[Inactive] DispNameChanger 3.0 - Change Names! + Spout [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by captainawesome7, Apr 16, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Inactive. Being replaced by:
    DispNameChanger 3.o - Change anybody's display name!

    Version: 3.0
    DispNameChanger is a plugin that lets you easily change your display name or any other player's display name. I know there are other plugins that do this, but I think this is the only one (aside from /nick in essentials) that allows you to change YOUR name and ANYONE's name and permissions support. It now saves your name after you leave and loads it when you come back! *NEW* With Spout, this plugin also changes the name above the player's head and sends you a fancy notification!

    • Change the display name of a specified player, including yourself
    • Spout: If installed, changes player's names above heads
    • Permissions Support (Default is Permissions 2.7.x or 3.x) if not found, uses SuperPerms
    • PERSISTENCE! (Thanks to @Sammy for that one, he helped me a TON)
    • Supports Colors! (Thanks to @itsatacoshop247)
    • IMPORTANT: This plugin conflicts with Essentials, it doesn't work with this plugin. If you have essentials, you can just use /nick and change the nickname character to '' in the config, so it basically does the same thing :)
    Commands (open)
    Commands (open)

    The permissions default to the Permissions Plugin 2.7.x or 3.x
    If you don't have it installed it uses SuperPerms(PermissionsBukkit, bPermissions)
    • /rename <player> <new> - Changes the specified player to the specified name
    • /rename <player> - Resets the player's name
    • /rename - Reset's your own name
    • /checkname <player> - Checks the player's name (Not really working)

    The source code is included in the .jar (/me/captain/dnc/)

    Planned Changes
    None so far

    Version 3.0
    • This one was largely a community update.
    • New Features by Daxiongmao87:
      • New Permission nodes.
        • dispname.change for regular changing of your own name
        • dispname.changeother for regular changing of other's names (requires dispname.change)
        • dispname.changespace for changing names w/ spaces in them (requires dispname.change)
        • dispname.check for checking names (not really working)
    • New Features by Luke Zwekii:
      • Spout support!
    • If you run into any problems, be sure to let me know!
    Version 2.0
    • Added name above head changing support with BukkitContrib. If it isn't installed nothing will happen in regard to names above heads. Also, you have to have the BukkitContrib client mod installed to be able to see the changes.
    • Made join messages and leave messages use display name
    Changelog Cont. (open)
    Changelog Cont. (open)

    Version 1.4.2
    • Added the spaces into the name again, if you are using the iJobs plugin, don't update
    Version 1.4.1
    • Fixed the 'could not pass player join' error.
    Version 1.4
    • Fixed the conflict with iJobs, the plugin will no longer load your name if there is a space in it :)
    Version 1.3
    • PERSISTENCE YEEEAAAAHHHH (thanks to @Sammy)
    • ^Saves your name when you leave and loads it when you return :p ^
    Version 1.2
    • Added your name reset when you type /rename with no parameters, I will change this to /resetname soon
    Version 1.1
    Version 1.0
    • Original Release!

    [​IMG] To me to support my plugins :)
    Share the love with @Daxiongmao87 and @Luke Zwekii , They earned it!
  2. Offline


    Hey captain, are you ever going to add some sort of prefix/suffix capabilities? I love being able to name myself whatever I want but it would be epic to be able to provide prefixes/suffixes to my peeps too. Is there ever a chance of that being added? :D
  3. Offline


    That should actually be pretty easy to do, I just updated SimpleAntiGrief, so I'm kind of busy with testing and making sure that I didn't break it, but I can most likely get around to adding a prefix and suffix by tomorrow :)
  4. Offline


    Omg, your awesome! :D I run a small server with a few friends and I have been loading up with epic plugins. Not to sound like a suck up or anything but I love your plugin :D Thanks for replying so quickly too! Keep up the epic work dude :)
  5. Offline


    Nameplate isnt working it still says my friends name
    but his chat name is changed
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    You could make it if you wanted to - look into BukkitContrib ;)

    It would be a nice addition to your plugin
  8. Offline


    Testing, looks promising!

    Tested, this plugin is super win!

    Thanks for this.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  9. Offline

    Brody Romhanyi

    does it change the name above your head? that other ppl seee?
  10. Offline


    O my god ppl
    DispNameChanger 1.4.2 - Change anybody's display name!
  11. Offline


    Omg yay now I can do prefixes and suffixes :DDDD THANK YOU!! :D
  12. Offline

    Brody Romhanyi

    thats pretty dumb then....
  13. Offline


    You're retarded. It isn't possible without a client mod.
  14. Offline


    @Brody Romhanyi @Qwertyuiop8 @Slyvr89 @Teraku @teigen01
    There you go. Added name above head changes with the BukkitContrib server plugin installed. You won't see the changes unless you have the BukkitContrib client mod installed as well.
  15. Offline



    How do you change the name above the heads?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  16. Offline


    Haha Ill like to scare my friends Thx
  17. Offline


    Its the same as before. Just /rename <player> <newname>. You need to have the BukkitContrib server plugin installed and the BukkitContrib client mod installed to see the above head changes though.

    Not my problem.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    Well I have installed the client mod and bukkitcontrib for the server... No change though, I'm gonna get another dispnamechanger.jar and see if that helps...
  20. Offline


    Well it works perfectly for me, so it must be a user problem.
  21. Offline


    Seems like it, but it doesn't work, so I'm just gonna stick with chat name changing, that is honestly all I needed, I just thought that Name Plates would be a cool addition :)
  22. Offline


    Can you use this for ichat? :)
  23. Offline


    Yes you can
  24. Offline


    Because when i change my name i write /rename Paja Pii and its not working when i type something , it just says [0wner]Paja. But if i use /who it says that im pii. :O
  25. Offline


    What does your iChat config look like?
  26. Offline


    censor-list: []
    censor-color: '&f'
    date-format: HH:mm:ss
    message-format: '[+prefix+group+suffix&f] +name: +message'
    censor-char: '*'
    censor-string-color: '&f'
    censor-colored: false

    It sounds like a really good plugin and i want it to work :D
  27. Offline


    message-format: '[+prefix+group+suffix&f] +name: +message'
    I think that should work fine.
  28. Offline


    Thanks again for this plugin Captain Awesome. Without this our rp server be not, an rp server!@
  29. Offline


    I had that and i tried it again , it doesent work :(
  30. Offline


    try +displayname
  31. Offline


    You have to use the @TaG or quote him, he can't tell you posted that.
    Try +displayname instead of +name

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