iConomy, and ensure they work.
    • Copy DynamicMarket.jar into your Plugins/ folder.
    • NEW: Copy items.db into Plugins/DynamicMarket/ (or whichever directory you specify in DynamicMarket.settings) (DynamicMarket will work with other plugins' items.db files, but not all plugins will handle the extra subtype data in the items.db linked below.)
    • NEW: Copy either the SQLite connector or the MySQL connector into your main MineServer/Bukkit folder.
      • Or, if you have a MySQL server running, edit DynamicMarket.settings to specify the MySQL server, login, and password.
    • Edit plugins/Permissions/config.yml, and give everybody the appropriate permissions.
      • Most users would get 'dynamicmarket.access', 'dynamicmarket.buy', and 'dynamicmarket.sell', unless you want to restrict such commands to registered/VIP users.
      • Mods would probably get 'dynamicmarket.items.*'
      • Admins should get 'dynamicmarket.admin', if they don't already have '*'.
    • (Re)Start your MineCraft server. Errors may be thrown to the console, but the file Plugins/DynamicMarket/DynamicMarket.settings should be created.
    • Edit DynamicMarket.settings. Particularly, the setting "database-type".
      • "database-type=sqlite" : Use the SQLite connector. This is the simpler option. No further database access configuration should be needed.
      • "database-type=mysql" : Use the MySQL connector. You will need to set the options "mysql-user", "mysql-pass", and "mysql-db", as well as having a working MySQL server installation set up already.
    • NEW: Log in to MineCraft as someone with 'simpleMarket.admin' permission, or use the Bukkit console. Use "/shop reload" to load the edited config file.
    • Use /shop add to fill the market with tasty blocks at scandalous prices.
      • You WILL want to use "/shop update default" to set up some sensible default values for the items you will be adding, so you don't have to do so much typing for every item. (Or at least inspect the Default entry, to be sure you agree with it.)
      • If you want to make all of the items in the shop use dynamic pricing, set up the parameters in the Default item FIRST, so you don't have to go back and modify 100+ items to support variable pricing.

    DynamicMarket.settings Reference

    • DynamicMarket (.jar) (.7z) (iConomy 4.1, Permissions 2.5)
    • DynamicMarket 0.4.8 (.jar) (.7z) (iConomy 3.0, Permissions 2.1)
    • DynamicMarket (.jar) (.7z) (iConomy 2.1 / Cookies+iConomy Wrapper)
    • DynamicMarket Source on GitHub
    • items.db <-- Contains subtypes. Put this in /Plugins/DynamicMarket/.
    • SQLite Connector (reccomended) Put this in your MineCraft server/Bukkit root.
    • MySQL Installation Guide (not so easy, probably not recommended for SQL server beginners)
    • Sample shopDB.csv Many (but not all) items, set up for floating-stock+floating-prices. Edit it if you like, then put this in your Plugins/DynamicMarket folder and use /shop importdb to load the items into your shop.
    DynamicMarket Wrapper Plugins:
    • DMWrapper: Restricts shop access to specific regions. Outdated.
    Want to integrate DynamicMarket's shop functions into your own plugin? Read this!
    To Do List(s) (open)

    To Do for v.0.5:
    • Logging of transactions. Done.
      • Global messages to alert to price changes.
    • Item classes: Use Permissions to control access to certain types of items, i.e. make safe items (gravel, stone, iron) available to anyone, but limit traffic in dangerous items (TNT, lava buckets, monster spawners) to VIPs. (For example.)
    • Customizable interface/highlight colours. Done.
    • Clean up the d*** out-of-date comments in the code. (Working on it.)
    To Do before 1.0:
    • Optional auto-transactions triggered by price disparities in raw/processed materials.
    • Possible migration of the new help system to a separate plugin, unless the expanded features needed become available in MCDocs or Bukkit.
    • Migrate config file handler to Yaml.
    • Random fluctuations of stock levels (would make the market more lively on a low-population server)
    • Stock levels drift back to rolling averages (smoothes out short-term price spikes, allows for long-term price drifting)

    Recent Changes:
    • Migrated to Permissions 2.5, iConomy 4.1.
    • shopLabel moved from a table name suffix to a table field.
    • Using "all" as the item name now applies the given tags to all items with the current shopLabel.
    • Altering an item's bundleSize now changes its stock level, as well as its basePrice.
      • New stock level is rounded down, to stave off future item duplication issues.
    • Sanity-check behaviour changed to make database queries more efficient and fend off future exploits:
      • stockHighest/stockLowest set to stock if lower/higher than stock.
      • stockCeil/stockFloor is set to stockFloor if lower/higher than stock.
      • priceCeil is raised to priceFloor if priceCeil<priceFloor.
        • Previous behaviours: Swap if order wrong, range-crop stock if outside highest/lowest/floor/ceil.
    • Fixed bug: Adding items without specifying count did not import count from default record.
    • Upgraded to iConomy 3.0.
    • Rolled back iConomy calls to 2.x style, to be compatible with Cookies' iConomy wrapper.
    • Support for transaction funds to be backed by an iConomy account.
      • Account link parameters added to wrapper-call messages.
    • Wrapper calls streamlined.
    • Added basic transaction logging.
    • Volatility can now go as low as 0.
      • In this way, stock can still be counted without affecting price.
    • CSV import/export now uses +INF / -INF as shorthand for min/max values in applicable fields.
    • Message colours now customizable in DynamicMarket.settings.
    • Expanded help on tags/presets.
    • Changed "fixed" tag, splitting its function with "flat".
    • Added tag presets "flat" and "finite".
    • Updated tag "renorm" to accept an optional new stock level other than 0.
    Full Changelog

    • Nijikokun: SimpleShop v.1.1, on which this was based. (And for Permissions and iConomy, on which this relies.)
    • AtomicAcidBath: Assistance with tracking down a hard-to-see MySQL syntax error.
    SoapFlakes and Mahngiel like this.
  2. Offline

    SweetCraft Girl

    I am utterly confused by the syntax rules that i am ready to pull hair...anyones. Can someone please post their Shop file so i can convert it .csv and look at how to just type everything. I cannot even figure out how to add 1 gold block at 5000 to sell to store, and the variables so that the store never sells gold blocks and the price the store buys for drops if too many are sold - is that even possible, i could swear from reading that eye-twisting list of tags that it was possible. If someone can show me this syntax I think I can figure out the rest, and would be seriously grateful.

    Thank you
  3. Offline


    From Post #1:
    SweetCraft Girl likes this.
  4. Offline


    You want to sell the price the STORE sells at, not the price players buy from the store. That is set by sales tax. Though since you don't want players to be able to buy them, you could set 0% tax, I think.
    /shop add goldblock 5000 float st:0 !canbuy vol:10
    That will make the prices drop by 10% every 100 blocks sold.
    SweetCraft Girl likes this.
  5. Offline

    SweetCraft Girl

    Wow thank you so much! I really appreciate this.
  6. Offline


    Getting this error when reseting or importing

    2011-02-26 14:58:13 [SEVERE] [DynamicMarket]: Error executing statement [DROP TABLE Market;] with sqlite: java.sql.SQLException: database is locked
  7. Offline

    SweetCraft Girl

    Would have never ever figured that out....ever. Thank you very much!
  8. Offline


    I am running Craftbukkit version 450, Permissions 2.1, iConomy 4.0 (just downloaded it a minute ago), DynamicMarket v0.4.7.

    I have iConomy and DynamicMarket both pointing to my MySQL database. iConomy and DynamicMarket have both made tables in my minecraft database, so they are communicating with it properly.

    13:32:24 [SEVERE] com/nijikokun/bukkit/iConomy/iConomy (Is it up to date?)
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/nijikokun/bukkit/iConomy/iConomy
            at com.gmail.haloinverse.DynamicMarket.DynamicMarket.connectEconomy(DynamicMarket.java:256)
            at com.gmail.haloinverse.DynamicMarket.DynamicMarket.setupEconomy(DynamicMarket.java:242)
            at com.gmail.haloinverse.DynamicMarket.DynamicMarket.onEnable(DynamicMarket.java:107)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:117)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:419)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:187)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:80)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:61)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:204)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:191)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(MinecraftServer.java:131)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:246)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:366)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.nijikokun.bukkit.iConomy.iConomy
            at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
            at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.java:30)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:321)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:266)
            ... 13 more
    Over at the iConomy thread, I have been told by Nijikokun this is a DynamicMarket issue.
  9. Offline


    Most likely because DynamicMarket is still on iConomy 3
  10. Offline


    Ah ha, that would explain it.

    Guess I'll need to wait for DynamicMarket to be updated. Thanks for the info!
  11. Offline

    Nathan C

    Dude, thank you! This saved me so much time, it is not even funny...
    --- merged: Feb 27, 2011 7:21 AM ---
    How did the author just bail? This is the single mosted updated shop plugin. It is probably not updated, because it takes time, the current version works fine and the newest iconomy JUST came out.

    Jeez, cut him some slack.
    unya likes this.
  12. Offline


    Wasnt talking about this plugin author, was talking about the 3 shop plugins I've had to move on from in the past due to that problem, and each time have to setup a new economy, re price every damn block, teach new commands, etc...

    The core problem is that minecraft is too simple to hold people for an extended period of time. Plugin authors have fun by developing plugins but once it turns into pure maintenance, the fun disappears and so they will eventually move on. This puts a strain on server administrators who will eventually close their servers because after so many reiterations of plugins it becomes a headache to even look at the server, and the core game is developed at a snail's pace and without any features actually necessary to control the server. Notch's business is now centered on the shortest path to release - previously the shortest path to beta - and not developing a game with fully fleshed out features that the customers want and need - which will likely make Mojang a one-hit-wonder.

    I'm just frustrated and venting, and this is the thread it landed in. Nothing against this plugin or author ;)
  13. Offline


    The "latest" iConomy 3 isn't good enough either (in fact, it's completely broken), please update for iConomy 4.
  14. Offline


    I suck with maths, would anyone set up dynamic prices for me? :p
    --- merged: Feb 27, 2011 2:37 PM ---
    I got the values already in place, just need to figure out vol and all so it's realistic.
  15. Offline


    Try setting ivol instead. It calculates vol for you, but it's simpler - it's the number of items to change the stock by 100%. So setting ivol to 100 would make each item sold change the price by 1%.
  16. Offline


    Thanks for the tip, but seems tricky to balance it, and I need to give diamonds their own value too.
  17. Offline


    ivol is just like vol - you set it for each item in the store. In fact, it's really just a simpler way to set vol.
  18. Offline


    Yup, I know. :)

    Would be fun to see DMWrapper implemented or updated.
  19. Offline


    Bump for iConomy 4.0 :/
  20. Offline


    It really depends on the volume of trading you do. In a very high volume market (like if you have 50 players that constantly buy and sell things) prices will rapidly adapt even at a relatively low volatility (20-50). If you have very few players, or your players don't buy and sell much, you should use a higher volatility (150-250). On items like cobblestone, where people are likely to buy and sell thousands of them, you may want to set volatility down to just a few points (0-3).

    Also interesting: you can set a good (diamonds for example) to have a very high volatility, and very low sales tax, and allow for a crude form of investing (a player can buy diamonds, wait for someone else to buy some, and then sell theirs back for more, but if someone sells them first the player loses money).

    You may want to have an initial period of high volatility (to set prices) and then drop it later (may be best done by exporting and reimporting the DB) This will match prices to your server better than you can do by hand, and will achieve fairly rapid results.
  21. Offline


  22. Offline


    This is really the last plugin that needs to be updated so that my server can go public :/
  23. Offline


    Updated to work for iConomy4 or with a specific CB build ?
  24. Offline


    To both = Nope.

    Edit: Well.. actually a specific CB build yes, but you'd only want to use this plugin with iConomy 4.0 - so no.
  25. Offline


    1. Will this be updated for iConomy 4.0?
    2. Is it possible to make the market completely player-generated? Like, if a player sells a stack of diamond, the shop will then contain 64 additional diamond?
  26. Offline


    I believe this setting does what you want.
  27. Offline


    I've updated my items.db and it still says unknown in the discription in the shop of an item, i've tried like 3 different things I have iconomy and everything up to date, but still nothing, i'm using cb 432.
  28. Offline


    I think this no longer works with Iconomy 4.
  29. Offline


    1. I hope so. :(
    2. Yes, look at the tags.
  30. Offline


  31. Offline



    I'm having an issue with DynamicMarket. I'm on MySQL, the latest recommended bukkit build, iConomy 4, permissions 2.4, BigBrother 1.63 and the latest essentials. Everything works fine until I install DynamicMarket. What am I missing?

    With DyamicMarket
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: JVM cannot use large page memory beca
    use it does not have enough privilege to lock pages in memory.
    2011-02-28 12:29:30 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.3
    2011-02-28 12:29:30 [INFO] Loading properties
    2011-02-28 12:29:30 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    2011-02-28 12:29:30 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit
    -0.0.0-458-g557f3d2-b440jnks (MC: 1.3)
    2011-02-28 12:29:30 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
    2011-02-28 12:29:30 [INFO] Preparing start region
    2011-02-28 12:29:31 [INFO] [Permissions] version [2.4] (Phoenix) was Initialized
    2011-02-28 12:29:32 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Cleaned out 0 records because of age
    2011-02-28 12:29:32 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Permissions enabled.
    2011-02-28 12:29:32 [INFO] [BBROTHER] BigBrother 1.6.3 enabled
    2011-02-28 12:29:33 [SEVERE] com/nijikokun/bukkit/iConomy/iConomy (Is it up to d
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/nijikokun/bukkit/iConomy/iConomy
            at com.gmail.haloinverse.DynamicMarket.DynamicMarket.connectEconomy(Dyna
            at com.gmail.haloinverse.DynamicMarket.DynamicMarket.setupEconomy(Dynami
            at com.gmail.haloinverse.DynamicMarket.DynamicMarket.onEnable(DynamicMar
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:140)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManage
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:79)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:60)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:187)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:174)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(MinecraftServer.java:120)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:227)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:366)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.nijikokun.bukkit.iConomy.iConom
            at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
            at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
            ... 13 more
    2011-02-28 12:29:33 [INFO] Done (3392661354ns)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: JVM cannot use large page memory beca
    use it does not have enough privilege to lock pages in memory.
    2011-02-28 12:30:52 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.3
    2011-02-28 12:30:52 [INFO] Loading properties
    2011-02-28 12:30:52 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    2011-02-28 12:30:52 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit
    -0.0.0-458-g557f3d2-b440jnks (MC: 1.3)
    2011-02-28 12:30:52 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
    2011-02-28 12:30:52 [INFO] Preparing start region
    2011-02-28 12:30:53 [INFO] [Permissions] version [2.4] (Phoenix) was Initialized
    2011-02-28 12:30:54 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Cleaned out 0 records because of age
    2011-02-28 12:30:54 [INFO] [BBROTHER] Permissions enabled.
    2011-02-28 12:30:54 [INFO] [BBROTHER] BigBrother 1.6.3 enabled
    2011-02-28 12:30:55 [INFO] ÂșeLoaded Essentials build 243 maintained by Zenexer,
    ementalo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-02-28 12:30:55 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsChat build 243 by Zenexer, ementalo,
     Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-02-28 12:30:55 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsGod build 243 by Zenexer, ementalo,
    Eris, and EggRoll
    2011-02-28 12:30:55 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsHelp build 243 by Zenexer, ementalo,
     Eris, and EggRoll
    2011-02-28 12:30:55 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsHome build 243 by Zenexer, ementalo,
     Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-02-28 12:30:55 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsProtect build 243 maintained by Zene
    xer, ementalo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-02-28 12:30:56 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsSpawn build 243 maintained by Zenexe
    r, ementalo, Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-02-28 12:30:56 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsTele build 243 by Zenexer, ementalo,
     Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-02-28 12:30:56 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsWarp build 243 by Zenexer, ementalo,
     Aelux, and Brettflan
    2011-02-28 12:30:56 [INFO] [iConomy] Logging is currently disabled.
    2011-02-28 12:30:56 [INFO] [iConomy] v4.0 (Kristen) loaded.
    2011-02-28 12:30:56 [INFO] [iConomy] Developed By: [Nijikokun, Coelho]
    2011-02-28 12:30:56 [INFO] [iConomy] Successfully linked with Permissions.
    2011-02-28 12:30:56 [INFO] [Permissions] version [2.4] (Phoenix)  loaded
    2011-02-28 12:30:56 [INFO] Done (4337545674ns)! For help, type "help" or "?"

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