[INACTIVE][ECON] BankAccount v.0.5.1 - Shared Bank Accounts [860]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by TAT, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. Offline


    [​IMG]BankAccount v0.5.1
    IRC @ irc.esper.net/#BankAccount
    Team: TAT

    Download 0.5.1 (JAR, TAR.GZ, ZIP)
    Earlier versions: 0.2-0.5
    Source Code @ Github

    BankAccount enables the players to open shared bank accounts with each other.
    The players with access to an account can deposit, withdraw and transfer money.

    Searching for coders and testers
    If you are interested in code and/or test BankAccount, please send a PM to TAT.

    Error reporting and feature requests
    Please use our Redmine system for this: http://redmine.earthgame.dk
    Requirements (open)

    • iConomy, BOSEconomy or Essentials Economy
    • mysql-connector-java-bin (Found here) (NOTE: must be included to Java ext folder - instructions included in Readme)
    • sqlitejdbc-v056 (Found here) (NOTE: must be included to Java ext folder - instructions included in Readme)
    Features (open)

    • Open a shared bank account between each other
    • Deposit/withdraw money between economy account and shared bank account
    • Transfer money between shared bank accounts
    • Password protect shared bank accounts (Case-sensitive)
    • Amounts on accounts can gain interest over time
    • Use commands global or in bank areas
    • Loan system
    Todo (open)

    • NPC??? (Perhaps)
    Permissions Nodes (open)
    Commands (open)
    Admin commands
    • /account help [page]
    • /account open <accountname> [players]
    • /account info <accountname>
    • /account list
    • /account balance <accountname>
    • /account adduser <accountname> <player>
    • /account removeuser <accountname> <player>
    • /account password <accountname> [password]
    • /account deposit <accountname> <amount>
    • /account withdraw <accountname> <amount> [password]
    • /account transfer <from account> <to account> <amount> [password]
    • /account loan <amount>
    • /account pay <amount>
    • /account close <accountname> [password]
    • /account select
    • /account setarea <areaname>
    • /account removearea <areaname>
    Documentation @ GitHub
    Howto videos (open)
    Basic Setup (open)
    MySQL Setup (open)
    Area Setup (open)
    Features planned for next release (open)

    • Separate banks with separate accounts (like in reality) [option]
    Changelog (open)
    Version 0.5.1
    • Added permissionnode for list command (Included in basic permission)
    • Added possibility to disable interest and loan debug output
    • Accounts no longer case-sensitive
    • Code clean-up
    • Changed to use Register [GitHub Commit: 2071011cca5d89940f310dc39273be8bb7e517bc]
      • Now supports following economy plugins (iConomy preferred)
        • iConomy 4
        • iConomy 5
        • BOSEconomy
        • Essentials Economy
    • Updated to CraftBukkit #860
    • Removed response to multiple banks config
    • API changes
    Full changelog
    NEO and artimas22 like this.
  2. Offline


    ATM doesnt yet work with BankAccount, but @ChrizC is working on using the BankAccount API...
  3. Offline


    None at all so I'm clueless.
  4. Offline


    Getting "Could not create bankaccount" or something around those lines. I have * permissions. I'm in the bankarea (gives out of bank area message otherwise). It worked before I replaced our mysql server. So I tried with SQLite (or whatever it's called). Still gives the same message. No errors in console.

    Also: TAT, you rock.
  5. Offline


    Have you re-downloaded recently? We fixed this issue recently.

    This could be indicating that the if (!running) line is returning true, so it immediately returns false on the next line, thus why it's not throwing another error
    (Lines 173-174 of src/main/java/dk/earthgame/TAT/BankAccount/LoanSystem.java)

    Upon further review it could be line 177 returning false

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2016
  6. Offline


    I did redownload just before posting but no dice
    I did redownload again before posting this... No Dice! :C
  7. Offline


    Could you post up your config file? (Be sure to remove the user and pass from it if you're using MySQL)
  8. Offline


    #Plugin: BankAccount
    #Author: TAT
    #SQL Settings
    #    Transaction: true = save transactions in table // false = don't save transactions
    #    MySQL: true = database (MySQL) // false = flatfile (SQLite)
    #    Host:     [ONLY MySQL] Server IP or address to MySQL server (Same as Minecraft server: localhost)
    #    Port:     [ONLY MySQL] Server port to MySQL server (Default: 3306)
    #    User:     [ONLY MySQL] Username to MySQL
    #    Pass:     [ONLY MySQL] Password to MySQL
    #    Database: [ONLY MySQL] Database where the data must be saved
        Transactions: true
        MySQL: true
        Port: 3306
        User: xxxxx
        Pass: xxxxx
        Database: bankaccounts
    #Config: SQL-tables (Account / Area / Loan / Transaction)
    #Doing: Names of SQL tables
        Account: bankaccounts
        Area: bankareas
        Loan: bankloans
        Transaction: banktransactions
    #Permissions settings (Permission plugins and other permission configs)
    #    OP: true = use OP // false = don't use OP
    #    Permissions: true = use Permissions // false = don't use Permissions
    #    GroupManager: true = use GroupManager // false = don't use GroupManager
    #    SuperAdmins: true = admins have access to all accounts // false = admins only have access to own accounts
    #    DepositAll: true = players can deposit to all accounts // false = players can only deposit to own accounts (players must have permission to deposit)
        OP: true
        Permissions: false
        GroupManager: false
        SuperAdmins: true
        DepositAll: true
    #Config: Areas
    #Doing: Is it possible to use commands global or in specific areas (example: banks or trade areas)?
    #    Active: true = specific areas // false = global
    #    AreaWandId:    [Require areas enabled]  339 (Paper) // Other item ID
    #    MultipleBanks: <FUTURE FEATURE>[Require areas enabled]  true = there is multiple banks // false = there is only one bank
        Active: true
        AreaWandId: 339
        MultipleBanks: false
    #Interest settings
    #    Time: Minutes between updates
    #    Amount: % of account balance added to every account
    #    Online-limit: % of users and owners that needs to be online to gain online interest
    #    Offline-amount: % of account balance added to every account when player is offline
        Time: 5
        Amount: 0.01
        Online-limit: 2
        Offline-amount: 0.002
    #Loan settings
    #    Active: true = activate // false = deactivate
    #    Fixed-rate: 0 = no fixed rate // > 0 = fixed rate set to value
    #    Rate: Variable rates after amount loaned (only if fixed-rate is set to zero)
    #        Example: 0.01: 0.05
    #                 50.01: 0.10
    #                 Loans from 0.01 => 50.00 there there will be a rate on 0.05
    #                 Loans from 50.01 => Max_amount there will be a rate on 0.10
    #    Max-amount: 0.00 = No limit // > 0.00 = Highest amount that can be borrowed at a time (Note: only 1 loan at a time)
    #    Payment-time: 0 = No deadline // > 0 = Deadline x minutes after loan taken (20 minutes = 1 Minecraft day)
    #    Payment-parts: Split the payment up in x parts
    #        Example: Payment-time: 60, Payment-parts: 3
    #                 The money must be paid back after 60 minutes (3 Minecraft days)
    #                 The money will be split in 3 parts and after 60/3 = 20 minutes (1 Minecraft day) the first part will be paid automatically
        Active: false
        Fixed-rate: 0.00
            0.01: 0.05
            50.01: 0.10
            100.01: 0.30
            200.01: 0.50
        Max-amount: 200
        Payment-time: 60
        Payment-parts: 3
    #Fee settings
    #Fee on opening account
    #    Mode: Percentage/Static/Smart1/Smart2/None (Smart1: First percentage then static / Smart2: First static then percentage)
    #    Percentage: % of money
    #    Static: static amount of money
        Mode: Smart1
        Percentage: 10
        Static: 1000
    #Start amount settings
    #Set startup amount of money on accounts on opening
    #    Active: true = activate // false = deactivate
    #    Fee: % of opening fee
    #    Static: static amount of money
        Active: false
        Fee: 0
        Static: 0
    #Account settings
    #    MaxAmount: 0 = no limit // > 0 = maximum amount of money on account
        MaxAmount: 0
    #Debug Output settings
    #    Loan: true = show informations from loan system // false = don't show informations from loan system
    #        Example: "[BankAccount] Loan start
    #                  [BankAccount] TAT paid a part of the loan back
    #                  [BankAccount] Loan stop"
    #    Interest: true = show informations from interest system // false = don't show informations from interest system
    #        Example: "[BankAccount] Running interest system
    #                  [BankAccount] Total given 0.00 Dollars in interest"
        Loan: true
        Interest: true
    There we go. Should I re-generate the config?
  9. Offline


    No, I don't think that's nessesary.
    Could you provide me with a .SQL dump of the database as well?

    EDIT: If you're using permissions you should set OP to false and Permissiosns to true.
  10. Offline



    EDIT: Fail. I am now fixing this hiccup of permissionness.

    Attached Files:

  11. Offline


    Are there any errors in the console when loading?
    If you're using permissions or GroupManager you should set OP to false and set either Permissions or GroupManager to true. Try it then.
  12. Offline


    All it says is
    23:38:30 [INFO] BankAccount version 0.5.1 is enabled!
    23:38:30 [INFO] [BankAccount] Config file found!
    23:38:30 [INFO] [BankAccount] Properties Loaded
    23:38:30 [INFO] [BankAccount] Connected to MySQL
    23:38:30 [INFO] [BankAccount] Established connection with Permissions!
    23:38:30 [INFO] [iConomy] Logging is currently disabled.
    23:38:30 [INFO]  - Updating MySQL Database for latest iConomy
    23:38:30 [INFO] [iConomy] Error updating database: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdb
    c4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Duplicate column name 'hidden'
    23:38:30 [INFO] [iConomy] v5.01 (Eruanna) loaded.
    23:38:30 [INFO] [iConomy] Developed by: [Nijikokun]
    23:38:30 [INFO] [iConomy] hooked into Permissions.
    23:38:30 [INFO] [BankAccount] Payment method found (iConomy version: 5)
    23:38:30 [INFO] [BankAccount] Running interest every 5 minutes by 0.01%
    23:38:30 [INFO] [BankAccount] Established connection with economy!
    I see an iConomy error but no BankAccount errors =P

    Oh yeah, fixed permissions. Still gives me "ATM: Couldn't create bank account"

    EDIT: iConomy seems to be working fine, I can grant and transfer money all I want.
  13. Offline


    Could you tell me the exact command that you're typing?
  14. Offline


    /account open melandor0
  15. Offline


    Do you have enough money to pay the fee of opening an account?

    EDIT: Calculated to at least 1111.12 is needed

    To inform people, I'm thinking of a release of 0.6 soon.
    It's going to include a few new things:
    - More debug (this will be used when you want to report a bug or error, so I and others can support better)
    - More fee options
    - Signs showing balance (auto updating)
    - Bug fixes

    It would be awesome if I could have some testers while I'm developing on it :D
    It's just so sad, that there are people having problems using BankAccount with 0.5.1 :(

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2016
  16. Offline



    I had about 1050 coins...
  17. Offline


    @TAT Make sure this release has some clearer debug messages, as well as things like "You don't have enough money to open a bank account!"
  18. Offline


    Yeah, That will also be "upgraded" in 0.6
  19. Offline


    It was brought to my attention by my players that when we upgraded the banking system to 0.5.1 the interest stopped adding to the user accounts. The following is the error that the log and console is showing. In our SQL data base a users column is present. Any help solving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

    2011-06-28 01:08:51 [INFO] [BankAccount] Running interest system
    2011-06-28 01:08:51 [WARNING] [BankAccount] Couldn't execute interest
    2011-06-28 01:08:51 [INFO] [BankAccount] java.sql.SQLException: Column 'users' not found.
    2011-06-28 01:08:51 [INFO] [BankAccount] Total given 0.00 Nobs in interest
  20. Offline


    Please try to redownload

    As some may have noticed, my Redmine have been really slow.
    Therefore I have decided to move it to another server that should make it work a bit faster.
    It's still the same link as before.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2016
  21. Offline


    Everything works fine (after running the sql statements on page 15) except interest for me. I would be willing to test version 6 if your still looking for testers.
  22. Offline


    I went ahead and did a fresh installation when 0.5.1 came out, and we dont have any error at all so far, interest works out of the box for us. (bank areas enabled, multiple banks and loans disabled)
  23. Offline


    Same here, i let my config regenerate etc. Only thing i kept was my databases, otherwise converting 100 accounts and cashing them out manually would take forever. Time i wish i had at the moment.
  24. Offline


    Yes, I also have updated my OP to say that I'm looking for testers :D

    I think that our main platform to intern communication between me and testers will be IRC, but send me a PM if you're still interested :D

    @NEO @GmK

    Sounds great that it works flawless :D
    When I say that there were problems, I mainly think of the period of time that were spent fixing errors and bugs after the release (and therefore required a few redownloads from the users)

    I believe that it's something that could be reduced if I got some testers that could test the releases pre-release or perhaps during development :D
    Also, if a tester thinks that something needs redesign, then they could tell me before release and I could change this for the release.
  25. For some reason the permissions arent setting up right, everything works for me but the permissions nodes arent working. (I have the main one too)
  26. Offline


    Please post your config of BankAccount
  27. Offline


    Same problem here :

    bukkit 553
    Bankaccount 0.5.1
    permission 3

    In admin account no prob but the moderator can't use
    /account -->you don't have access to use BankAccount

            default: false
                prefix: '&8'
                suffix: ''
                build: false
                interact: false
                rank: 2
            inheritance: 'null'
            permissions: []
            default: true
                prefix: '&f'
                suffix: ''
                build: false
                interact: false
                rank: 1
            inheritance: 'null'
            - mcdocs.*
            - scrollingmenusign.execute
            - scrollingmenusign.scroll
            default: false
                prefix: '&2'
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                interact: true
                rank: 10
            inheritance: 'null'
            - mcdocs.*
            - jail.usercmd.jailstatus
            - essentials.suicide
            - essentials.me
            - essentials.tpa
            - essentials.tpdeny
            - essentials.help
            - scrollingmenusign.execute
            - essentials.compass
            - lwc.protect
            - essentials.tpaccept
            - wormhole.use.dialer
            - iConomyChestShop.shop.buy
            - essentials.rules
            - essentials.helpop
            - wormhole.simple.use
            - iConomyChestShop.command.iteminfo
            - essentials.msg
            - MobBounty.mb
            - landmarks.own
            - iConomy.list
            - buyabilities.abilities.fun
            - essentials.warp
            - wormhole.network.use
            - wxw.spawn
            - essentials.pay
            - buyabilities.use
            - essentials.worth
            - essentials.list
            - essentials.balance
            - landmarks.remove.own
            - iConomy.payment
            - essentials.mail.send
            - essentials.mail
            - wormhole.use.sign
            - iConomyChestShop.shop.sell
            - essentials.spawn
            - essentials.motd
            - essentials.afk
            - scrollingmenusign.scroll
            - essentials.chat.shout
            - landmarks.add
            default: false
                prefix: '&b'
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                rank: 50
            - Maire
            - essentials.tphere
            - essentials.back
            - essentials.protect
            - essentials.ext
            - permissions.create
            - jail.command.jail
            - nospawn.allowspawn
            - essentials.tppos
            - bankaccount.admin
            - wormhole.simple.build
            - prekick.on
            - essentials.tp
            - permissions.parents.add
            - essentials.getpos
            - jail.command.jailcheck
            - essentials.unbanip
            - essentials.whois
            - landmark.modify.all
            - essentials.kick
            - nospawn.despawn
            - essentials.back.ondeath
            - essentials.ban
            - essentials.banip
            - nospawn.denyspawn
            - jail.command.unjail
            - bb.admin.*
            - landmark.remove.all
            - permissions.delete
            - essentials.unban
            - lwc.admin
            default: false
                prefix: '&d'
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                interact: true
                rank: 30
            - Citoyen
            - tetris.use
            - essentials.back
            default: false
                prefix: '&6'
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                interact: true
                rank: 20
            - Citoyen
            - essentials.nick
            - iConomy.bank.deposit
            - iConomy.bank.join
            - iConomy.bank.join.multiple
            - iConomy.bank.withdraw
            - iConomy.bank.main
            - iConomy.bank.access
            default: false
                prefix: '&1'
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                interact: true
                rank: 80
            - Moderator
            - essentials.world
            - essentials.tptoggle
            - essentials.togglejail
            - essentials.signs.trade.create
            - essentials.jump
            - essentials.setwarp
            - essentials.signs.buy.use
            - essentials.kill
            - essentials.kit
            - essentials.tpahere
            - essentials.signs.protection.use
            - essentials.signs.disposal.use
            - essentials.signs.protection.create
            - essentials.delwarp
            - essentials.tpo
            - essentials.signs.disposal.create
            - essentials.portal
            - essentials.depth
            - essentials.broadcast
            - essentials.top
            - essentials.signs.mail.use
            - essentials.signs.trade.use
            - essentials.signs.sell.use
            - essentials.signs.heal.use
            - essentials.signs.mail.create
            - essentials.signs.free.use
            - prekick.off
            - essentials.time
            - essentials.clearinventory
            - essentials.cooldown.bypass
            - essentials.deljail
            - essentials.give
            - essentials.god
            - essentials.heal
            - essentials.heal.others
            - essentials.invsee
            - essentials.item
            - essentials.jails
            - essentials.kickall
            - essentials.kit.*
            - essentials.mute
            - essentials.setjail
            - essentials.signs.protection.override
            - essentials.spawnmob
            - essentials.teleport.cooldown.bypass
            - essentials.teleport.timer.bypass
            - essentials.togglejail
            - essentials.burn
            default: false
                prefix: '&8'
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                interact: true
                rank: 100
            - SemiAdmin
            - '*'
    and bankaccount config :
    #Plugin: BankAccount
    #Author: TAT
    #SQL Settings
    #    Transaction: true = save transactions in table // false = don't save transactions
    #    MySQL: true = database (MySQL) // false = flatfile (SQLite)
    #    Host:     [ONLY MySQL] Server IP or address to MySQL server (Same as Minecraft server: localhost)
    #    Port:     [ONLY MySQL] Server port to MySQL server (Default: 3306)
    #    User:     [ONLY MySQL] Username to MySQL
    #    Pass:     [ONLY MySQL] Password to MySQL
    #    Database: [ONLY MySQL] Database where the data must be saved
        Transactions: true
        MySQL: false
        Host: localhost
        Port: 3306
        User: root
        Pass: password
        Database: minecraft
    #Config: SQL-tables (Account / Area / Loan / Transaction)
    #Doing: Names of SQL tables
        Account: bankaccounts
        Area: bankareas
        Loan: bankloans
        Transaction: banktransactions
    #Permissions settings (Permission plugins and other permission configs)
    #    OP: true = use OP // false = don't use OP
    #    Permissions: true = use Permissions // false = don't use Permissions
    #    GroupManager: true = use GroupManager // false = don't use GroupManager
    #    SuperAdmins: true = admins have access to all accounts // false = admins only have access to own accounts
    #    DepositAll: true = players can deposit to all accounts // false = players can only deposit to own accounts (players must have permission to deposit)
        OP: false
        Permissions: true
        GroupManager: false
        SuperAdmins: false
        DepositAll: true
    #Config: Areas
    #Doing: Is it possible to use commands global or in specific areas (example: banks or trade areas)?
    #    Active: true = specific areas // false = global
    #    AreaWandId:    [Require areas enabled]  339 (Paper) // Other item ID
    #    MultipleBanks: <FUTURE FEATURE>[Require areas enabled]  true = there is multiple banks // false = there is only one bank
        Active: false
        AreaWandId: 339
        MultipleBanks: false
    #Interest settings
    #    Time: Minutes between updates
    #    Amount: % of account balance added to every account
    #    Online-limit: % of users and owners that needs to be online to gain online interest
    #    Offline-amount: % of account balance added to every account when player is offline
        Time: 5
        Amount: 1
        Online-limit: 1
        Offline-amount: 0.5
    #Loan settings
    #    Active: true = activate // false = deactivate
    #    Fixed-rate: 0 = no fixed rate // > 0 = fixed rate set to value
    #    Rate: Variable rates after amount loaned (only if fixed-rate is set to zero)
    #        Example: 0.01: 0.05
    #                 50.01: 0.10
    #                 Loans from 0.01 => 50.00 there there will be a rate on 0.05
    #                 Loans from 50.01 => Max_amount there will be a rate on 0.10
    #    Max-amount: 0.00 = No limit // > 0.00 = Highest amount that can be borrowed at a time (Note: only 1 loan at a time)
    #    Payment-time: 0 = No deadline // > 0 = Deadline x minutes after loan taken (20 minutes = 1 Minecraft day)
    #    Payment-parts: Split the payment up in x parts
    #        Example: Payment-time: 60, Payment-parts: 3
    #                 The money must be paid back after 60 minutes (3 Minecraft days)
    #                 The money will be split in 3 parts and after 60/3 = 20 minutes (1 Minecraft day) the first part will be paid automatically
        Active: false
        Fixed-rate: 0.00
            0.01: 0.05
            50.01: 0.10
            100.01: 0.30
            200.01: 0.50
        Max-amount: 200
        Payment-time: 60
        Payment-parts: 3
    #Fee settings
    #Fee on opening account
    #    Mode: Percentage/Static/Smart1/Smart2/None (Smart1: First percentage then static / Smart2: First static then percentage)
    #    Percentage: % of money
    #    Static: static amount of money
        Mode: None
        Percentage: 0
        Static: 0
    #Start amount settings
    #Set startup amount of money on accounts on opening
    #    Active: true = activate // false = deactivate
    #    Fee: % of opening fee
    #    Static: static amount of money
        Active: false
        Fee: 0
        Static: 0
    #Account settings
    #    MaxAmount: 0 = no limit // > 0 = maximum amount of money on account
        MaxAmount: 0
    #Debug Output settings
    #    Loan: true = show informations from loan system // false = don't show informations from loan system
    #        Example: "[BankAccount] Loan start
    #                  [BankAccount] TAT paid a part of the loan back
    #                  [BankAccount] Loan stop"
    #    Interest: true = show informations from interest system // false = don't show informations from interest system
    #        Example: "[BankAccount] Running interest system
    #                  [BankAccount] Total given 0.00 Dollars in interest"
        Loan: true
        Interest: true
    thanks for your help
  28. Offline


    Your moderator group doesn't have bankaccount.access permissionnode.
    BankAccount.access overrides all other BankAccount permissionnodes.
  29. Offline


    Oo Thanks !
  30. Offline

    Daniel Heppner

    Nice redmine system you've got there...
  31. Offline



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