[INACTIVE][ECON] BankAccount v.0.5.1 - Shared Bank Accounts [860]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by TAT, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. Offline


    [​IMG]BankAccount v0.5.1
    IRC @ irc.esper.net/#BankAccount
    Team: TAT

    Download 0.5.1 (JAR, TAR.GZ, ZIP)
    Earlier versions: 0.2-0.5
    Source Code @ Github

    BankAccount enables the players to open shared bank accounts with each other.
    The players with access to an account can deposit, withdraw and transfer money.

    Searching for coders and testers
    If you are interested in code and/or test BankAccount, please send a PM to TAT.

    Error reporting and feature requests
    Please use our Redmine system for this: http://redmine.earthgame.dk
    Requirements (open)

    • iConomy, BOSEconomy or Essentials Economy
    • mysql-connector-java-bin (Found here) (NOTE: must be included to Java ext folder - instructions included in Readme)
    • sqlitejdbc-v056 (Found here) (NOTE: must be included to Java ext folder - instructions included in Readme)
    Features (open)

    • Open a shared bank account between each other
    • Deposit/withdraw money between economy account and shared bank account
    • Transfer money between shared bank accounts
    • Password protect shared bank accounts (Case-sensitive)
    • Amounts on accounts can gain interest over time
    • Use commands global or in bank areas
    • Loan system
    Todo (open)

    • NPC??? (Perhaps)
    Permissions Nodes (open)
    Commands (open)
    Admin commands
    • /account help [page]
    • /account open <accountname> [players]
    • /account info <accountname>
    • /account list
    • /account balance <accountname>
    • /account adduser <accountname> <player>
    • /account removeuser <accountname> <player>
    • /account password <accountname> [password]
    • /account deposit <accountname> <amount>
    • /account withdraw <accountname> <amount> [password]
    • /account transfer <from account> <to account> <amount> [password]
    • /account loan <amount>
    • /account pay <amount>
    • /account close <accountname> [password]
    • /account select
    • /account setarea <areaname>
    • /account removearea <areaname>
    Documentation @ GitHub
    Howto videos (open)
    Basic Setup (open)
    MySQL Setup (open)
    Area Setup (open)
    Features planned for next release (open)

    • Separate banks with separate accounts (like in reality) [option]
    Changelog (open)
    Version 0.5.1
    • Added permissionnode for list command (Included in basic permission)
    • Added possibility to disable interest and loan debug output
    • Accounts no longer case-sensitive
    • Code clean-up
    • Changed to use Register [GitHub Commit: 2071011cca5d89940f310dc39273be8bb7e517bc]
      • Now supports following economy plugins (iConomy preferred)
        • iConomy 4
        • iConomy 5
        • BOSEconomy
        • Essentials Economy
    • Updated to CraftBukkit #860
    • Removed response to multiple banks config
    • API changes
    Full changelog
    NEO and artimas22 like this.
  2. Offline


    This doesnt work for me at all. It once worked, then it doesnt and after an hour it does again. Seriously.
  3. Offline


    I haven't write anything that makes it not working after some time, so I have no idea why it's behaving like that. Seriously.

    I'm doing my best to support people, and it's kinda hard help when it's something that have happened months after last release...
    I'm working hard to make the next release, but still I'm the only programmer on this and I'm also have other things to work on.
    The other thing that's making the release taking so long, is new features and a lot of changes in the source code. Thereby it should be easier for other developers to integrate with BankAccount and there can be a lot more features.
  4. Offline


    @ TAT

    It seems to be, that you plugin doesnt work properly. Look at my Interest-Settings:
    #Interest settings
    #    Time: Minutes between updates
    #    Amount: % of account balance added to every account
    #    Online-limit: % of users and owners that needs to be online to gain online interest
    #    Offline-amount: % of account balance added to every account when player is offline
        Time: 45
        Amount: 0.07
        Online-limit: 1
        Offline-amount: 0
    People get 0.07% Interest every 45minutes. They must be online to get interest. I tested it with my bankaccount:


    According to my Settings I should get arround 2,49 D-Mark. But I got arround 17 D-Mark. which means that the interest rates is at 0,47% instead of 0,07%.

    All user together should get arround 18 D-Mark. But instead of this, they get arround 130 D-Mark (f.e.: 2011-08-12 16:15:21 [INFO] [BankAccount] Total given 129.14 D-Mark in interest)

    This exists, since We use v. 0.5.1 .
  5. Offline


    So, there were no problems in v.0.5?
    Are you using MySQL or flatfile (SQLite)?
  6. The commands vanished for me, I'm using RB 1000 and BankAccount v0.5.

    I wait patiently for a fix. :D

    EDIT: After removing the .db file the accounts are back again, if that helps at all.
  7. Offline


    Since 0.5.1 Interest don'work for me
    In config:
    #Interest settings
    #    Time is in minutes
    #    Amount is % of account balance added to every account
        Time: 60
        Amount: 0.1
    In Bank Accounts are around 150000
    Server Log shows:
    2011-08-15 01:22:06 [INFO] [BankAccount] Running interest system
    2011-08-15 01:22:06 [INFO] [BankAccount] Total given 0 Pfennige in interest
    2011-08-15 02:22:06 [INFO] [BankAccount] Running interest system
    2011-08-15 02:22:06 [INFO] [BankAccount] Total given 0 Pfennige in interest
    2011-08-15 03:22:06 [INFO] [BankAccount] Running interest system
    2011-08-15 03:22:06 [INFO] [BankAccount] Total given 0 Pfennige in interest
    2011-08-15 04:22:06 [INFO] [BankAccount] Running interest system
    2011-08-15 04:22:06 [INFO] [BankAccount] Total given 0 Pfennige in interest
    Help, please
  8. Offline


    I'm using BankAccount with the lastest version of Bukkit (1000) but my Users can't use the accounts, I gave them the permissions but there is still the you don't have permission error ...
    Can somebody help me ?
  9. Offline


    There were no problems in 0.5 . Not these Problems. I use SQLite. Because I´m not able to convert them to MySQL (I'm too stupid for it :p)


    Try to use the news config File (short version).
    in german (long version:D): Wechsel zur aktuellen Config! Die Config der neuen Version sieht etwas anders aus. TAT hat die ausgelesenen Variablen etwas geändert. Dementsprechend kann er nicht erkennen, wieviel Zinsen du eingestellt hast und gibt deshalb garkeine Zinsen. Nachdem ich jetzt nun die neuste nutze, gibt er zwar Zinsen, nun aber zu viel! Ein weiterer Bug.... Ich habe beschlossen, die Zinsen erstmal komplett zu deaktiveren, bis die neuste Version draußen ist.
  10. Offline


    Thanks alot
    i deleted the old config, reloaded, edit the new one, reloaded again and now i'm waiting it run the interest ....


    OK, works fine

    Works fine on CB1060
  11. Offline


    I've just installed this for the first time, we setup the bank properly, users can use the accounts properly, but interest isn't working.

        Time: 5
        Amount: .4
        Online-limit: 0
        Offline-amount: 0
    The debug message always shows 0.0 interest paid.
  12. Offline


    when i installed this plugin it worked great for about ten mins then it kicked everyone giving a read timed out error. i have had this error before but it seems that this plugin increases the chances of this happening. could it be that i dont have a mysql set up? if so how do I do that because all of the tutorials are VERY unhelpful.
  13. Offline


    I gave my Users the bankaccount.basic permission and deactivated regions, but when they try to open an account or use any bankaccount-command they get the message: You don't have permission ...
    Can anybody help me ?
  14. Offline


    2011-08-23 11:33:09 [WARNING] [BankAccount] Error #15-2: The last packet successfully received from the server was 48,590,502 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 48,590,502 milliseconds ago. is longer than the server configured value of 'wait_timeout'. You should consider either expiring and/or testing connection validity before use in your application, increasing the server configured values for client timeouts, or using the Connector/J connection property 'autoReconnect=true' to avoid this problem.

    I think this is the problem. But every other Plugin with mysql connection works perfect.
  15. Offline


    Wait what?! That means, that the connection is lost for about 13.5 hours!...
    I'm looking into that

    Have you given the bankaccount.access permission?

    Shouldn't have anything to do with MySQL

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2016
  16. Offline


    Upps, forgotten :oops: now it works fine:D Here is a [cake] for you
  17. Offline


    ya im not sure what it was it seemed to be fixed when i updated from 1000 to 1060. so the problem may not have been the plugin.
  18. Offline


    Omnomnom :D
  19. Offline


    one thing you could add is bank ownership. Like the interest on a loan would go to someone and the interest on a account would come from someone. This would be good because as of right now we are increasing the inflation rate in the server with each interest cycle because it is just making money (though if the interest rate is low enough it is not to bad).
  20. Offline


    Yes today morning I tipe /account info ... And I got this error. The Connection lost in the night.
  21. Offline


    How do I make people pay to open an account?
    heres my config:
    Percentage: % of money
    #    Static: static amount of money
        Mode: None
        Percentage: 0
        Static: 0
    #Start amount settings
    #Set startup amount of money on accounts on opening
    #    Active: true = activate // false = deactivate
    #    Fee: % of opening fee
    #    Static: static amount of money
        Active: true
        Fee: 1000
        Static: 1000
    #Account settings
    #    MaxAmount: 0 = no limit // > 0 = maximum amount of money on account
        MaxAmount: 0
    #Debug Output settings
    #    Loan: true = show informations from loan system // false = don't show informations from loan system
    #        Example: "[BankAccount] Loan start
    Can you edit it so that I make people pay to make bank acc?
  22. Offline


    Fee in v.0.5.1
    10 % of balance
        Mode: Percentage
        Percentage: 10
        Static: 0
    10 (coins/dollars/etc) of balance
        Mode: Static
        Percentage: 0
        Static: 10
    First 10 % then 10 (coins/dollars/etc) of balance
        Mode: Smart1
        Percentage: 10
        Static: 10
    First 10 (coins/dollars/etc) then 10 % of balance
        Mode: Smart2
        Percentage: 10
        Static: 10
    NOTE: These will change in v.0.6
  23. Offline


    Is it possible to make Bank accounts working with Chestshop 3 ?
  24. Offline


    Neat plugin!
  25. Offline


    it doesen't work to change the wand. i change the id but its always paper? anyway to fix this?
  26. Offline


    Did you restart the server after changing the ID?
  27. Offline


    yes i did :) and everytime i set Permissions = true the mod stops working. :/
  28. Offline


    Hmm, sounds really weird since paper isn't set anywhere else than the config...
    Please post your config (remember to make any password hidden)

    Which permissions plugin do you use?
  29. Offline


    #Plugin: BankAccount
    #Author: TAT

    #SQL Settings
    # Transaction: true = save transactions in table // false = don't save transactions
    # MySQL: true = database (MySQL) // false = flatfile (SQLite)
    # Host: [ONLY MySQL] Server IP or address to MySQL server (Same as Minecraft server: localhost)
    # Port: [ONLY MySQL] Server port to MySQL server (Default: 3306)
    # User: [ONLY MySQL] Username to MySQL
    # Pass: [ONLY MySQL] Password to MySQL
    # Database: [ONLY MySQL] Database where the data must be saved
    Transactions: true
    MySQL: false
    Host: localhost
    Port: 3306
    User: root
    Pass: password
    Database: minecraft

    #Config: SQL-tables (Account / Area / Loan / Transaction)
    #Doing: Names of SQL tables
    Account: bankaccounts
    Area: bankareas
    Loan: bankloans
    Transaction: banktransactions

    #Permissions settings (Permission plugins and other permission configs)
    # OP: false = use OP // false = don't use OP
    # Permissions: true = use Permissions // false = don't use Permissions
    # GroupManager: true = use GroupManager // false = don't use GroupManager
    # SuperAdmins: true = admins have access to all accounts // false = admins only have access to own accounts
    # DepositAll: true = players can deposit to all accounts // false = players can only deposit to own accounts (players must have permission to deposit)
    OP: false
    Permissions: flase
    GroupManager: true
    SuperAdmins: true
    DepositAll: true

    #Config: Areas
    #Doing: Is it possible to use commands global or in specific areas (example: banks or trade areas)?
    # Active: true = specific areas // false = global
    # AreaWandId: [Require areas enabled] 339 (Paper) // Other item ID
    # MultipleBanks: <FUTURE FEATURE>[Require areas enabled] true = there is multiple banks // false = there is only one bank
    Active: true
    AreaWandId: 268
    MultipleBanks: false

    #Interest settings
    # Time: Minutes between updates
    # Amount: % of account balance added to every account
    # Online-limit: % of users and owners that needs to be online to gain online interest
    # Offline-amount: % of account balance added to every account when player is offline
    Time: 5
    Amount: 1
    Online-limit: 1
    Offline-amount: 0.5

    #Loan settings
    # Active: true = activate // false = deactivate
    # Fixed-rate: 0 = no fixed rate // > 0 = fixed rate set to value
    # Rate: Variable rates after amount loaned (only if fixed-rate is set to zero)
    # Example: 0.01: 0.05
    # 50.01: 0.10
    # Loans from 0.01 => 50.00 there there will be a rate on 0.05
    # Loans from 50.01 => Max_amount there will be a rate on 0.10
    # Max-amount: 0.00 = No limit // > 0.00 = Highest amount that can be borrowed at a time (Note: only 1 loan at a time)
    # Payment-time: 0 = No deadline // > 0 = Deadline x minutes after loan taken (20 minutes = 1 Minecraft day)
    # Payment-parts: Split the payment up in x parts
    # Example: Payment-time: 60, Payment-parts: 3
    # The money must be paid back after 60 minutes (3 Minecraft days)
    # The money will be split in 3 parts and after 60/3 = 20 minutes (1 Minecraft day) the first part will be paid automatically
    Active: false
    Fixed-rate: 0.00
    0.01: 0.05
    50.01: 0.10
    100.01: 0.30
    200.01: 0.50
    Max-amount: 200
    Payment-time: 60
    Payment-parts: 3

    #Fee settings
    #Fee on opening account
    # Mode: Percentage/Static/Smart1/Smart2/None (Smart1: First percentage then static / Smart2: First static then percentage)
    # Percentage: % of money
    # Static: static amount of money
    Mode: None
    Percentage: 0
    Static: 0

    #Start amount settings
    #Set startup amount of money on accounts on opening
    # Active: true = activate // false = deactivate
    # Fee: % of opening fee
    # Static: static amount of money
    Active: false
    Fee: 0
    Static: 0

    #Account settings
    # MaxAmount: 0 = no limit // > 0 = maximum amount of money on account
    MaxAmount: 0

    #Debug Output settings
    # Loan: true = show informations from loan system // false = don't show informations from loan system
    # Example: "[BankAccount] Loan start
    # [BankAccount] TAT paid a part of the loan back
    # [BankAccount] Loan stop"
    # Interest: true = show informations from interest system // false = don't show informations from interest system
    # Example: "[BankAccount] Running interest system
    # [BankAccount] Total given 0.00 Dollars in interest"
    Loan: true
    Interest: true

    i've also tried with different items.

    i've tried to use essentials group manager and this one: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/in...sions-3-1-6-the-plugin-of-tomorrow-935.18430/.

    but it stops working when i set permissions = true
  30. Offline


    Hmm, can't see any problems :(
  31. Offline


    ohh well :/ thank you for you'r time

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